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peace pilgrim smiles

Do you want the truth, the real truth why we die

ok, here it is

not one reply from the worlds smartest scientists, but great immediate action from my medical team, GODBLESS THEM ALL, florian and marco and vogl exceptional. Before I hit the SEND key, I have a brilliant reply and the treatment plan to fix the latest possible tumour escape forms magically like a feotus. I am destined to survive, like the baby grows, like our brains learn. Of course I have to evolve exceptional healing skills and knowledge to survive. thats precisely what I have done and continue to do.

to learn, to test and to survive. of course I contend there is method in my madness. its a shame the worlds best scientist have there heads up there asses, thats why we die.

oh, i know I am not being being politically correct, but that correctness comes at a high price. DEATH, not just mine, but many I hope to help. I have intimate knowledge of the greed of the health system. Like my very misguided fundamentalists catholic friends, they said the devils is in YOGA, WRONG, the devil is in the system we live in, in particular the medical system. We call it EVIDENCE based medicine, but the question is who pays for the evidence.

i wanted to harness the cimt brain, the cumulative knowledge to push translational oncology to the 40th century, these egotistical bastards want to play with there mice and rats, and computer models simulating human rats. they ignored my success, they have thrown away my cards, only one kind reply, from the Thymus guru.

I give them the recurrant never ending MOULD, they ignore ME. The love of science, that essential human curiousity is gone, Science has been lost, they want fame, money, impact factors, nobel prizes. Dammit I have already published here how to successfully build your own tumour based lymphatic organ, and it goes ignored. just like coles toxins. these gutless scientists play science by corporate rules, while we die. its the way it is.

Oh, PLEASE DONT STUDY CANCER metabolism, or energy medicine, you will find simple treatment based therapies that DESTROY our billion dollar business. Look at all that unemployment created by curing cancer, heaven forbid.

Maybe they will ban RATS at these conferences, I got into Gallipoli, Ill get where I need to go, somehow. So I have hope and confidence in Florian, we push new frontiers. Amazing new therapies start tuesday munich for a few weeks.

is humanity destined to continue making the same mistakes. WELL NOT ME!

So the rat handed out 20 of his scuba diving cards, to the worlds best scientists , doctors and immunotherapists at the cimt conference. often i begged with  tears, sometimes they flooded, sometimes just trickles, sometimes invisible. just like me micrometastatic disease.

i need your brain, i need your expertese, look at what i have acheived, help me, help me, help me. but i said this in a way that was a passionate and forceful as being politically correct.

they listen because these scientists , even in there wildest wet sceintific dreams have not done and achieved whats already ancient news on this blog, that know one will find. maybe oneday, the billionaire will come calling. he is dieing day by day. they have no idea how to aggressively treat, aggressive cancer, every second is precious. taking my own advice, why I started aggressive yoga therapy. can an extended headstand heal metastatic cancer. OF COURSE it helps, I feel the power of health coursing through my veins.

I woke up after another gloriously freezing night, maybe my flem is just the reaction to the cold nights, not lung cancer regrowth. sending some flem to john the genius from gerhards. I am blessed to have germanies best and brightest doctors and scientists on my side. the rant above is that I wanted more scientists, I want 50 of the worlds best treating me day by day, and so help me thats what I will get.

maybe freezin g is good for the soul, I wrapped the blanket tightly, pulled the sleeping bag draw string tihght. ( this is the gallipoli sleeping bag I found left at lone pine ) I woke up with lots of hope, more than I have felt in a long time, vivid hope.

maybe its only released when I pray for help, when i really need it. like NOW. but its real, the fears are gone, GOD is with me, the scientists are coming

she is an amazing woman with a brain! and dutch!

I dream of doing my yoga teacher training course on the 5th july to the 2nd august, my wife birthday, and the day my mum eileen died all those years ago. she was the most loving mother an adopted son could ever wish for, her love and strength live on still. HERE. She is smiling in heaven. You see, my smile is hers still.

My other friend is riding a bike to greece, I want to go with him. Yes metabolic immunotherapy. Dam you cannot patent a bike or prayer, maybe they are more instrumental in healing then the latest checkpoint antibodies, maybe i need both.

time will tell for us all,

thanks for the prayers, they worked, gods listening.

is the greatest miracle my survival to this point, or that I have HOPE in the face of an incurable disease. Incurable only if your limited to western medicines limited view of human potential and gods healing grace.

to have this life with HOPE my greatest blessing! I hope your day is filled with hope like mine! I healed again, and we have not even started treatments, the email from florian, marco and vogl all I needed to be cured again. of course there is a lag between emails and my biological response.

right now I must walk.

soon I go to spain to visit my friend pepe world if possible and do the big pilgramige

google the peace pilgrim, she is inspirational, her smile lives on.

and coming soon, the holy holy grail, killing my colorectal cancer stem cells, once and for all................................................

thank you God, this life and the challenges are my greatest blessing

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