Easter Sunday was really great it was a beautiful sunny morning well I went for a walk and made three laps around the lake near the home
On one on the first lap I speak with my wife on the second lap I spoke with my son and on the third lap I spoke with my daughter and then I went home and relaxed and was feeling good later that afternoon I did my fourth laps around the lake with my friend to the doctor .
Are you also watched the movie The Gospel of John which is really nice I'm going through an extended spiritual phase
That night we had a roast chicken dinner and organic roast chicken that I had purchased . My appetite was not good and I was not feeling very well but I sat down and attempted to enjoy the wonderful meal that was prepared for all of us unfortunately after one chicken leg and a little bit of salad I got very ill and ran to the bathroom and vomited a few times the diarrhea was not far behind
My energy had deserted me somehow I made it up the stairs to the bathroom and had a warm soothing bath
Then I made it up the next flight of stairs to my bed in the attic where I slept very deeply but with the fear of diarrhea
When I woke the next morning my temperature was 38.5 degrees so I've got a good fever and then I found out that the teenage son in the house had had a severe diarrhea recently and there was a bug going through the village
Interesting enough my keytone bodies with 3.5 that morning and my glucose only 1.6 and I've been a bit worried about hypoglycemia
The next day I rested all day on the couch completely exhausted watching the trees and breathing the beautiful fresh Village Forest air what was really special was that my friend gave me a thermos full of chamomile tea to see during the day and that evening I had my beef broth soup but I'm only a couple of cups
I was supposed to be driving the 6 hours to dr. Kilarski but unfortunately it would have been too dangerous to drive and I listened to the advice of my friend
So the bug is cost me one day of treatment and now I sit on the couch making my little blog before I have my 6 hour drive with my nappies for the diarrhea and just enough energy to pack my bags into the car I thought of many of my German cancer friends it was. And that towards the end of their illnesses they struggled with the logistics of travel
And all I am so very grateful for the strength to carry on as best I can
My reservations about of nivolumab and pd-1 antibodies turns out to be well-founded based on the light latest articles uni oncology magazines that are very critical of how side effects were hidden in the clinical trials that was the basis for the approval of these drugs
Still many of benefited and many suffer and what is the best course of action I will leave to other people to decide I have decided to stretch out the cycles of Neverland map in a tent to have Disease Control without it for the time being
And the last article out of the conference that was so fascinating was all about metabolic therapy and lowering blood glucose an insulin an insulin like growth factor it was somehow are running to read that and my glucose was just 1.6 to fix that level I had a glass of sugar water and that was fantastic
I dreamed about what my immune system was doing to heal me from the bed bug and for my cancer