from a few days ago
up very early 630am and feeling great and pain free, so another day on the planet to enjoy.
the sun IS RISEN, its shining brightly on a clear fresh morning, the birds are singing as I stroll down the secret shortcut lane. I stop to steal or borrow or grab a fresh fig from a grand fig tree over hanging the lane. it stands just for me. its good being tall.
so my breakfast is a big green apple from the apple tree in the sunny garden where a kind friend lets me rest a few nights, the soft, fresh fig and a cup of chai tea.
a simple, healthy, delicious breakfast.
last night I got more figs on the way home from the musical memphis, which was fantastic.
after the show i got a gelato, the manager remembered me as I had a pre show gelato as dessert after the duck.
she amazingly offered me free food, whatever you want, it was a classy italian place recently opened.
, even though I was not hungry the freshly cooked prawns and whiebait, Lasanga and squid ink rice vanished from the plate as fast as they arrived.
she knew nothing about the cancer, but I cannot hide my very grateful smile.
unexpected acts of kindness flow towards me, like the surprise amazon healing ceremony that healed my soul between 4pm and 5pm. I closed my eyes and prayed intensley for my miracle, for our miracles.
you see, maybe my miracle is yours, and your miracle is mine, maybe shared hope is the secret cure for cancer. this hope I feel certainly makes the challenge enjoyable for me.
alas I am surrounded by suffering and longing of so many friends and readers, I see so little joy in those around me, I wish I could effectively share my hope and joy. like so many of us get blood transfusions, maybe our doctors could add some joy to the transfusions.
why I am so continually blessed I do not know, but it makes staying in the bliss a joy, .
to see and feel gods love in action everywhere, the ultimate medicine for me, its in kindness, music, food. this wonderfully vivid existence.
this beautiful blonde lady on the accuptuncture course said I was a healer, when I am there seeking healing, I do share my hope, my love, my joy, my passion, about life, about heealing. about the use of advanced accupture to enhance well designed immunotherapies, only I test these synergies I suspect, maybe ill live, maybe these combinations will help those suffering the challenges of cancer in the future, hooefully they help me NOW!
my friends say I am toooo intense, its the way I am , alas and thank god, .
I do long for the ash ram, for my quiet life in munich, for complete healing.
you see today is fathers day in sydney, so my kids will call soon.
so I called kids, keith said happy fathers day a 100 times, he breaks my heart and makes my day, my daughter sends her love and my wife peaceful silence.