Dear friends,
So I am home and well and wondering about the state of my illness and so grateful to be alive!.
Its been a fantastic holiday season despite mums death on xmas day and the funeral, the time with friends and family and nature a pleasant distraction. Alas I am aware however that I have directed so much energy away from my own healing and to my family and friends.
so tonights midnight enema and mediation the deepest in a month and long over due.
so many wonderful opportunities before me, ie to appeal the mto draft decline, and how to do this, how to secure appropriate legal help.
on the medical front i need to start the intensive infusions and lifestyle while getting the house in order, yes its a small disaster again that i came home to, always great excuses.
Its 1.43am, my speed reading daughter is devouring the mto guidelines and there rejection letter. mybe she'll become a lawyer, she said well if not the government where is the money coming from? She also said that the government is so stupid she could bang her head against the wall.
My answer ? God, of course, gods will is amazing, the continued blessings and challenges and these amazing opportunities. Well the 100,000,000 cancer services business is closer day by day. I just have to live to get there.
For me, survival means big dreams, its always been about private enterprise, never about government. The RED TAPE dissolves in the face of inspiration mixed with desperation.
So I skimmed parts of ash's story, moving, relevant, so many similar issues, i hope to make contact with him and the lawyer he used, to assess if spending more time and effort on mto worthwhile.
The priority clear, I MUST LIVE, or what I seek to prove dies with me. Of course then I miss out on the truly wonderous life, where I can let my son win putt putt golf like today. He admitted to cheating on a few holes and I said I knew but I was glad he was honest. We will sleep one more night in our 4wd camper in the driveway, not wanting the road trip holiday to end.
I will have 3 drops of my special oil, yes adding this to the regime, each day to see how it helps. yesterday a kind d\iary farmer gave me 6 litres of frozen top quality super thick colostrum. I am cracking open my last batch of cultures maf 314 and going all out over the next few weeks to see if I can again achieve local containtment of rising markers while dealing with hep a.
so lots on the boil, i feel so at peace, heading off to morning yoga with kids at cronulla beach, enjoying the holidays. my daughter and wife enjoyed the girl time as much as my son and i enjoyed the boy time together. tonight we shared stories of diving with sharks, flying over frazer island, of starry nights and storms. while the girls showed some video of icehouse concert they went too.
my next trip 8 , likely certain, i have a positive verbal approval for another loan, that will allow treatments to proceed asap. i am however so keen to attempt to get a tumour sample here from prof morris, and do a hit of full strength chemo and avastin, prior to the next dc shot coming very soon.
the scans and markers of the next week will determine the urgency of my return to germany.
share a prayer for me, my friends and all those who have hope against the conventional wisdom. I use that term tongue in cheek, the conventional wisdom contained in my mto decline heart breaking. what could have been a life line for the poor and desperate, is possibly the cruelest false hope. I had high hopes MTO, I hope you have better luck than me if you do apply for your MTO application. GODBLESS YOU, BE BRAVE, BE FEARLESS and HAVE A BLOODY GO. After all we are Australian and all that that means, which I relish.
The funny thing is I am planning my 150th birthday, someone needs to tell goverment and the aussie medical profession!
Dear Doctors and Friends,
Here we go again.
Why I feel like I will succeed ? why I feel I will achieve MTO success ? Yes I am truly delusional! Its a very pleasant state to be in and I have not had a drop of the oil yet!
Hepatitis patients looking for herbal remedies may consider milk thistle, available in capsules and other forms. Milk thistle may have some restorative properties, suggests Gans. Some studies have found that milk thistle can improve liver function in hepatitis and cirrhosis patients. However, you should always consult with your doctor before trying any supplement or herb, especially if you have hepatitis. NOTE I ADDED MILK THISTLE BACK TO REGIME A WEEK AGO
already doing most of what these pages recommend. oh great another incurable disease!
So I am home and well and wondering about the state of my illness and so grateful to be alive!.
Its been a fantastic holiday season despite mums death on xmas day and the funeral, the time with friends and family and nature a pleasant distraction. Alas I am aware however that I have directed so much energy away from my own healing and to my family and friends.
so tonights midnight enema and mediation the deepest in a month and long over due.
so many wonderful opportunities before me, ie to appeal the mto draft decline, and how to do this, how to secure appropriate legal help.
on the medical front i need to start the intensive infusions and lifestyle while getting the house in order, yes its a small disaster again that i came home to, always great excuses.
