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I am calling your bluff? Just get into ketosis


I wake fresh 4am after a good restful sleep. Some blood in the stool last few motions. I will watch very carefully. It was the blood on the 29th may 2010 that started my greatest challenge.

Or maybe  it was mosquito bit that gave me metastatic cancer. I got malaria and the recurrences started. They continue.  This is the metaetatic challenge.

Its colder in munich than frankfurt. The streets and fields are so white. Like a healthy eye,  like mine.

I have sniffles and this persistent lung infection thats very minor.  Sometimes a day goes by with no flem or coughing. Other days a few coughs. Its these seemingly simple infections that I AM OBSESSED WITH. REMEMBER OUR dear friend Ren google mcrc4cancer. He bravely tried. He died and set a courageous example. Maybe dc vaccine and nivolumimab might have saved him. Maybe this new expensive combo will give me enduring remission. My trip 8 plan is being clearly defined. The type of dc and the pre post therapies modified based trip7 successes and failures. Its being adapted day by day to address the new mets. I learn from my clinical failures! Do you?

I tried the medical Marijuana oil. No outstanding remission from. But i keep it going when back in sydney.

These new mets the best blessing for the scientist in me. Florian and i each cannot wait to see the clues from the ganzimmun cytokine profiles oh all the bloods. Only in germany can i do these tests easily and drive a talk to scientists and specialists at these labs.

The do your tumour markers every quarter foolish in the extreme. Another soc weakness.

A little side project is nk activity and stimulation focused around a new russian product and japans best ahcc which equals bio bran.

So glad i have stopped my ultra low dose xeloda. Rebuilding immune function in prep next dc while doing gentle targetted infusions b17 dca dmso curcumin and oncothermia.

The is the failure of mtop. Of the old cancer medicine. My success is built on rapid. Adaptive innovation. Fixed treatment plans are for fools and the dead. My team treats image by image.  Hour by hour. These 4 week $100000 german treat plans are bull poo. They sell certainty where there is no evidence base. I sell cells. I sell hope.  I cell focus.

To survive you need to be open to ideas. Open your mind.  Open your heart. Oh and open your life. Thats code for your  wallet and spend.

In 4 weeks now for $40000 approx you can do the worlds best advanced treatments. Call me to discuss. to arrange.

Sorry i prefer to help anyone who is a ketogenic believer and in ketosis. So many other blind and stupid cancer consultants that focus on everything but what works.

Ignorance is death. Ignorance of god is hell.
Ignorance of biology is death.
Ignorance of love is death.
Ignorance of meditation is death.

When you have a metastatic illness and you ask for your miracle. You need help from god. I love my god. But for survivals sake most gods will do. There is one god. There is love. There is kindness. If we are united and can smile and can love. Then indeed miracles manifest. I feel this intense peace. If we feel love then we are touching heaven on earth. 

I dont have to die to meet my god. To feel the absolute wonder of heaven on earth. Maybe that feeling is what drives my survival. Maybe that faith and hope and love can drive yours as well.

I was so sad for a moment. My mum is dead. These therapy really might have saved her. The orgam at mass tonight filled the church and my soul with magnificent sound. I looked at the cross as a tear dropped, mums earthly life is  finished.

I had the best talk with doctor nesslehut senior. I said thomas you have done it. You have saved the world. You have lived to see it.

The miracle that oncologists are whispering, saying hushed tones  now lifestyle and vaccines and GOOD drugs (not heavy systemic chemo in general) can work.

I am a pebble in the pond. All my doctors in awe at our innate healing capacity.

Dont you have enpathy and compassion for the oncologist. They love too. They have hearts and souls and courage  my god they chose to try and offer what help they can to those terminally ill. That the system allows.

They see 1000s of deaths. Not pretty ones either. Of babes without mum. Wives loosing husbands. Kids without futures. The full terror of cancer.

Like the sperms. Compete for the egg. One succeeds. We have the miracle.  The precious miracle of this very existence. Dont you feel it in your heart. I do. Every breathe is bliss.

Dont let cancer end this existence needlessly. Fight. Be smart. Be wise. Be BRAVE. Hope and courage are in the air. Breathe it in deeply. Then exhale a gentle thank you to your god. Try this with every breathe for a day.  I am so grateful to the ashram and yoga.

Imagine the joy in your heart when your tumours DISSOLVE. When you evolve. Imagine the tears in your eyes. Imagine the hug from your oncologist.

