So like the outgoing tide the conference is over The Scientist and the doctors have all gone home and the posters of amazing breakthroughs and research efforts have all come down.
as I left I felt sad and joyful and was crying at the huge cost these lessons from trials give the scientific community. I have many hats i wear. One says scientist.
I've learnt so much and I am so exhausted it's pointless sharing because I cannot convey what's really 2 and a half days of the most intense Focus concentration I've possibly ever done but I'll tell you the truth I know far more than most of these doctors and scientists about implementing effective immunotherapies anti cancer treatments in living and breathing human beings and not their fancy rat and mouse and monkey studies and the highly limited financially focused large human trials.
I know that every breathe i make has cost a precious life and i could live a million years and not repay the debt.
They do their best and it's fantastic they have big ideas and big egos but a few really listened to me and I reached out to them and I shared my story. I shared my questions and my thoughts and my hypothesis many of them wished me well and thanked me for my ideas so even though I have nothing that they consider worth presenting at these wonderful conferences I reach out to the oncologist and to the scientist and let them know what has worked for me why I believe it worked and that's the best that I can do. I do this on a one on one basis.
They asked my background. I said i was a cleaner before got cancer and now im the worlds smartest cancer patient and immunotherapist and rat. My version of the trilogy. The scientists loved the idea of a talking rat.
Some of my friends here have asked me to write some articles about explaining immunotherapies and what would recommend for cancer patients. yes i will there is no easy answer because it's impossible my model is highly personalised and it cannot be transferred to another patient I see this clearly now of course elements of what I have done can be applied but you need to understand your immune system your biology and what your jeans and Genetics are and what your lifestyle contributions to that.
Just look at what I'm doing my daily immune measurements all the biomarkers none of the scientist are doing anything close to what I'm doing and they don't even understand the rationale for doing it. the biomarker expert could not believe what I'm charting and the very simple way of managing my immune response based on basal body temperature these guys are doing impressive DNA genetic analysis and they're not even looking at the immune cycle in fact it wasn't even discussed at the entire meeting.
So I maintain a 300 years ahead of the Pack and they will be playing catch up for a long long time and I'll be scuba diving.
All the companies are hiding their secrets trying to make their money and we die that no one is sponsoring studies into Newcastle virus disease is Criminal so the Colorectal cancer masses die needlessly.
I got on to 1 Cancer TV with an interview so I'm world famous haha. so now I sleep I walked around the lake tonight. I cooked my beef broth bone soup and it was wonderful. Im doing my gaps ketogenic alkaline diet.
I went to this magnificent church in the middle of Munich after the conference finished. I prayed for an hour I thank God for the wisdom and the support and ask him to help me make some difficult choices with regard to my therapy options.
i went to this magnificent church in the middle of munich seeking direction. I blessed a candle one of the conference exhibitors gave me. The church was empty its a surprise as the city buzzing. for now i thanked god for the wisdom and the answers. Its in asking to help me make some difficult choices with regard to my therapy options that i need courage and faith.
i'm going hard core holistic declining aggressive immunotherapies therapies and am now using my every holistic trick to get me into remission. I can take this calculated gamble as i have a unique safety net. Time will tell.
The beef bones i found after visiting 5 shops. The soup was delicious.
Im back at home in my room munich. This morning up 5am full of energy. Enema and prayers and now walking. Ive stopped metformin for glucose management and going for exercise. Ive also stopped cimetidine for weeks now and sexual function returned after years. Ill address the h2 inhibition issues naturally. Ive stopped celebrex as well so my underlying systemic inflammation will be apparent. Using alternative and conventional offlabels drugs is wise but now i try holistic as well as limited toxity.
I was asleep 11pm . I may nap this afternoon.
Im seeking joy and letting go everything else. So real bliss lowers cortisol! Thats my hypothis about why SING YOUR SONG is so healing. Ive shared so much here for so long. i hope my readers and the very few from the beginning can see with me the alternative science map of our biology that my journey elucidates. Our healing potential simply remarkable.
The birds are singing loudly. I will walk the lake this sunrise.
This very very good friday and smile and breathe.
Gods love is a real as our mortality! Of that i have no doubt.
Oh last comment i did darkfield microscopy of blood. Its looks bad. Gut terrible. So my gaps diet essential to reduce inflammation.
Oh i got pathology the margin was dirty and the tissue removedcwas 12x5x4 bigger than a golf ball. The viral and gcmaf injections 48hours post surgery into peritoneal cavity i did myself using the port system now essential at stimulating dendritic macrophage activation on the margin.
I may do viral gcmaf tace on leaving germany to cover residual liver.
FROM A FRIEND I think of you a lot! God is with you! He knows all and everything close your heart. XXI
GOD'S love and power is not hidden to those who see. Only the blind fail to see, they will alas have eternal blindness and those who glimpse god well eternal bliss. Its that simple!
Thanks Lesley Hutchings i needed something to listen to on my walk. This paper discusses tap i am looking into viral immune escape mechanisms after the last immunotherapy conference i just attended. No mention or interest in gcmaf amongst worlds leading scientists and oncologists despite my miracle and i asked the most questions at the conference. We are sooo far ahead of the conventional system. They are limited by red tape and ethics and we need gcmaf clinical trials. Thats my mission but first remission