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The shrine


I live in this shrine to the bravest, brightest and most courageous cancer patients on the planet. whatever success we have , can achieve and will in the future must be dedicated to their memory. With every breath and step I take I feel my friends presence love and support and I know i will not fail.

If you find my blog if you believe and enjoy my story if you feel motivated to come then come now and come fast because cancer waits for no man or woman. With such a challenging illness I believe a little insanity might go a long way in helping you obtain a cure.

So I'm feeling great. I did the same therapy combination as yesterday I've had much milder side effects. Now the variability of the side effects and the potential benefits of these very dangerous and advance and untested therapies is now clear to me .

I have enjoyed a very nice Chinese buffet with scallops and seafood. I am very impressed with Kiki she is an amazing Dr and I've referred some friends here already. I went shopping at the local organic shop. I purchased grapefruits coconut oil eggs and vegetables for soup.

When I got home there was a tall and kind gentleman that I'm sharing the apartment with we talked about cancers. I have set up the kitchen with all of my foods and supplements and teas and coffees and my grinder I've made my first batch of the Bravo probiotic yogurt. It's so much easier than the MAF 314 technique. I've had a relaxing enema and cannot believe how good I feel and how confident I am of getting into remission I'm going home and having a wonderful Christmas.

So my flatmate explained that many of the foods and herbal supplements left in the kitchen are from previous patients who have died. It's giving me a feeling that I'm living in this magnificent apartment and that this apartment is a shrine in honor of their memory.

I am very pleased that my urine will be frozen on a daily basis and analyzed full metabolites. I am dreaming of the possibility of being in remission and coming back to Germany to do my doctorate degree in analyzing the samples and the samples of my friends to help us manage the immune treatment cycle that I have developed.

I also have many feelings about the implications of all the different conferences I've attended immuno therapists radiologist and integrative health practitioners.

I am also very grateful to all of my readers for their ongoing support and encouragement and prayers I specially want to thank Anna because the il2 melatonin review paper is exceptional and its relevant to the therapies I'm doing at the moment. It's really got profound implications for the prevention of colorectal cancer and also its management and ongoing treatment as a chronic condition not a terminal disease.

The integration of trans arterial chemo embolization and using melatonin is profound as well.

So I've explained the concept of enough previously but I'm expanding that concept then to the not enough concept. It is indeed so simple when we have progression we are not doing enough and we must do more
and do something different and find success.

It's possibly one of the proudest moments of my life to see my therapy techniques being presented to all of the German Dr and international Dr at the fulda integrative medical conference. I am absolutely claiming ownership and invention of the techniques presented at fulda especially in regards to using dendritic cell and transarterial chemo embolization and the integration of photodynamic therapy into the treatment model.

If it's indeed been my life's work and my financial investment and the investment of all of the experiments I have conducted on my own body to develop these techniques presented at the fulda conference.

It underscores the vulnerability of all advanced cancer patients and the complex ethics surrounding experimental treatments, my humblest suggestion in this regard is that only highly educated and informed patients can choose to take the risks that I have taken and that it may indeed not be ethical to recommend my treatment model without first my consent and then without the knowledge of how to really apply it in the benefit of the lessons that I have learned with regards to its success and its limitations.

To achieve the success I have achieved has taken incredible efforts massive risks huge financial resources I did not have the opportunity at the recent conferences to explain what I have done in any sort of detail that I feel is necessary to adequately explain the role of immunotherapy products in my success but as I said I have no opportunity to contradict both speakers highly regarded scientists and doctors. So because of my incredibly desperate and vulnerable position I am silent but I am NOT silent on this blog.

My truth about the immunotherapy product granulocyte-macrophage activating factor is that the protein and its potential functions have been available endogenously since humanity began and that recently it is the clinical application not the power of the protein or its individual efficacy but its use in combination therapy models that is absolutely crucial to saving lives and therapy success. Nobody has more personal experience than myself in the integrative application of these immune stimulating factors in combination with dendritic cell technology in combination with advanced alternative infusions and in combination with transarterial chemo embolization. I am very concerned that many competing forces will retard the success that we can achieve with this class of products and intelligent integration them into the conventional medical model. So I am left with obtaining my remission and then my ongoing mission to help my fellow cancer patients which has indeed been the driving factor for the experiments I have conducted.

