Happy Australia Day 2015.
These wonderful; annual events, generate this feeling in me, I want another one!!! I really dont won't to die, but staying on the planet is challenging. the medical, legal, scientific whirlpool that the mto could draw me into and the vested interests everywhere is daunting, but fascinating as well.
The kids, dogs and I walked to our local waterfront park to enjoy the rainy atmosphere of another australia day. the walk was good, so was the time with kids.
I met some politicians and there staffers today at the ceremonies and they explained lots about the process.
I have done some meditations today also and aspects of the mto failure and the last few years of treatments kept emerging. so many angles.
http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/people/academics/profiles/derek.hart.php maybe someone who can help
http://www.cancer.ucla.edu/index.aspx?recordid=446&page=644 tumour subtypes increase dc efficacy, i suspect thats my case
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-10/david-murrell-australian-story/5248086 dc vaccine successes in australia
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00262-013-1453-3 more dc vaccine proof
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00262-002-0324-0 dc guide to the lymph nodes, highest number of dc could be a success factor. ok this study is old.
A friend asked who is moga ? So I have been digging into the group that effectively declined my application, they are an incorporated body, so I maybe able to sue them.
a thought provoking article considering i have or do most of the CAM that is ridiculed.
Also still just looking around at the current state of play of the dendtritic cell therapy offerings in australia.
http://australiancancertrials.gov.au/search-clinical-trials/search-results/clinical-trials-details.aspx?TrialID=308328&ds=1 an interesting trial, using celebrex and dc, could not find results
now this is an really interesting speech from a respected oncologist, but again the focus is always drugs, drugs and more drugs. no dc vaccines or oncothermia, just my observations.
These wonderful; annual events, generate this feeling in me, I want another one!!! I really dont won't to die, but staying on the planet is challenging. the medical, legal, scientific whirlpool that the mto could draw me into and the vested interests everywhere is daunting, but fascinating as well.
The kids, dogs and I walked to our local waterfront park to enjoy the rainy atmosphere of another australia day. the walk was good, so was the time with kids.
I met some politicians and there staffers today at the ceremonies and they explained lots about the process.
I have done some meditations today also and aspects of the mto failure and the last few years of treatments kept emerging. so many angles.
http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/people/academics/profiles/derek.hart.php maybe someone who can help
http://www.cancer.ucla.edu/index.aspx?recordid=446&page=644 tumour subtypes increase dc efficacy, i suspect thats my case
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-10/david-murrell-australian-story/5248086 dc vaccine successes in australia
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00262-013-1453-3 more dc vaccine proof
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00262-002-0324-0 dc guide to the lymph nodes, highest number of dc could be a success factor. ok this study is old.
The Medical Oncology Group of Australia (MOGA) is the peak body representing medical oncologists
in Australia (Cancer specialists whose primary cancer treatment modality is systemic therapy as part
of multimodality care). The Ethics Committee of MOGA has been asked to make a submission to this
enquiry on behalf of MOGA whilst recognising that there will be a wide diversity of opinions within
the membership of MOGA. Although medical oncologists have expertise in managing patients with
terminal illnesses each may have a personal view on the rights of patients with terminal illness to
seek euthanasia and will enter the debate along with other members of society. Each clinician is an
independent moral agent. We will particularly focus on the section encompassing the rights of the
terminally ill.
A friend asked who is moga ? So I have been digging into the group that effectively declined my application, they are an incorporated body, so I maybe able to sue them.
a thought provoking article considering i have or do most of the CAM that is ridiculed.
Also still just looking around at the current state of play of the dendtritic cell therapy offerings in australia.
http://australiancancertrials.gov.au/search-clinical-trials/search-results/clinical-trials-details.aspx?TrialID=308328&ds=1 an interesting trial, using celebrex and dc, could not find results
now this is an really interesting speech from a respected oncologist, but again the focus is always drugs, drugs and more drugs. no dc vaccines or oncothermia, just my observations.
More recently I have been working with an organization called the Cancer Drugs Alliance (CDA) to improve the access of Australian cancer patients to novel drug therapies. As many of you will be aware, access to such medicines in Australia is often years behind other developed countries. Through this alliance we’ve seen what’s been possible in the UK through the influence of consumers. British consumers demanded better access to new cancer treatments, recognizing that whilst some drugs will only result in marginal benefits, others will result in dramatic impacts on the lives of patients. These same consumers fought for and helped create the UK “Cancer Drug Fund”.
In Australia, we’re nowhere near as far along, in our implementation of a solution to this terrible problem of inequity to treatment, but if we want to fix the current problems, then neither clinicians nor industry can do this on their own. Fortunately the Cancer Drugs Alliance does involve consumers – we’re a tripartite organization, bringing strength from each sector, and hopefully we’ll eventually see a Government that understands and addresses the need for faster and more equitable access to new treatments for our patients– patients who don’t have time to wait, whilst committees deliberate about the dollars.
Both the consumer and the clinical members on our Board are working closely with the pharmaceutical industry, with the understanding that if we want new drugs, if we want better drugs, if we want drugs that fit most appropriately into existing treatment algorithms, then we must work together, and ultimately with Government, to achieve these objectives. As some of you will know, we were very pleased to hear of the just-announced Senate Inquiry into Access to Cancer Drugs – a very important opportunity for all of us.
and another interesting excerpt.............
As for the Clinical Quality Registries, as the costs of health care continue to escalate, we desperately need evidence that the services and treatments we recommend as clinicians actually work, work beyond the experience of the highly selected group of patients enrolled onto pivotal registration studies. As these costs inexorably grow, the day is fast approaching when Governments and insurance companies will want to pay for outcomes, not consumables or services.
always something interesting colonchat, chance and stem cells drives cancer
always something interesting colonchat, chance and stem cells drives cancer
MTOP success, prof
Interesting legal stuff
the effect of the moga advice is that i die on chemo, so is not there lack of knowledge of immunotherapies and my ongoing great results not extreme negligence. I need to see a barister.
The authors of the study, which has featured in the Medical Journal of Australia, included Palliative Care Australia board member Professor Lindy Willmott, a colleague of White’s at the Centre for Health Law Research. They warn that doctors risk legal action for unlawfully withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatments, or providing treatments without consent.
“For medical professionals, criminal responsibility could arise for murder or manslaughter ... or for assault,” the researchers wrote. “A lack of legal knowledge will not excuse a medical professional from liability.”
Professors White and Willmott collaborated with Brisbane barrister John Allan on an earlier paperthat discussed the potential criminality of withholding or withdrawing life sustaining treatment.
Dear MTOP,
I dont even have the funds at present to pay my lawyer and friend who has been helping me. I have not obtained legal advice about the administrative appeals tribunal or the high court, but I intend too.
The fact that dc vaccine, tace and oncothermia are standard forms of treatment for cancer patients in many countries, in my case germany. Evidence to this effect has been provided.
Could you also forward this to moga,
the effect of the negligent moga advice, is that I die, i dont have the funds for treatment at present.
My cancer is growing day by day and I hold them liable to the full extent of the law for civil and criminal damages.
I think they need to review all the material submitted in detail. Its clear they have not.
http://eprints.qut.edu.au/31511/1/31511.pdf Image may be NSFW.
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Unlawful killing
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