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i look 40 not 50 they say. a sexy young corpse with a smile who loves!

This is a nice kundalini yoga workout but even some people who watched it complained.

Are we not just magical corpses full of energy and when our energy dissipates our cells dissolve and our bacteria and viruses disburse to find new homes new corpses. It's strange you know I have a love affair with real estate and property and in the strangest way I view myself as real estate for my bugs and viruses. And alas these temporary tenants of mine only have a short term lease. I wonder if anyone understands what I'm talking about. I don't worry about this very often at all.

It's been really relaxing day in the unit were so. The coffee enema at the start of the day. Plenty good yoga moves all day and lots of scientific study. I've got a growing awareness pain in the region my liver and I hope it's the effectiveness of the treatments last week and have the supplements and treatments that I'm doing now.

One of the best things about today has been doing lots of video recording my thoughts and feelings but I'm not really sure what to do with them all because I feel they're a little bit too revealing my extreme healing methods and they have enormous potential to cause problems for my doctors and for me. My unchecked opinion as outweighed in these videos is largely socially unacceptable and has the potential to bring down the displeasure of these authorities looking for any excuse to crucify anyone not following the rules.

I love DragonDictate I think you do to the blog is now more comprehensible and this laptop exceptional.

Today I needed to sleep for a few hours in the afternoon I was exhausted. I'm here so alone but I don't feel alone because I have my friends on the blog and in my heart.

. This evening I was going for my walk and I stopped at a magical café in the square and is kind middle-aged man who is having dinner on his own smiled at me and I smiled back. He was enjoying a very large and healthy salad and I congratulated him on such a fine choice of a meal. Within a few moments I was invited to join him for dinner and we talked about tennis and life and my journey and health. He is a new friend's name is Frank and I look forward to playing tennis with him over the coming weeks and months. He is a member of my tennis club and he recognised that I was strange because I was walking around town with my tennis racket.

What was surprising was that even a German businessman in this town couldn't believe an Australian man would come here to save his life. But he did know my Dr K very well and that we both held her in the highest esteem gave us common ground initially. I went further to say that Dr K is one of the bravest women and finest human beings I have ever met and that its criminal that she is being persecuted by authority to saving the desperate and the dying. This is the truth of what eyewitness and not the garbage that is on the Internet.

So even though I'm here so alone I make friends as if God is delivering me companionship when I needed. I feel so strange that everyone I meet comments that I'm inspirational and that I smile and think simply how wonderfully kind are people that I meet and that they grace my life with there fine company.

It started to rain after I left Frank. So for after an hour oo conversation he still had not touched his salad and he kind of complained that the conversation was so interesting. So I left determined to reach the magical forest by the river but it was Chile and rainy and I took refuge in another café not far away.

In that café we saw lots of people having and there was one beautiful German girl having dinner on her own and we smiled at each other quite frequently during the evening and she left. I enjoyed an amazing curry mango soup and a cappuccino.

It's so strange but at home in Sydney I was unable to do my infusions. Here in Germany I've been able to do my own infusions on Saturday and Sunday it gives me enormous peace to know that I'm doing gentle alternative therapies in a cost-effective manner that will save my life. And now I have received some interesting emails one talks about a death and dying course. the course starting on Tuesday and finishes on Friday that I would love to attend course being held at the yoga ashram in the forest and with my current experience I can do my own infusions during the seminar. It's our retreat focused on their and dying. I've done it before and the presenter is gifted and it's my favourite ashram in Germany so I must go. But my amazing doctor areas may some efforts for my care and I feel of the disrespectful if I follow my heart and treat my soul rather than my body.

the course info
Seminars with Leela Mata

Leela Mata is a well known and popular Indian yoga champion from Florida. She practices yoga and ayurveda since childhood and taught for over 20 years with great love and sensitivity around the world. Leela Mata is a very intuitive spiritual teacher. It makes even complex content easily understandable, applicable and perhaps most importantly, experience.

In her presence you can almost effortlessly release old attachments. Emotional cleansing and spiritual awakening happened almost by itself. And in the end you are imbued with a sense of peace and inner strength with which you can like a new approach to everyday life. 

So I'm going to see what my cancer marker is saying on Monday afternoon. Either way I have determined to go to I've had this insatiable urge for the immersive life that I have regardless all the time but the presence of like-minded souls the piece of the forest and the rambling river it's what my heart yearns for. Today I must've done 10 hours of video and I think it's exceptional quality.

It wonderful that I can share my thoughts and feelings of this journey here with you. But for so many years I have been focused on this asthetic life very similar to how the saints used to live. And this is true I am really emphasising one of the earliest concepts I put on this blog four years ago which is to sing your song. So in a very real way I will go back to 1 of the most beautiful places on this planet a place very healing a place I call home. A place where many warm hugs and kisses await a man with such precarious fate.

Today was Father's Day in Sydney I spoke to my daughter yesterday and my son today and Skype is working so very very well. My wife chose not to speak with me at all and that gives me great peace. No matter what happens and all that happens I have this great peace is so profound and that I cherish. I know lesson place that is a part of my life is instrumental in my healing miracles I pray that God will give me another miracle and that all of my treatments continue to work.

We are wonderfully social human beings.  it's one of our greatest survival aspects and given my desperate circumstances I see in two weeks that aspect of how humanity and love and hugs in abundance. if I'm to have any chance of prevailing against my own failings.

The DCA all the supplements all the infusions in particular the vitamin C even sodium bicarbonate all these magnificent alternative therapies denied to the dying I have here. For that I am so very very very grateful.

I hope you have the most joyous and wonderful day every possible way kindest regards Pete.

ps google ted allan waLKER and enjoy

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