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ans murnane rest in peace

so much interesting material on colonchat
colonchat parathyroid issue

bloody wonderful, about time, seems like the state of the art they dream of is what i have been doing with the suggestions of my friends here.

do we really know alot more than all the scientists? YES they are limited by trial design and science itselof, whereas we are only limited by our capacity to survive and overcome the obstatcles this illness brings. ethics committees are for rats and monkeys, the terminally ill with a count down timer ticking, well we need access beyond ethics, its simple anyone with metastatic crc in my opinion should do the absolute most aggressive and effective therapies available, after they get success, well then they can tell the doctors and the scientists. but guess what ? they really dont give a SXXX, from my personal experience. the only ones who care.

even the stuff they present here is bloody backward, and not focusing on copntrolling micrometastatic disease and strategies to stop my recurrent mets in new spots. they still dont talk about any of the aggressive german alternative therapies, they just say oh immunotherapies dont work well on corpses, ie heavily treated crc chemo patients, they have known that for decades, they still dont have the balls to tell patients the facts. ditch chemo, try immunotherapies, at least then you have a good shot at life, a really good shot, if you got money, very sad but true in my experience.

they have not even used blue scorpion venom or met therapy to control tregs. they just aint desperate enough to have a go, they are playing the science game, where we play the survival game.

colonchat scientist latest breakthroughs, they still have there heads up the FXXXXXX ass! while we die of course, and they say we are trying, wrong the only truth is we are dieing. that for certain, they can all get FXXXXXX as far as I am concerned. the truth is the drug based oncologists have the immunotherapists that shit scared they wont mount a full front on attack of the murderous corrupt bastards the oncology profession is. the class actions against oncologists that i dream of starting, well that brings joy to my heart, for every dollar in damages we earn will be a 1000 lives saved or extended.

very soon metabolic therapy, immunotherapy and the most basic of sound holistic management will be the right of every crc patient, of every cancer patient.

oh where will the oncologists be ? ALL IN BLOODY GOAL! where they belong, the immunotherapists will inherit the earth, while the ONCOLOGISTS get raped behind bars, and maybe thats what they deswerve as a profession. The lie of demanding evidence based trials, for highly personalised therapies the root of there neglect. I am driven to survive so I can attend court and put these gutless bastards behind bars. they are just like hilters offices of the gas chambers. those guards smiled as well when the jews were lead to there death, just as we are. look behind the smile and see the money trail. the entire medical complex is setup to serve big pharma, just like Big FAst Foods is killing our kids as fast as we can make them with cheap frozen cokes, that are more addictive then heroin and just a deadly.

You want to see evil in our world, look at corporate greed, the clearest is BIG FAST FOOD, the other standout BIG PHARMA. When exactly did doctors stop practicing medicine and decided to become stock brokers were are paid on the number of corpses they delivered to the drug companies!

SO today I sleep in Forster NSW, where we have holidayed this time for 12 years in a row with wonderful friends, lots of sun and exercise this week, my feet a little ragged from restarting xeolda. that was driven by cea bounce back up to 42 a few days ago. still waiting to see the result on paper.

We all got up 4.445am in my sisters house in melbourne, loaded all the bags into the limo, yes i got upgrade to a limo for $20 a day, its mum's spirit looking after me, the kids and wife liked the style. so did I, the 42 degree heat wave on the day of the burial made this car a life saver. I had a lovelly lunch with my sister and her son and her ex at the growling frog golf club, I looked over the barren hills surrounding the cemetry where my mother's body resides for eternity next to her eldest son. I had such a sense of peace, despite the heat, the music of the services, the eulogies where moving and so were the photos.

so mum's buried, we landed, picked up dog food, got my big 4wd going, its been standinf idle for 6 months. I recently dtopped paying insurance on it as I was chasing every dollar for my german medicine. well today i took out a cheap annual policy, i have 2 weeks to cool off and shop around. but The point is the $WD, we call troopy, we my mechanic of 23 years squeezed us in, did the troopy on the spot and off we drove north. for about 5 hours with the bikes, golf clubs and surfbaords. Yes, I have all my medicines as well, gcmaf, yogurt maker. A new one a I gave one to a new friend in melbourne.

the dogs normally come away withus on this holiday, but dog hating holidayers here ended that wonderful run of 13 years. my dogs loved the abandoned school next to our holiday unit.

Its time for sleep, good night, good luck in 2015.

there is more scientific rational here on my blog than behind the chemo that kills us, day by day! think, learn and survive. ignore me, ignore your doctors, just learn and survive. eternity is for a long long time, this life is gods wonderous gift, enjoy it, this moment in particlular.


PS and all my friends at forster offered the obligatory condolences, i said save them, I am glad mums dead, see suffered more than enough of conventional medicines care, she in heaven for sure. that truth gives me confience and peace!

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