I have uk xmas cards , presents for family and friends coming home with love , carried by my mate dean.
My friend deans parents have treated me like a son.
my friends son, wonderful with challenges, like all kids, indeed like all adults as well.
having the complete ketogenic holiday, so fish chips and curry.
the pommies do great fish and chips, they are so rich in history, family and kindness.
my convict ancestors burnt down a boarding house and were sentenced to Australia, ironically I am sentenced to life in germany for my crimes against health in my earlier fat, unhealthy life in Australia. remember I've lost 60kg of fat.
before me the joyful, immense meta static challenge.
each breathe, each step bliss, each taste bliss, the ketogenic holiday ends, the lifestyle focus soon to recommence with as much focus.
the focus fueled by joyful tears, for another friend passed and another very close to passing, these brave souls not touched by my extremeness.
the power of these uk treatments hum bling, I have met the robyn hood of cancer medicine, I am humbled in his presence
I live
l love
l dream of cure
I thank my god
I pray for us ALL
I ride the roller coaster of life and literally by the seaside.
why not live with passion, love and enjoy every second of this life? why not?
for every second god grants me, well I will treasure it, I wish you the same.
for Albine and family, with a tear in the uk seaside side
I travel this planet homeless, searching, but maybe this glorious vast universe is our home!
I got a hot towel shave, to help me clear german immigration.
I feel so good, the best ever despite a few misguided cells
yestetday crabbing on the beach and beers at the local pub, uk culture!
dear god, grant us each our miracles, large or small AMEN