My wonderful current Dr gave me the biggest hug that filled me with hope. I leave a cripple after the hardest targetted therapies ever done. I'll treasure the little Christmas man. He Has a red Nose like me. A kind hearted new friend realized I could not carry me bags to the car. So he did. I could not even do up the zipper.
So this life is a pleasant mix of misery and joy. I'm constantly in awe at gods will.
I'm using rerum as a part of a somewhat experimental approach to survival. and so far it's to early to be definitive. But I have immense faith in Prof Ruggiero and Dr Reinwald. I'm an avid reader. I enjoy reading these old patents. I get sick at the thought and death associated the delay. It's like we had the answer and choose to forget. Oops there goes another generation. My Christmas wish is my remission and rerum is a big part.
Then I can get started saving the cancer world. It's a nice dream.
Join the rerum Facebook group and ask away. It's cool tying new things and not dieing.
Immune stimulation with chondroitin sulfate
THIS FOR FRIENDS CONFUSED ABOUT MY CANCER MARKERS it incredibly complex. But I got news yesterday they fell. So the spike was a little optivo spike that they say should not happen to msi stable colorectals. It's going to be the best Christmas yet.
Disappearance curves for tumor markers after resection of intrathoracic malignancies.
Yoshimasu T1, Maebeya S, Suzuma T, Bessho T, Tanino H, Arimoto J, Sakurai T, Naito Y.
Author information
Determination of the standard elimination kinetics of tumor markers will be helpful in the diagnosis of malignancies. We analyzed the disappearance curves for serum tumor marker levels after resection of intrathoracic malignancies. Serum levels of CEA, SLX, AFP, CA 19-9, SCC, TPA and CYFRA were measured several times after surgery in a total of 40 patients. To obtain precise biological half-lives, we applied non-linear least square analysis, taking into consideration the possibility of residual tumor cells. Disappearance curves were monophasic for CEA, SCC, TPA, CYFRA and SLX and biphasic for CA 19-9 and AFP. Temporary elevation of serum levels after surgery was observed for SCC, TPA and CYFRA. The average half-lives of CEA, SLX, SCC, TPA and CYFRA were 1.5 days, 2.7 days, 2.2 hours, 2.5 hours and 1.5 hours, respectively. The average half-life of CA 19-9 was 0.5 days in the first compartment and 4.3 days in the second compartment, while that of AFP was 1.0 days and 6.3 days, respectively. These values will be helpful in the interpretation of serum tumor marker levels after surgery.
Interest in cutting edge. It's not expensive I'll be there soon.
Now my personal blog's Directors Cut on yesterday's incredibly important CRC Immunothrapy Experts meeting – from both a currently incurable Stage IV patient’s as well as a scientist’s viewpoint. “There is a sense of urgency in the Stage IV CRC patient population. I share it – we all do – for very obvious reasons… As a patient keeping an eye on the game clock, I struggle with the pace of science. As a scientist, I know that the issues being addressed are very complex (although I firmly believe solvable)… a singular goal in mind: develop a blueprint to better understand the science of immunotherapy in CRC treatment, in order to ultimately maximize its potential to treat ALL forms of CRC. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.”
I have pasted links to it in both the BLUE HOPE CLINIC as well as BLOGGERS' HAVEN.
Sorry but I think there chasing ego and profit not a cure for us metastatic stage 4. They should look at ndv cav dc vaccine primed p2x7 and ndv klh. I'm blessed to get my 20th dc vaccine Tuesday. Cea falling. See my blog. It's all there. How do I read a summary of the meeting? I'm suffering incredibly from optivo and pain in tumor sites. You have just met a colorectal rat. Oh that immunotherapy combo cost me 2million to develop and test. God bless us all and I liked your sense of urgency. I go to conferences I told them what worked 3 years ago. we all still die. A tragic avoidable waste
Do you think our governments want to keep a million stage 4 survivors alive like me? Probably NOT and that's why aggressive ndv cav vaccinia with dc vaccines been ignored. With a little gem after on the side and some small molecules.
Look how old the patent is on
chondroitin sulfate.
I rest my case, and go to sleep. I thank my god for this life and the miracle of each extra day.
The next bit at the end. I'm so glad my friend setup rerum face book. I'll try and share it's essence here. What's undeniable is our desire to heal and live good lives jumps out at me. It's as clear as the greed and ignorance that crushes us. Let's try! I'm smiling through the pain of dissolving tumors.