This was from a few weeks earlier.
Keytones 0.6 glucose 5.4 basal temp 37.16
The survival breakfast grapefruit 2 eggs tomatoes and lettuce and it's magnificent.
So what pathway takes me to such dangerous metabolic places we don't know yet?
I have been talking about probiotics constantly. I got the bottle mikroveda life from Dr nesslehut. That one of Thomas strong points. He sees a good cost effective immunotherapy enhancement and within weeks sometimes days it's at the praxis.
These bugs save lives. They make keytruda nivolumib our beloved pd1 antibodies work better. So the drugs are SO EXPENSIVE an inescapable reality of life. But to boost there efficacy lower dosages side effects. Well do the math millions more can be saved when used in an immunotherapy context.
I ask Kiki what to do. Nesslehut and thaller recommending. Me too of course. It's got the magic bifio strain that hopefully in bravo.
I ask my yogurts angel Stephanie the yogurts inventor what she thinks of mikroveda Veda. The bugs in bravo probiotics are confidentional so I have some bravo mornings and maybe mikroveda nights.
This raises the microbiom the virgin again and the marvelous symbiosis we enjoy.
The caveat in all this is probiotics competition and the other flow from Anna question about cimetidine.
What do about the change in acid alkali balance through the gut.