Not sure about going on the dexamthethasone. dex and the immune system, still researching ? likely skipping it. dr bell agreed to skip after I queried it. the first rule of personalised translational oncology, check the interaction of chemo drug cocktails with immunotherapies. we got to start somewhere.
the fact I am doing this myself, in australia, absolutely bloody wonderful, their is no way our big health system can stop a group of committed cancer terrorists aimed at our manourvering the rules and gettting the best therapies. all out war is futile, look at iraq. if we get a few successes , this battle will get easier. exclusion criteria, is chemo and dex. I should have emailed nesslehut. treatment on the run, if I die, at least its my fault, not my doctors.
still seeking the 5% increase in efficacy.
3.4 Immunologic Mechanisms
It has recently been discovered that oxaliplatin can cause the immunogenic death of colon cancer cells in murine and human cell lines
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Destroy user interface control11. After exposure to oxaliplatin, colon cancer cells emit several immunogenic signals on their surface before undergoing apoptosis. These signals trigger the production of interferon γ by T cells and also interact with the tolllike receptor 4 of dendritic cells, the whole process resulting in a sort of tumour vaccine. A particularly convincing argument of the importance of this mechanism is that humans carrying a mutant allele of the TLR4 gene resulting in loss of function were found to experience a lesser benefit fro
moxaliplatin chemotherapy in the metastatic setting, with a statistically significant shorter progression-free and overall survival.
Decadron Side Effects:
Important things to remember about Decadron side effects:
- Most people do not experience all of the Decadron side effects listed.
- Decadron side effects are often predictable in terms of their onset and duration.
- Decadron side effects are almost always reversible and will go away after treatment is complete.
- There are many options to help minimize or prevent Decadron side effects.
The following Decadron side effects are common (occurring in greater than 30%) for patients taking Decadron:
- Increased appetite
- Irritability
- Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
- Swelling in your ankles and feet (fluid retention)
- Heartburn
- Muscle weakness
- Impaired wound healing
- Increased blood sugar levels. Persons with Diabetes may need to have blood sugar levels monitored more closely and possible adjustments to diabetes medications.
The following are less common Decadron side effects (occurring in >10%) for patients receiving Decadron:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Mood swings
- Cataracts and bone thinning (with long-term use)
This list includes common and less common side effects for individuals taking Decadron. Decadron side effects that are very rare, occurring in less than 10% of patients, are not listed here. However, you should always inform your health care provider if you experience any unusual symptoms.
When To Contact Your Doctor or Health Care Provider:
Contact your health care provider immediately, day or night, if you should experience any of the following symptoms:
- Fever of 100.4° F (38° C), chills (possible signs of infection)
- If you feel an irregular or fast heart beat, shortness of breath, or chest or jaw pain, seek emergency help and notify your healthcare provider
- If you become suddenly confused
The following symptoms require medical attention, but are not emergency situations. Contact your health care provider within 24 hours of noticing any of the following:
- Extreme fatigue (unable to carry on self-care activities)
- Any unusual bleeding or bruising
- Black or tarry stools, or blood in your stools or urine
- Nausea (interferes with ability to eat and unrelieved with prescribed medications)
- Vomiting (vomiting more than 4-5 times in a 24-hour period)
- Dizziness or lightheadedness, feeling faint.
- Persistent headache
- Severe hot flashes or mood swings
- Inability to sleep (insomnia)
- Severe skeletal (bone) pain
- Difficult or painful urination; increased urination, or severe thirst
- Changes in vision, blurred vision, eye pain, enlarged pupils, discharge
- Any new rashes or changes in your skin
- Swelling of the feet or ankles. Sudden weight gain (greater than 3 pounds a week)
- Swelling, redness and/or pain in one leg or arm and not the other
Always inform your health care provider if you experience any unusual symptoms.
Decadron Precautions:
- Before starting Decadron treatment, make sure you tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking (including prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins, herbal remedies, etc.). Do not take aspirin, or products containing aspirin unless your doctor specifically permits this.
- Do not receive any kind of immunization or vaccination without your doctor's approval while taking Decadron.
- If you have been on Decadron pills daily, for a long period of time, serious side effects may occur if you discontinue the medication abruptly. Do not stop taking Decadron unless directed by your healthcare provider. Do not change the dose of Decadron on your own.
- Inform your health care professional if you are pregnant or may be pregnant prior to starting this treatment. Pregnancy category C (use in pregnancy only when benefit to the mother outweighs risk to the fetus).
- For both men and women: Do not conceive a child (get pregnant) while taking Decadron. Barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms, are recommended. Discuss with your doctor when you may safely become pregnant or conceive a child after therapy.
- Do not breast feed while taking Decadron.
Decadron Self Care Tips:
- If you are on Decadron for a long period of time, you may be more susceptible to infection. Wash your hands well, and report any symptoms of infection to your healthcare provider if noted.
- If you are given eye drops or eye ointment: You may be more sensitive to the light. Wearing sunglasses may help. It is normal to notice a little blurriness for a short time after the drops or ointment are placed in your eyes. Notify your healthcare provider with any changes in vision, blurriness, or eye pain.