Help me to help you. The evidence base is shifting evolving.  Miracle by miracle we will evolve the standard of care to best individual care. If you will SOC to BIC. That currently may include lifestyle. Ketogenic diets. Dc vaccine and nivolumimab. Tace.

The beauty of BIC is it evolves with science . We still need evidence based medicine. But the ground has to shift to the individual. Soc2bic.com might a catchy name for this revolution.

When your oncologist smiles.  Maybe there hardened heart cannot cry after so much death. May they can hug. Love and enjoy this shared success. My doctors do . ALL OF THEM.

Help yourself. Save yourself. Give your oncologist hope at last. Show them the power to save life.

Share the success. Share the joy. Blog it for the world. Like me.

Quoting prof vogl

bring home the bacon. Live for yourself. Your family. Your world. You are essential to humanities future . We all are. Lets shape it together.

What a wonderful dream.


Even my first clients had some pretty heavy issues to consider today. Tough love.

My prayer is that all my friends and clients live. Please pray for us. For our healing. Our Evolution.  Indeed the health revolution i have just started. The hope revolution.

The cancer world is invited to cyprus to discuss SOC to BIC between 23 and 26 march. It will probably be just me. My friends heinz and florian have a ketogenic and gcmaf seminar running over the same time. Its in german except the last days when prof ruggeiro lectures. I love listening to him. Awe inspiring. The scientist and doctor that unleashed the bugs on a skeptical cancer establishment. I am clearly obsessed with bugs and gcmaf and all therapies beyond the deadly SOS.

Am I really to hope to get some wonderfully crazy ketogenic patients to flock to cyprus? and build a community of survivors who are ketotic individuals, with extreme personalities where i am normal.

In this busy life of treatments. Is a week on the beach to much?  Walking talking and enjoying the best cyprus ketogenic foods. Will be healing. Will be inspiring.

Maybe some ketogenic heavy celebrities will come. Maybe just devoutees like me. But the scientists and doctors are welcome.

Maybe in the future my immunotherapy friends and scientists will meet the metabolic friends and scientists.

That will be a conference.  I will ask the cmit organisers.

Noone has more passion and focus than me when it comes to metabolic immunotherapy. Another first on the net for sure.

The focused. Fertile. Informed mind maybe gods greatest gift.

Have you used yours today?

Well then start googling.

Can these new tumours dissolve while i evolve. I know in my heart they are gone. Florian could hardly see anything in his ultrasound gcmaf stimulation therapy. And after only 4 days of german medicine. To me its effect magic.

This life is magic.

My new business partner and wonderful friend. Well we aim to have 100m company 5 years. My friend is so conservative i think 1billion is more the commercial  reality.

As i have saved my life. As i try to save yours. The billion is all ready in the bank. Maybe this will be the fastest billion ever made.

I am so greedy. Not for this money. Greedy for success. Greedy to save lives. Maybe needy is a better than greedy.

All i need is breathe. I have my life, my wife, my friends and readers. I will be cancer free diving in the phillipines 14 march with my dearest scuba diving buddies. Then 23 march the conference cyprus. Then back to frankfurt.

I hunger to save lives. This blog reflects that. I have a gift for making money. For survival. I love the parable of the talents.

The new companies mission
We hunger for your success.

Full of peace. To quote vogl again. I offer the best quality and quantity of life. Our clinical goal.

I have limited time but my services are available for highly personalised private client support. Call me. Email me and i will help.

The photos. Mucus joyfully disgusting to some  but to me proof of success. Lungs clear. Deed tumour cell in the flen for sure. Oh the toilet paper symbolises i am on a roll and you are in the poo without my help.

Did you notice the external 4 dots marking new mets? They are fading as the tumours do also.

I got a top 90 minute thai massage. I purchased warm beanie, gloves, sox and fleece top for my cross country ski expedition.  I walked around a schloss castle and ice covered lake. I found a catholic mass and lit a candle for us all. I picked up a hitch hiker and drove him home enroute finding a guest house with fire and warm chicken soup. Now i am back at my hostel in the forest where irish singers are playing. A joyful day where i chatted with bic2 they are coming asap and its not a day to soon. Such a big tumour burden and primary unresected. Lucky gods powerful and i like challenges.  Cannot really turn anyone away really.

My team is ready and waiting to serve.

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