The bliss is all we need!
Some precious messages
I'm the richest man alive because of my friends and the courage gods granted me has been gifts given by my friends.
Goodluck for surgery.
God bless you both.
I am blessed to have a friend as you.
The greatest gift is love and it powers my life.
See you soon.
Superman Flys again soon. Ha ha.
The tumors gone already I'm sure.
This day so sweet like your smile.
I laid in bed and enjoyed the warmth. It's a wonderfully chilly morning. I'm feeling oh so alive. I thank God. I say goodbye to my little sister. Tonight I leave conference early and enjoy family fish and chips with my nephews. The dog here milo tried to trip me over. He is a devil that looks like an angel. Just like our conventional oncologists.
I'm so sad that I've been unable to infect these scientists and immunotherapy sets with hope. I want to say thanks to them for there effort courage and genius.
The alternative world is naughty at condemning them the way they do. This world and it's limits made by us and it's improvement rests in our hands.
I've been spectacular at staying alive and equally ineffective at showing all but a few some really effective tricks.
I've been very scared recently with the terrorists inside me destroying my health my hope and good mood.
But today is the best day of my life day 1 as an older man I'm 50. Yipeeeeee.
I feel so alive so blessed with the love and prayers of family and friends.
The white cherry blossoms blown here and there. The beauty is coming these trees remind me of the peace and beauty of death. I met the most friendly Japanese scientists at the party and we toasted each other. They have curative concepts for rymathoid artheritis and demititis. They wished me well and the sincerity touching. I tried to reconcile we and the father Keith being a prisoner. I've let go of that suffering and can only be a gracious party animal.
The never ending red wine has revers troll and I got merrier and merrier as I worked the big crowd. If there was an empty chair I was there! Swiss Germans kiwis auspices Japanese Americans.
I had the best talk with a very sey young American reporter from the new York Times. I told her about the beruit vampires and she said that's unbelievable. She asked how? I thought to myself how is any of my story possible. I smiled and told her of the power of now that's how and vanished like my tumors. Like I disappeared from the big media conference I crashed.
My one question hit home. She remembered me and said she was looking for me. I smiled that my elusive nature saves my energy. But you can find me here on the blog.
The hour long tram ride let's me write. The trams full of busy souls 50% will get cancer and we have the answer today for many.
I explained so much science to the scientists and this virology St was amazed and supportive and the Austin scientist from Ballarat wants my tumor sample.
It was a good party.
I had a good line as I arrive at new tables. I only have 5 minutes of small talk and that's why I circulate like a bee around flowers. It was so noisy and the young sexy scientists danced like the blooming flowers they are.
This older rat flowered some rare beauty upstairs to a quieter altogether more peaceful space. My wife asked did I find love. I said yes when I married you silly all those years ago.
But I did find love of life of science of curiosity and such compassion in these fine humans with razor sharp minds.
I you could only be there with me.
Why do I have such irrational hope because it's entirely rational and reproducible. The colorectal world is saved that's my project.
The scientists listen and smile . These inconvenient truths make the doctors run a mile. They said are you an activities. I smiled.
Am I not active.
I am my finance department research department travel department. My lab is here in me. I ripped up my shirt and showed my multiple chemo ports. I showed off my very sexy scares.
The places where lovers run there gazes but if they knew the pain of surgeries of the deaths of courageous friends.
They would not asked how any of this is possible. That they ask is proof they don't know.
All I can do is smile and I run a mile many many miles.
How many miles we will see.
The last day of this fine conference bitter sweet.
What treats await. Well that's my fate!
The tram bell rings and it's time to run.
What a life what a day
I have so much work to do.
I am the poster. My smile the conclusion.
I'm desperate for meaningful scientific support. None forth coming. It's like being lost at sea. They see me and keep on flying and I'm left at sea.
So they see. They hear.
But they are blind to my needs and the needs of the deing.
I'm am not. My tears wash Melbourne fine pavement by the yards and the shallows smile at me as I provide water for there breakfast.
Alas I'm starving .
I am the first of many.