- If you are given eye drops or eye ointment: Ask your healthcare provider if you may wear contact lenses. Contact lenses may absorb the medication for at least 15 minutes. Wash your hands well before putting eye drops, to decrease the chance of a bacterial infection in your eyes.
- If you are Decadron as a lotion (topical) to treat skin disorders: Do not apply to open areas of skin, or if you have open or weeping sores. Topical Decadron should not be used for a long time. Discuss this with your healthcare provider.
- Take Decadron with food to lessen an upset stomach. Also take Decadron early on in the day (before 12:00 noon, if possible), so you will be able to sleep better at night.
- If you have diabetes, Decadron may increase your blood sugar levels. You may need more frequent monitoring.
- Drink 2 to 3 quarts of fluid every 24 hours, unless you were told to restrict your fluid intake, and maintain good nutrition.
- Avoid sun exposure. Wear SPF 15 (or higher) sun block and protective clothing.
- To reduce nausea, take anti-nausea medications as prescribed by your doctor, and eat small, frequent meals.
- In general, drinking alcoholic beverages should be avoided. You should also limit caffeine intake (colas, tea, coffee and chocolate, especially). These beverages may irritate your stomach.
- If you experience symptoms or side effects, especially if severe, be sure to discuss them with your health care team. They can prescribe medications and/or offer other suggestions that are effective in managing such problems
what a happy chappy, getting hardcore systemic chemo, but just one hit while in aussie.
nci is a great place to mix and match therapies, the nurse tristian is exceptional, i hve also had a discussion with the pharmacist, she was great. the number one rule of survival use and and all help avalaible, now 7 weeks ago i never dreamed of having chemo in sydney, here i am. the half life stuff with oxaliplatin and hyperthermia is interesting. see the papers.
I still think i am by far the most advanced cancer patient on the planet, all my friends don't even know enough to dream of these therapies, let alone combining them. time will tell, now still its the question about will dex prejuidice gamma delta therapy. I am already taking a risk, will one hit of moderate dose oxaliplantin damage my bone marrow and jeapardise the immunotherapies next week.
I suspect I will be fasting for the next few days and going into ketosis, I have plenty of research to do. Iwant to get meximum result from this therapy.
clutching at straws, what a great way to live. nothing wrong with clutching, hey I might even get hold of a few, i only need one too work.
so maybe irinotecan rather than oxy next time, but the immunogenic beneifts of oxy well are compelling.
Thermal enhancement of new chemotherapeutic agents at moderate hyperthermia.
Washington Cancer Institute, Washington, DC 20010, USA.
Hyperthermia enhances the cytotoxicity of some chemotherapeutic agents. We have studied the effect of moderate hyperthermia (41.5 degrees C) on the cytotoxicity of five new chemotherapeutic agents (docetaxel, paclitaxel, irinotecan, oxaliplatin, and gemcitabine) and melphalan against a spontaneous murine fibrosarcoma.
The tumor was an early-generation isotransplant of a spontaneous C3Hf/Sed mouse fibrosarcoma, FSa-II. Hyperthermia was administered by immersing the tumor-bearing foot into a constant temperature water bath set at 41.5 degrees C for 30 minutes when the tumor reached 34 mm(3). Chemotherapy was administered intraperitoneally immediately before hyperthermia. Tumor response was studied by the mean tumor growth time and the mean tumor growth delay time.
Hyperthermia significantly increased the tumor growth times of the animals treated with docetaxel, irinotecan, and gemcitabine at low dose and these drugs plus oxaliplatin at high dose. Docetaxel at high dose showed the greatest control of tumor growth by hyperthermia, with a 26% reduction. Concerning the taxanes, paclitaxel cytotoxicity was not enhanced by hyperthermia, but docetaxel was enhanced by hyperthermia at both doses of drug.
Moderate hyperthermia increases the cytotoxicity of docetaxel, irinotecan, and gemcitabine on mouse fibrosarcoma. Paclitaxel did not show heat enhancement. Oxaliplatin and docetaxel showed greater heat enhancement when the drug dose was high.
The key rule of cancer survival is i can do whatever I want to this corpse will I have breathe. think about it. If you want to live , well fight using science and pubmed, of course some prayer does not hurt. but seriously forget about all the rules, they are made fo the dead, if you want to live, put the rule book in the draw and lock it. the advantage of a terminal diagnosis is we have sweet f all to loose and a life to gain. even if the life we gain is not our own, we might save a friend or two, even another father. who in the fullness of time may enjoy bringing his kids home icecream like i did last night. that the essential aspect of fathering, not all the super hero role model stuff. no its to bring home icecreams for the kids and roses for the wife. I am aware my time is limited here, not that I am about to die, but that I am about to get off the drip, get on the plan tomorrow morniong, get on the plane to germany next week.
chemo is wonderful, doing one oxaliplatin 80mg/m2 in preparation for full body hyperthermia
So I have to congratulate my onc david bell, he is exempt from all the shite i dump of the oncological profession, he called while I was having breaky in bed, he said yes to oxy today. nothing is to much trouble. I am going to make it, its his help and vision that will help
Its crazy to think that my probiotic gcmaf yogurt will be ready tonight, I will take some tonight, I will do an enema as soon as I get home. its time for the immune system to get to work now oxy has smashed the tumour cells around alot.
the standard of care well, its for the birds.
the standard of care well, its for the birds.