Its 1.43am, my speed reading daughter is devouring the mto guidelines and there rejection letter. mybe she'll become a lawyer, she said well if not the government where is the money coming from? She also said that the government is so stupid she could bang her head against the wall.
My answer ? God, of course, gods will is amazing, the continued blessings and challenges and these amazing opportunities. Well the 100,000,000 cancer services business is closer day by day. I just have to live to get there.
For me, survival means big dreams, its always been about private enterprise, never about government. The RED TAPE dissolves in the face of inspiration mixed with desperation.
Dying to Get to Oklahoma
By Ash MacKinnonSo I skimmed parts of ash's story, moving, relevant, so many similar issues, i hope to make contact with him and the lawyer he used, to assess if spending more time and effort on mto worthwhile.
The priority clear, I MUST LIVE, or what I seek to prove dies with me. Of course then I miss out on the truly wonderous life, where I can let my son win putt putt golf like today. He admitted to cheating on a few holes and I said I knew but I was glad he was honest. We will sleep one more night in our 4wd camper in the driveway, not wanting the road trip holiday to end.
I will have 3 drops of my special oil, yes adding this to the regime, each day to see how it helps. yesterday a kind d\iary farmer gave me 6 litres of frozen top quality super thick colostrum. I am cracking open my last batch of cultures maf 314 and going all out over the next few weeks to see if I can again achieve local containtment of rising markers while dealing with hep a.
so lots on the boil, i feel so at peace, heading off to morning yoga with kids at cronulla beach, enjoying the holidays. my daughter and wife enjoyed the girl time as much as my son and i enjoyed the boy time together. tonight we shared stories of diving with sharks, flying over frazer island, of starry nights and storms. while the girls showed some video of icehouse concert they went too.
my next trip 8 , likely certain, i have a positive verbal approval for another loan, that will allow treatments to proceed asap. i am however so keen to attempt to get a tumour sample here from prof morris, and do a hit of full strength chemo and avastin, prior to the next dc shot coming very soon.
the scans and markers of the next week will determine the urgency of my return to germany.
share a prayer for me, my friends and all those who have hope against the conventional wisdom. I use that term tongue in cheek, the conventional wisdom contained in my mto decline heart breaking. what could have been a life line for the poor and desperate, is possibly the cruelest false hope. I had high hopes MTO, I hope you have better luck than me if you do apply for your MTO application. GODBLESS YOU, BE BRAVE, BE FEARLESS and HAVE A BLOODY GO. After all we are Australian and all that that means, which I relish.
The funny thing is I am planning my 150th birthday, someone needs to tell goverment and the aussie medical profession!
Dear Doctors and Friends,
I am back home after a month of enjoying Australia and family and friends. I feel fantastic, the kids will be back at school and Germany is calling. Trip 8 is a goer, I have verbal approval for NON GOVERNMENT limited funding to cover me for 3 months and allow me to settle outstanding debts. This will be happening very soon, so thanks for your compassion and patience.
I have some patients I maybe bring over, which will be the subject of separate emails.
The attachments are THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT DRAFT REJECTION of my claim for support. Of course I will appeal, you know I never give up. My focus is TO STAY ALIVE, so I can fight and enlighten my government and the Australian medical profession. Yes this goal may in fact be more challenging than defeating metastatic colorectal cancer, that I feel we have well in hand.
I will do a clinical update soon, regarding markers, the next dc vaccine, and treatments.
I have recently been scuba diving with many types of large sharks underwater, they were friendly. If these sharks did not get me, the cancer certainly wont. I view the lawyers and doctors I will soon take to court with respect but certainly no fear. I have compassion for there ignorance. Its just tragic that they dismiss the achievements of VOGL, NESSLEHUT, SIEBENHUENER and SCHILLING so easily.
Some measure success by glossy journals and stats, PERSONALLY I MEASURE IT DAY BY DAY, PATIENT BY PATIENT, OF COURSE STARTING WITH ME!
Why I feel like I will succeed ? why I feel I will achieve MTO success ? Yes I am truly delusional! Its a very pleasant state to be in and I have not had a drop of the oil yet!
Hepatitis patients looking for herbal remedies may consider milk thistle, available in capsules and other forms. Milk thistle may have some restorative properties, suggests Gans. Some studies have found that milk thistle can improve liver function in hepatitis and cirrhosis patients. However, you should always consult with your doctor before trying any supplement or herb, especially if you have hepatitis. NOTE I ADDED MILK THISTLE BACK TO REGIME A WEEK AGO
already doing most of what these pages recommend. oh great another incurable disease!