The shaky dead rat. I Cannot drive. I'm lieing in bed shaking.
Oh this is fun.
My lord was crucified and rose from the dead.
I sleep and rise healthier and better.
.my advice is treat hard fast and effective.
Come to Germany, Do detox. Do targeted infusions.
ask me about the best Dr in Germany
Thank you again Daniel
Thank you heinz for the invitation to be a speaker at the 2017 integrative cancer conference Frankfurt
I my wildest dreams in never imagined i would live
Now a rat teaches the the teachers
I already teach the immunotherapy start
My advice to all cancer doctors is to stop and become an immunotherapist , you have no clue. It's a very powerful medicine that saves me and kills most.
I learnt much at fulda conference. I saw what my money and experience. My experiments taught Florian Schilling what he recommends. He is very clever.
We hen the dca, by 2nd cur cumin failed me I was left to find my cure.
The only clinically relevant discussion was the hours with dr John a really humble leader and genius.
to present to be more you are reminds me of the puffer fish. That could be me sometimes but this disease and the death and suffering around me well. It clearly shows my limits.
The rat gives everything he learns to ALL. my doctors give me crumbs and not much gratitude.
The doctors and scientists don't care or understand. I'm just anecdotal.
it's okay they don't see the gift so it's no gift at all really.
In essence I may give false hope and an expensive inspired death. But the German countryside is magnificent and I have such a soft spot for there people.
lucky rat I survive on ketogenic crumbs
Jesus was god. I am human. If I don't rise. It's been fun.
I never said metastatic was easy
I dream of working for metavectum
pray that I live. The answer to our survival is in our urine . That where my research will go.
Its scary when I loose my capacity to drive type eta