feeling much much better, my feet are nomal again after the first days qigong. The pain and bruising gone.
I meet the kindest group seeking healing.
One said I was an inspiration, that felt nice, others shared stories of healing, of their remarkable courage, truly remarkable courage.
I was inspired and the inspirer.
Its raining and life is good.
I am praying for wisdom, courage and strength.
The sweat lodges have been untense but healing, i have been resting and sleeping well.
the english farm style camping simply magic.
off to see my wonderful friene dean and his son york near shagness, another 3 hour drive.
I feel great after the qigong and accuptunture , I really feel fantadtic and life is very very good.
not thinking of cancer really, just enjoying all the blessings around me, so many friends with challenges.
sorry I have been offline on purpose. getting into my healing space, into meditation.
I have so much hope, that's gods greatest gift.
the photos of the wet wonderful camp site, oh and from my son first holy communion and my big sister a few months ago.
lots of love and healing to and for us all.
jesus heal us! AMEN! or whatever god touches your heart. love is the key.
its dawned on me that everyone word, every letter I type is a little miracle, like each precious breathe.
I am grateful for the love and care and support of my friends and family.
pray for us all, we need gods love and healing. now some ancient remedies also can help. started tcm traditional Chinese medicine again after a few years break.
the secret, hit the cancer fron every direction north, south, east and west,.. from the oldest plants to the latest antibodies.
I ask? why not use everything our lord puts within our grasp, is less not a sin, as gods greatest gift is life, which is manifest moment to moment, step by step.
I pray your steps are joyous and filled with love.