My inventions and discoveries have been documented on my blog for the public benefit and I seek to be acknowledged and to have these discoveries further released and used as appropriate for the public benefit. The needless death and suffering that we as a patient community endure needs to be addressed with considerable thought and the resources of which I do not have.

Can you imagine what it is like to dream of getting remission after all this time after all this suffering after all this money after all the deaths I am praying that I'm going home in complete remission please pray for me please pray for the mission to help other cancer patients achieve their miracle thank you for reading and have a great day.

To all my dearest friends with cancer I suggest you come here as fast as possible this is the best medicine for cancer available at the moment that I have found. That is why I am here. I'm going home on the 17th of December so if you come before that. I'll show you and help you as much as I can.

Today I also had very high blood glucose levels at 20 millimoles my keytone bodies for very high in fact unmeasurable. So this state of acidosis is very dangerous and hard to explain but I believe it's a result of the infusion mix and in particular salinomycin. I will test my levels again now before I go to sleep and attend the local hospital if I still dangerously high. What's driving my obsession with salinomycin is its potential to target the cancer stem cells.

In my game of poker with mr. cancer everyday the stakes get higher and higher Mr cancer have unlimited ways of trying to kill me and I am throwing every conceivable therapy option against him and I am the underdog but I still believe I can win.

Good night and God bless us and thank you for reading

In another study, patients with advanced primary hepatocellular carcinoma were treated with
transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) alone, or simultaneously with melatonin
(83). The efficacy of the TACE alone was 16 percent, whereas the efficacy of TACE with
melatonin was 28 percent. The survival rate of half, one, and two years in the TACE group
was 82 percent, 54 percent, and 26 percent (83). The survival rate of the TACE and
melatonin group was 100 percent, 68 percent, and 40 percent (83).



il2s role and background.
Send to:
Autoimmun Rev. 2014 Jun;13(6):668-77. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2013.12.004. Epub 2014 Jan 11.
Th17 and regulatory T cell balance in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
Noack M1, Miossec P2.
Author information
This review focuses on the biology of T helper 17 (Th17) and regulatory T (Treg) cells and their role in inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Th17 cells represent a pro-inflammatory subset whereas Treg cells have an antagonist effect. Their developmental pathways are reciprocally interconnected and there is an important plasticity between Th17 and Treg cells. These features implicate that the Th17/Treg balance plays a major role in the development and the disease outcomes of animal model and human autoimmune/inflammatory diseases. During these diseases, this balance is disturbed and this promotes the maintenance of inflammation. Targeting the Th17/Treg imbalance can be performed at different levels such as inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines and their receptors, of pathogenic cells or their specific signaling pathways. Conversely, direct effects include administration or induction of protective cells, or stimulation of their specific pathways. Several clinical trials are underway and some positive results have been obtained.

Nat Rev Immunol. 2015 May;15(5):283-94. doi: 10.1038/nri3823. Epub 2015 Apr 17.


IT POINTS TO AREAS OF INFLAMATION THAT TREGS EFFECTIVELY CONTROL AND THAT THE SELF REACTIVE TCELLS HAVE BEEN SILENCED. THAT 50% of PD1 testers get forms of colitis and intereting proof that our inflammed guts generate il17 to some extent as evidenced by what I would call the treg inhibition test. I have been restarting intense gut inflamamtion protocols centre on gcmaf yogurt and probiotics and oils.

The point below has many implications.  When we start to look at the timing considerations of pd1 or l1 therapies and there consequences. heck even just trying to get the most bang for your buck. consider understanding the il2 feedback loop, doing daily cea, 199 and crp and basal temps and try to time pd1. One key point, is if your a good responder it will happen with 2 cycles, which effectively means the area under the pd1 antibody level effective to end microtumour envirnoment suppression occured very frequently within the first 2 cycles of a dp1 immune program, or at the 10th

When homeostasis is disrupted and the immune system responds in favor of activation, the host becomes susceptible to autoimmunity
The promise of low-dose interleukin-2 therapy for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
Klatzmann D1, Abbas AK2.
Author information
Depletion of regulatory T (TReg) cells in otherwise healthy individuals leads to multi-organ autoimmune disease and inflammation. This indicates that in a normal immune system, there are self-specific effector T cells that are ready to attack normal tissue if they are not restrained by TReg cells. The data imply that there is a balance between effector T cells and TReg cells in health and suggest a therapeutic potential of TReg cells in diseases in which this balance is altered. Proof-of-concept clinical trials, now supported by robust mechanistic studies, have shown that low-dose interleukin-2 specifically expands and activates TReg cell populations and thus can control autoimmune diseases and inflammation.

