The cimt conference was fantastic. It's been 4 years since I went to my first conference so much of what I've learnt has directed the therapies and my approach I'm on the edge of remission and maybe this trip to Lebanon and the stem cell therapy will get me there.
There's only 1 way to find out and that's to have a go and that's exactly what I'm doing.
So many great speakers carl June Who met the Pope recently gave a brilliant lecture on char T cells . Now are Got a few really good clues about different strategies to focus on. From all the lectures. the last lecture was From A big drug company And they're focusing on Filtering TGF-beta with PD1. Start now I am at the airport About to fly To the Middle East for Some stem cell therapy I am a little bit nervous but also excited .i have enormous faith and trust in my doctors. Having the knowledge to go with these advanced therapies Makes These decisions relatively stressfree .
So many inspirational scientists and doctors. I inspired a few in my own way and asked them some tough questions.
Getting through security with coconut oil coffee water methadone and gcmaf yogurt was challenging.
I met the kindest german police officer.
Im walking slow and steady so just made my flight. I did have time for a special coffee.
Up up and away.
It was the most blissful sunset. The yellow flowers glowed in the setting sun.
This life is bliss and gods grace enpowering. My dearest friends gave me a wonderfully delicious dinner and stored my bags.
I called my wife abd thanked her and said i love you.