Goodbye mainz hello middle east and remission cimt conference was fantastic. It's been 4 years since I went to my first conference so much of what I've learnt has directed the therapies and my...
View ArticleThe big blue cell BEIRUT
Hotel room yoga! I tried to find a studio in beirut but could not.instead i tried this. have lost so much physical strength and muscle and flexibily. I rebuild. Nice...
View ArticleLost in Beirut
So this morning I didn't have breakfast as I was expecting to go to a second hospital and a attempt plasmapheresisthe wonderful kind oncologist refused the procedure sighting rules and regulations I...
View ArticleOur sacrifices and saint chabell s
IT WAS TORKELS BIRTHDAY HE HAD A CAKE IN HEAVEN WITH ANGELSDear god, grant all who seek impossible miracles courage. Wisdom and strength. Please merciful god hear the cry of those suffering. Its quiet...
View ArticleThe emancipated Christ loves you
Yesterday was a great day I started infusions hepamertz vit c dmso . To the liver and lung an hour each of oncothermia. I went over prof vogl observations and measurement with dr kilarski. Waiting on...
View ArticleIn search of liver
A very quick blogIm finding it impossible to get good organic cows liver, was about to drive 40minutes but the butcher was sold out.Ill keep trying im sure its why my energy has returned, my iron is...
View ArticleA nice evening walk and a very hot Pete
I started today with full-body hypothermia and I finished the day with the long walk. The infusions during hypothermia what is intraperitoneal curcumin and intravenous magnesium high dose vitamin C and...
View ArticleCool pete and the tonguey
My sons youtube channel is fantastic 500 views. I love hearing his voice and to think he has lived most of his life while i have learned how to heal. example maybe the...
View Article6th anniversary of diagnosis
It was a peaceful Sunday.Enema, prayers and reflection On the journey and my blessings.I walked around 5 hours which was Dr kilarski joking target, little does she realise I like a challenge.Its very...
View ArticleRacing to the finish markers up cea 39
For my vampire friends who are obsessed with blood . I share my bloods below and the secret within. Enjoy the mystery of the...
View Article6 years since colonoscopy and Emily The Star
These pictures in report below are gross and my tumours great great grand children still causing problems. shared this...
View ArticleNew IPT and pink sunsets
Dangerous experiment icecream berries and cream 5 minutes before the hundred grams of vitamin C so that I could ost mynsulinlevels to maximize the uptake the most enjoyable insulin potentiation...
View ArticleCrc stem cell asco REAL HOPE Adding 6 healing sounds to daily routine
Gcmaf looks real cheap now! Can you see exactly why naturals are trampled under the greedy feet of corporate giants and the needy meet god well before necessary. Just my opinion!The mek inhibitor cobi...
View ArticleCea 46 ouch but better than 1200 12 months ago
The terminal smile, but i prefer the eternal smile.Im smiling therefore Im happy thereforeIm courageous thereforeIm righteous thereforeI dream of ......I love tony robbins message unleash the power...
View ArticleAnother happy oil hyperthermia
Braf confusion expensive...
View ArticleHealing oil and isla
The bliss is real And the oil heals.Im onway to isla international medical light conference. Feeling after deepcsleep. Gcmaf the day...
View ArticleGcmaf enemas, Hearing the light and the enlightening dr webber
For those who seek to understand stop believing in miracles! And keep on praying for us all. But tonight Emily brain cancer popped into my...
View ArticleSome fantastic pain at liver tumour
The pdt must be working. Another big pdt day.I started tbl12 sea cucumber as well b today.My facebook shareI felt some stabbing pain tonight while doing my coffee enema exactly where the liver met is....
View ArticleThe tunnel glows with the brilliant bliss of hope
The tunnels are laser cables that focus this healing energy on tumours. We are all energy and light .I stayed awake until 3 am studying immunotherapies and photodynamic therapy I knew the day before me...
View ArticleGods the key to my success and gcmaf enema I started the day with a gcmaf coffee...
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