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My dream and business name


In this life being a little bit crazy is very good, especially if you have metastatic cancer.

Assuming and my clients live. I need a business name. Your ideas welcome.

What about petetrayhurn.com
I liked international cancer rescue icr.com or picr for pete icr

I wanted to use my name. A bit like mercola.com joseph has a great reputation.

I the short term i am getting all my clients to use colonchat for clinical management questions and ideas. Longterm i might provide a firm.

Could i encourage my clients to blog to the world. Everyday of there journey.  There life. Openess and transparency key to the healing abd revolution i dream of.

Privacy is for the dead. While we have life  we share. We care. We love. Be apart of the evilution of the human experience.

It starts by working together. hy a Shared vision of a better world. Our duty to the future started before we were born. Our legacies build the future. It is a bright wonderful world i see. Share my vision.

Today we achieve miracles for cancer. But our world needs much more healing. My crazy dream is infectious. This will go viral. Hope is the best and only drug.

With focus we can achievevthe impossible. Leave the insanity of this world behind. Maybe turn off tv. Mainstream media and conneft to your heart. Your friends.  This planet needs YOU!

A shared human dream is so powerful. Look at my heroes gandi. Martin luther king. All of the religions were found by men with vision. Was not my god jesus christ simply a humble man with a powerful vision of real human love. Of the realisation that all life is interconnected.

A new friend. A photojournalist said. Is it ethical for you to share what you think for others? Can i impose my will. My treatment ideas on others? Great question.

My answer YES. Survival of the fittest. Not just people and patients but IDEAS. Look at how wonderfully jesus ideas of love have endured.

Now look at my friend and guru grace gawler. She has not supported passionately the kd diet. I have silently watch her gbm client die without the benefit of the kd diet. I watched a young man jason on csn dye of his crc cancer. I suggested kd to him. I was attacked and vilified on csn by the very aggressive conservatives. Was that silence on my part ethical? Well i did not have the energy and wisdom then.

These questions i leave to another time place and forum.

For me i share my story. I share my vision. The rest i leave to god. Make up your own mind, just dont let your oncologist make up your mind for you. Or more than likely you are dead or will be.

We all know where our vision can take us. I long for life. For a better future for us all. Our children. I see a brilla

I plan to leave the blog where it is. As it is. I have an editor who might start translating it into english ha ha.

saving you time money
building bridges between the best german pioneers. See the photo.

BECOME MY CLIENT! Help me introduce you to the very best and most passionate german doctors. I will fill there praxises with success. Then i will add doctors to our referal system. See the photo.

So i do 300mg daily iv curcumin.
All part of the vest integrative cancer therapies in the world.

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