this is totally misrepresenting my understanding of the facts and my god it so possible for the media to spin an article anyway they want. i was at the press conference and the new york times reporter wanted to chat with me, but i disappeared into the conference.
my conference time so precious and energy so limited, the chemos been knocking me around.
im home in sydney after 6 intense days in melbourne, if got some great ideas and answers.
these scientists are like germany.
in some respects they are like the rats in cages, im the luckiest palliative cancer patient, at least im free to have an opinion and to try and not die.
but we covered the issues with authorities shutting down doctors and clinics if i say to much publicly now.
the other real issue is i have some excellent ideas why ive got the liver tumour explosion so my advice to not follow my path is very well intended.
what im doing is dangerous, its worked but has risks, at least ive the knowledge and resources to recover from little oversights that would kill most others, it may kill me, but i dont think so as im feeling more confident than ever.
im more cautious than ever also, and skeptical of alternatives, conventional and scientific for good reasons.
the papers presented, that i cherry picked backup all my views in general, they explain key observations about glucose, iron, metabloic immune regulation and lifestyle.
its certainly not as easy as the alternatives claim, but much alternative has some shreads of good science, and the emeging explanations fuel my hope.
my hope based on real science and my success so far.
ive promoted and pushed myself in the faces of famous and enthusiastic scientists and doctors alike.
ive thank god countless times this day for the ways he is leading me, saving me and ive asked him to reveal his purpose in his good time.
Im sure its to do with the trayhurn immunotherapy foundation, where colorectal cancer patients will get my protocol on a phase 1 clinical trial, thats so cheap that single handly we smash he greedy and help the need.
the cancer gravey train is carrying the bones of my friends.
so im off to sleep, my son awaits.
my party is tomorrow night, i cannot wait to see the friends i love, i am so very very blessed.
and to you my few readers i cheerish each of you as well.
this life, the power and the knowledge i feel i have unique.
just get you bravo yogurt or make your own, but the emerging immune impacts of microbiome simply amazing!
so many reasons why im alive and so full of confidence thats touched with sadness, for a new friends brother is just going into palliative care after 7 years fighting colorectal here. i give the best advice, just hold his hand, look him in the eyes and love him.
too die loved and loving the best way to go.
may god grant that fine man, only 55 a miracle, and if not a miracle than peace.
his fate and mine strangely intertwined here, i suspect his death premature, but our politicians want us the stage 4 basket cases dead fast, we are costly corpses to keep alive.
all we offer this society is trouble. look at me! and i have not even started!
god help our health system if i get remission!!!!
to live and say nothing, makes me just like the gas chamber guards in ww2.
the time for polite foreplay has finished, we need an army of stage 4 commandos, the problem is most of my army dies before throwing the first bombs at the establishment.
the article at the top proof enough, that you feed the people shit, wel then thats what they think!, if they think at all. the side effects of these immune drugs bloody lethal as presented at the oncology sessions on Sunday. We have lies, lies, lies all covered with greed, and those in need die. and my brave friend play with rat as the ashes of the dead float bye them.
im the blissful fighter tonight, my scientists friends the blissfully ignorant of our suffering and the insistence on random control trials, when we know so much more, well thats unethical.
just ask the stomach cancer man i meet! he being screwed and he does not even know it! its aggressive phenotype really scary!
these are just my personal opinions and nothing to do with my job!!!!
this is totally misrepresenting my understanding of the facts and my god it so possible for the media to spin an article anyway they want. i was at the press conference and the new york times reporter wanted to chat with me, but i disappeared into the conference.
my conference time so precious and energy so limited, the chemos been knocking me around.
im home in sydney after 6 intense days in melbourne, if got some great ideas and answers.
these scientists are like germany.
in some respects they are like the rats in cages, im the luckiest palliative cancer patient, at least im free to have an opinion and to try and not die.
but we covered the issues with authorities shutting down doctors and clinics if i say to much publicly now.
the other real issue is i have some excellent ideas why ive got the liver tumour explosion so my advice to not follow my path is very well intended.
what im doing is dangerous, its worked but has risks, at least ive the knowledge and resources to recover from little oversights that would kill most others, it may kill me, but i dont think so as im feeling more confident than ever.
im more cautious than ever also, and skeptical of alternatives, conventional and scientific for good reasons.
the papers presented, that i cherry picked backup all my views in general, they explain key observations about glucose, iron, metabloic immune regulation and lifestyle.
its certainly not as easy as the alternatives claim, but much alternative has some shreads of good science, and the emeging explanations fuel my hope.
my hope based on real science and my success so far.
ive promoted and pushed myself in the faces of famous and enthusiastic scientists and doctors alike.
ive thank god countless times this day for the ways he is leading me, saving me and ive asked him to reveal his purpose in his good time.
Im sure its to do with the trayhurn immunotherapy foundation, where colorectal cancer patients will get my protocol on a phase 1 clinical trial, thats so cheap that single handly we smash he greedy and help the need.
the cancer gravey train is carrying the bones of my friends.
so im off to sleep, my son awaits.
my party is tomorrow night, i cannot wait to see the friends i love, i am so very very blessed.
and to you my few readers i cheerish each of you as well.
this life, the power and the knowledge i feel i have unique.
just get you bravo yogurt or make your own, but the emerging immune impacts of microbiome simply amazing!
so many reasons why im alive and so full of confidence thats touched with sadness, for a new friends brother is just going into palliative care after 7 years fighting colorectal here. i give the best advice, just hold his hand, look him in the eyes and love him.
too die loved and loving the best way to go.
may god grant that fine man, only 55 a miracle, and if not a miracle than peace.
his fate and mine strangely intertwined here, i suspect his death premature, but our politicians want us the stage 4 basket cases dead fast, we are costly corpses to keep alive.
all we offer this society is trouble. look at me! and i have not even started!
god help our health system if i get remission!!!!
to live and say nothing, makes me just like the gas chamber guards in ww2.
the time for polite foreplay has finished, we need an army of stage 4 commandos, the problem is most of my army dies before throwing the first bombs at the establishment.
the article at the top proof enough, that you feed the people shit, wel then thats what they think!, if they think at all. the side effects of these immune drugs bloody lethal as presented at the oncology sessions on Sunday. We have lies, lies, lies all covered with greed, and those in need die. and my brave friend play with rat as the ashes of the dead float bye them.
im the blissful fighter tonight, my scientists friends the blissfully ignorant of our suffering and the insistence on random control trials, when we know so much more, well thats unethical.
just ask the stomach cancer man i meet! he being screwed and he does not even know it! its aggressive phenotype really scary!
these are just my personal opinions and nothing to do with my job!!!!