So I've seen the movie Superman vs Batman with my son Keith he picked the movie and it was excellent
I felt really lucky because we were enjoying the movie alot and I thought how lucky I am to be alive and I felt a little bit sorry for all of my friends children who can't go to the movies with their fathers or mothers. It's not survivors guilt that i feel but really survivors gratitude thats so intense that I'm feeling constantly. To hold my sons hand in a movie.
Or the other night to hear my daughter describe a magnificent sunrise in the national park where she camped on her second overnight hike into our wild magnificent bush. She saw a wild deer.
Or the laughter of my wife as we study star wars and the force that feels much like my beloved yoga and qigong. These are my real loves.
I looked down at my ecct jacket in the dark cinema and I noticed the faint blue reassuring light. This light dimmly shining all through the movie . All through my days. I wonder how effective the ecct therapy is. I've been using ecct now for a good 4 months and I don't have progression to report and it's been the most cost effective 4 months of therapy but again the current results will show these results will be next week blood tests and imaging.
So I've been sleeping very well and doing lots of walking , doing my supplements and the intramuscular artemisinin and the intramuscular anti inflammatory. No iv medicines for 2 weeks.
I'm hoping that my tumor markers will be stable and I'm going to do a scan and then I'll decide if I'm going to go home on Anzac Day it's funny I think of going back to Germany is home now and I think of Sydney as home now.
I'm still doing a little bit of cancer research but I spent a lot of time doing nice activities with the family during the school holidays. Today I let my children sleep in and my wife and I took the dogs for a walk along the beach but tomorrow the kids have no choice and they are coming with us for the long long beach walk with the dogs.
My morning basal temperature was 36.73 it's heading up but it was a low as 36.20 to 2 days ago so I'm still having relatively intense immunological swings.
I wanted to get my haircut but my son says I look like Einstein and I'm cute and I should leave the tufts of hair poking out from the sides fortunately my wife says I look more like Bozo the Clown I prefer my son's and daughters description so I've decided not to get my haircut.
I'm still doing my daily enemas in the morning and meditation.
I went to the organic shop near the beach after we done our 1 hour's walk the Naturopath had been sharing my story with some of the sick people with cancer whick i liked. I thought what a kindhearted young soul. it was a little bit sad that an older couple with little money couldn't get access to too many alternative therapies.
The saddest part was that the spouse could not get her husband to have some organic healthy salads and he wasn't prepared to change his life long eating habits. this stressed the wife and I detected that the young Naturopath was also somewhat upset. Alas this is gods free will inaction and how much energy we spend in motivating and educating others. Well thats real interedting and i suspect a prognostic indicator of some description.
I explained again the principle of enough that whatever we do is enough and that for the wife she just loves her husband as much as possible and leave him be. I'm somewhat less assertive about what's the best thing to do and I always fall back now on what my number 1 priority is which is stress minimisation which underlines the principle of enough and I suspect it's behind the advice given by most of the oncologist. It's strange but these holidays in particular I have been constantly aware in a peaceful manner of my emotional responses and any stresses and I've been able to manage a few situations quite effectively in quite quickly and I'm not lost my peace of mind.
My daughter lost $20 at the movies with her friends. Annoyed at first i soon said fantastic. So someone gained not the we lost. When we see life as one well we hafe bliss.
In writing these feelings i share my joy and love of life and these free and wonderful healing medicines.
What a cost effective measage and how to kill greed