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The tunnel glows with the brilliant bliss of hope


The tunnels are laser cables that focus this healing energy on tumours. 

We are all energy and light .

I stayed awake until 3 am studying immunotherapies and photodynamic therapy I knew the day before me is going to be another day that can save my life or end it depending on how well I execute. So about 6 hours post pdt the photoelectric effect generating apoptosis in the tumour Stroma. the DAMP signals are at their maximum level and I must stimulate an endogenous gcmaf immune response. At the 6 hour window is the opportunity to polarize th 1 thelper response that generates memory t cells that give us the opportunity have enduring immunological result. Ie REMISSION.

Alas the maximum proteins that generate the DAMP signal exist in my urine and alas you can imagine what I have done. So nesslehut smiled and said that's an interesting idea  MR Trayhurn. He may never have such an interesting employee and patient again.

The immunological opportunity as I see it is to reintroduce these excreted immunological activating proteins into my gut.

I am certain in the future that my obsession with the timing of immunological activities will be the basis of all future cancer treatment modalities and maybe not the sophisticated drugs that we are currently obsessed with . nature or God has given us an immune system and we simply have failed to understand it and to use it. We ignore it at our collective peril.

Somehow I got some sleep and I woke up at 8 a.m. and race down for a big magnificent breakfast.

I made it to Dr webber his amazing clinic 15 minutes late as always and rested in the large waiting room with my medical records imaging CDs and blood testing results. He was truly impressive grasping my entire clinical history effortlessly and focusing on the 2.5 centimetre lesion in the lower back part of my liver. I was so grateful  dr Kilarski managed to get me the ultrasound with contrast yesterday. It was pivotal  to the effectiveness of the photo dynamic therapy today.

So I infused the icg photodynamic sensitizer I then infused curcumin. After 4 attempts 1 magnificent Dr found a vein that allowed me to have intravenous laser therapy so I had red laser and blue laser into my blood. It took a good few hours for all be in fusions to finish my ideas regarding dmso and dca put on hold as not clinical practice here but I did get some very useful suggestions from the world's best Naturopath Florian Schilling.

I was then sent stuck in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for 1 hour.  this was loading me up with oxygen in my plasma to get the best photodynamic effect by generation of ROS.

Then 810 NM infrared laser to the liver for 30 minutes to the peritoneal area for 15 minutes and to the lungs for 30 minutes so I have in effect treated all areas of disease

So now I then waited half an hour and Dr weber very carefully inserted between my ribs 8 laser electrodes to the surface of the liver targeting my last remaining liver metastases Dr nesselhut who's there with another 5 doctors watching weber skillfully save my life can you see there's a time when the dendritic cells need a rest and you bring in other therapy options to save your life

How blessed am I to have these magnificent doctors with the vast skills and experience doing their best to help me with a very difficult and challenging illness.

I am grateful beyond words and tonight I sleep peacefully as I do every night i am grateful beyond words and tonight sleep peacefully  every night my head of whirlwind immunological and pharmacological and spiritual concerns and ideas.

Just last weekend the laser conference with the latest ideas and concepts and now I've done it all and the dice has been rolled.

I'll be doing moderate does vitamin C everyday with low-dose rectal ozone to address tumor-induced immune suppression. it truly helps a desperate cancer patient if your boss is an immunological genius and he gives you a few crumbs that helps you stay alive. 

Less is always more most of the time and my Target is systemic inflammation and of course the inflammation in my precious liver.

I may ask Dr weber if I can borrow a portable ultrasound and measure my little liver lesion everyday to document it's departure from this Earth and my continued existence. So now I'm in a immunotherapist pharmacist and an ultrasound operator there is nothing I cannot do.

The funniest thing today was a discussion between the doctors that I was a doctor I said yes of course I have only one patient and they all thought I was a medical doctor and Dr nesselhut was shaking his head saying no Mr Trayhurn you are just a patient but I had them fooled for at least a second.

As I fight for my life all these doctors were laughing and smiling as they were jamming needles and lasers into my incredibly tough body but they got the message that the joy of living transcends all pain and discomfort and that is the most precious message any of these doctors can grasp. My smile has power beyond words it's remarkable at getting the best out of everyone I meet in that way my smile really is Life Saving.

So my unique miracle continues to expand touching doctors and other patients everyday in every way this is a very very joyful journey and no matter how it ends it will be good

After the most delicious dinner I've had in Germany in the last 4 years with ice cream I went for a long walk along the river with birds chirping and the moon glowing and I felt god was with me as it is with us. I was walking and breathing and saying AMEN Out Loud noone was around except the birds and maybe they were answering my prayer.

I asked God again to Grant me my miracle and to help me help others. his will will be done regardless of my outcome.

The light at the end of the tunnel is too obvious. But at the heart of all this laser therapy is light. Glorious brilliant multi faceted light. Chemotherapy and or light therapy it's your choice I've made my choice.

The light that truly Heals us is Hope.

I picture my remission with such a vivid intensity that defies words I'm so close but yet so far away. 

At 1am rectal gcmaf stimulation . 6 hours after the liver lesion slowly cooked.

This is my story, my ideas and opinions in my personal capacity as another joyful terminal basket case. Your story relies on your advice.

My constant prayer is for




Resting before sleep temperature 36.89 up from 36.60. Ill consider il2 receptor status and functional impact at breakfast.

As i sleep i heal. So do you! Respecting our stem cells a part of self respect. Are you alkaline. 7.2 is my Target


Resistance to vemurafenib monotherapy in patients with BRAF-mutant CRC is that BRAF inhibition causes feedback activation of EGFR [Prahallad et al. 2012]. Combining BRAF and EGFR inhibition may therefore be more effective, and indeed this has resulted in a strong synergistic effect in preclinical studies

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