So the second day of the cimt conference is coming to a close I am completely mentally exhausted . So now I am driving home the hours drive to my cheap accommodation . The best news from the conference Was the clinical trial for colorectal cancer using viral therapies It is great to say what I pioneered and Recommended to every doctor and scientist that I meet at these conferences Is finally Being tested. It's in America it is commercial and it is not using cheaper native viruses. But very expensive Commercial products . But that's the nature of this Greedy capitalist economy .
So I still have to be grateful Because at least it offers some hope for the currently untreatable majority of Stage 4 colorectal cancer patients. My friend asked me whether or not Keytruda or nivolumab would be advisable. I confirmed from the seminar today it was covered And I even if you don't express PDl1 in your tumour It is recommended To give it a try. But that is So what that means Is that you need to use oncolytic viruses To generate more ordinary cell like saying to generate The stimulation Oh PD L1 Expression on tumour cells And therefore The chance of having pdl1 here and start T-cell response When you use a checkpoint blockade
The miracle is not that I'm alive. But that I am engaging with the world 's best scientist and doctors. They recognise me and are friendly. their supporter i really really appreciate as well as the guidance I am given. There is the party on tonight but on too tired and I'm gonna get my sleep and rest .
The most interesting thing about today Was the discussions. But one very very tall Scientist and researcher Who agreed with everything I believe in intensive exercise and diet and lifestyle. That these Concepts are left out of the scientific meeting completely .... All learning takes time.
Scientists have many explanations for why they can't be pioneering And the regulatory framework is very limiting and getting stricter So the pace of life saving therapies will slow.
So act now.
Good night and godbless us all!