N Engl J Med. 2011 Dec 1;365(22):2067-77. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1105143.
Regulatory T-cell responses to low-dose interleukin-2 in HCV-induced vasculitis.
Saadoun D1, Rosenzwajg M, Joly F, Six A, Carrat F, Thibault V, Sene D, Cacoub P, Klatzmann D.
Author information
Erratum in
N Engl J Med. 2014 Feb 20;370(8):786.
Patients with vasculitis induced by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) have reduced levels of regulatory T cells (Tregs). Resolution of HCV infection correlates with cure of vasculitis and the recovery of Treg levels. We reasoned that interleukin-2, a cytokine that promotes Treg survival and function, could be beneficial for patients with vasculitis that is resistant to HCV therapy.
We investigated the safety and immunologic effects of the administration of low-dose interleukin-2 in a prospective open-label, phase 1-phase 2a study. Ten patients with HCV-induced vasculitis that was refractory to conventional antiviral therapy, rituximab therapy, or both and who were not receiving glucocorticoid or immunosuppressant therapy, received one course of interleukin-2 (1.5 million IU per day) for 5 days, followed by three 5-day courses of 3 million IU per day at weeks 3, 6, and 9. Both the safety of the treatment and its effectiveness were evaluated, the latter by monitoring the Treg response and the clinical signs of HCV vasculitis.
No adverse events reached a level higher than grade 1. The treatment did not induce effector T-cell activation, vasculitis flare, or increased HCV viremia. We observed a reduction in cryoglobulinemia in 9 of 10 patients and improvement of vasculitis in 8 of 10. Administration of low-dose interleukin-2 was followed by an increase in the percentage of CD4+, CD25(high), forkhead box P3 (FOXP3+) Tregs [E(max) (maximum value)÷baseline value×100=420%] with potent suppressive activity in all subjects and by a concomitantly decreased proportion of marginal-zone B cells. Transcriptome studies of peripheral-blood mononuclear cells revealed that interleukin-2 induced a global attenuation of the signatures for inflammation and oxidative stress mediators.
The trial showed that low-dose interleukin-2 was not associated with adverse effects and led to Treg recovery and concomitant clinical improvement in patients with HCV-induced vasculitis, an autoimmune condition. (Funded by the French Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis [ANRS] and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00574652.).
Comment in
Low-dose interleukin-2 and HCV-induced vasculitis. [N Engl J Med. 2012]
The yin and yang of interleukin-2-mediated immunotherapy. [N Engl J Med. 2011]


[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Free full text

http://www.jimmunol.org/content/190/9/4478.full  this fulltext a good read
Cutting Edge: The Pathogenicity of IFN-γ–Producing Th17 Cells Is Independent of T-bet
Rebekka Duhen*,†,
Simon Glatigny*,†,
Carlos A. Arbelaez*,†,
Tiffany C. Blair*,
Mohamed Oukka†‡ and
Estelle Bettelli*,†
+Author Affiliations
*Immunology Program, Benaroya Research Institute, Seattle, WA 98101;
†Department of Immunology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195; and
‡Division of Immunology, Center for Immunity and Immunotherapies, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Seattle, WA 98101
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Estelle Bettelli, Benaroya Research Institute, 1201 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101. E-mail address:ebettelli@benaroyaresearch.org
During the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the proportion of pathogenic and myelin-specific cells within CNS-infiltrating cytokine-producing Th cells is unknown. Using an IL-17A/IFN-γ double reporter mouse and I-Ab/myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 38–49 tetramer, we show in this study that IL-17+IFN-γ+ Th cells, which are expanded in the CNS during EAE, are highly enriched in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein–specific T cells. We further demonstrate that IL-23 is essential for the generation and expansion of IFN-γ–producing Th17 cells independently of the Th1-associated transcription factors T-bet, STAT1, and STAT4. Furthermore, Th17 and IL-17+IFN-γ+ Th cells can induce CNS autoimmunity independently of T-bet. Whereas T-bet is crucial for Th1-mediated EAE, it is dispensable for Th17 cell–mediated autoimmunity. Our results suggest the existence of different epigenetic programs that regulate IFN-γ expression in Th1 and Th17 cells.
The interleukin 23 receptor is essential for the terminal differentiation of interleukin 17–producing effector T helper cells in vivo

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