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a flower for the man, and LONE PINE


I saw these ladies picking my poppies. I jammed on the brakes and joined them. 50 cents a poppy into the honesty box, they even had knives. I gave florian 8 freshly picked poppies for the infusion room. the beauty of a poppy can push away the fear of death. now florian can tell the story of pete, who cut the flowers and hopes that some simple yellow poppies can bring beauty and hope to the late stage 4 patients begging for miracles.

I told them to ask god first, not florian. but I was curious how they found my friend.  then I told them of the fulda conference years ago with the smart ass in the back row and the advanced cancer therapies lecturer.

back then florian smiled and said are you a therapist? I lied and said yes, thinking to myself, I have one patient. then I said I have an urgently sick patient needing your care.

he said ok, you can come monday morning. I said ok , we will see you.

only I walked into the consulting room that monday morning, we talked, laughed and planned.

the rest is history. for the record I am aggresdively treating myself with untested fsm protocols. if you are a basic patient then get to an fsm specialist asap. do not do these routines on yourself.

at least wait and see if I live, got it! yiu have been warned. oushing my gealing envelope to the absolute limit. I share the rational and the protocols here, mainly for my fsm friends curious about cancer.

so the neuropathy that disappeared was coming back again, but after the liver detox and fibrois protocols it cleared.

note that during the 90 minutes enema, plenty of urine in bath, indicating good kidney, Plenty of bile from pancreas, lots of gurgling sounds, much more than normal,  a definite fsm effect.

note my obsession with healing and detoxing my heavily scarred liver from the taces and immune battles fought on the one precious battle ground. its a bit like LONE PINE at Anzac cove. So much cancer death in that one organ, now it makes key tone bodies so my cells run on fat, not glucose.


Saw https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0B10BiJHPKeH8MHY0SXUxeWtNSEE/edit

these videos will help you really understand the immune system. I sent this to my naturopath friends.

what is fsm? a good answer below. I am now obsessed with my new healing tools.


some amazing responses to fsm, I share it across a few praxis where I get treatment and share my gifts.

today I gave florian some poppies and had an amazing lunch with a caring, clever wife and her brave husband who is challenged with ascites.  I helped them with ketogenic diet oils , tips and hope. and we had a delightful bio vegan lunch, but so high carb. I took them to my keto meat joint, they insisted on vegan carbs. ketosis impossible and death literal about to explode. I might come back in a month.   I said I was never so critical and had had 16 taces so far.

I explained personal care fsm, they want to but cheap, I said you will kill yourselves, I just did a 1300 euro course with the worlds leading fsm guru, she programmed my unit. its been healing detoxing me. I explained the usa rrp is $2800 usd and that my margin keeps me alive. and that no one should been mixing fsm and immunotherapies like I do. and I have just started.

the irony, the terror, that we have this healing capacity, this energy within us, and yes I listen and feel the frequencies. as I have mastered all these therapies in the last 1000 pages, now I apply myself to fsm.

at lunch I held the husbands hand, I said I am healing myself and you right now. he said I don't need one, maybe he is right. I did the course, I saw the results. this lovelly ignorant guy, he had his ovetloaded kidney pain fixed on the unit I delivered in less than 10 minutes. and god he still says I don't need it. I touch his abdomen and its about to explode.

I need to protect myself from the terror of all this cancer death and suffering,  but how?

I am drawn in like a whirlpool.

so the supplements have been detox focused recently, I got the comment asking

see the photo of my tongue.

at least I have time to stuff up, I had a scoop of blueberry ice cream and cream. it was so good.

the true confessions of a wanna bee ketogenic hero. how do I make this couple see the painful truth, I shared all the foods I eat, with a ketogenic focus.

now these geniuses found florian, I explained about tace, ipt, oncothermia and the gcmaf integration.

note another failed uk based gcmaf, thank god these failures end up here, at florian where we can seek to arrest tumour progression.

I gave my naturopathic angel the cmit immunotherapy guidelines. her poor brain is about to explode. she has very challenging late stage miracles that raise critical ethical issues.

my left foot lympgadema has responded very well to band aging. maybe the 4 hours fsm for tendonitis helped, or the coffee enemas for detox.

so the coffee enema I had 4 channels running, concussion running on large unit into alkaline bath water, with blue band aged foot elevated. around my head, I wrapped my heart rate monitor and the personal care channel 1 and 2 into either temple. I ran liver detox and liver fibrois routines while the COFFEE did its magic.

adapting the latest therapy concepts in the rat. see that horrendous tongue. it was rosy pink a few days ago, before my new fsm miracle started.

how blessed am I to have time, this precious time to live, to learn , to share my amazing healing journey.

I pray you have time, I really do, and that we use the time we have wisely. That's a nice prayer.

may god help us all, but especially those who crossed my path in the last few days with cancer. can you also help all the therapists on the fsm course to have courage and we isdom, to use fsm to its limit, to see with their fingers.

we are in the end, a bundle of miraculous energetic cells.

the battle for my life was, is and always will be the LIVER. Thats the front line friends.

How is your liver? mine i pray crystal clear now. except day by day, i detox, purify and heal.

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