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Absolutely fabulous this magnificent day just like the movie in every possible way

In my next life I will come back as a poet of that I'm sure or maybe I'll do that job in heaven with the angels or if God's kind he will leave me here with the angels on this most magnificent planet.

There are angels walking and working amongst us. Sometimes its funny but they dont know they are blessed creatures! Maybe it's so gift but I am good at spotting angels and they always make me smile.

That's why most of my doctors wear white coats so they can hide their angel wings.

Organining advanced spiritual training . I'm redoing the meditation and prayer course on death and dying what a cheerful subject I can't believe I'm getting this material nailed. And whenever I say nail I think of Jesus on the cross and his lessons for us all in particular this everlasting life, hope and love. These sustain my miracle but I'm  still absolutely love my yoga traditions and friends so in that respect I'm completely against the conventional mainstream religions that generally dislike yoga.

Hi westerwald yoga
Its pete here from Australia id love to do death and deing course in case my yoga girlfriends break my heart and i die.
Thats a joke but my cancer is absolutely fabulous.

Now as much as I really wanted to go to the ashram and do this very interesting course given the precarious nature of my illness and the explosion of tumours in the liver of decided to stay put  and focus on therapies and let the opportunity for this magnificent course pass. I was keen to meet the attendees, old and new. Its a very special crowd that go to these courses! Could be the perfect place to find a soul mate!!! sorry i just had to add that in.

I also really wanted to master the material on death and dying because it would help me when I meet so many desperately ill cancer patients seeking their miracles. Yet despite my own personal hope I've noted with much regret that many who come to Germany still die for many complex reasons. I really treasure and could say that I'm blessed to have these encounters with these brave and courageous people and it was my sincere hope that going on this course would in some way help me to help them to relieve the fear and uncertainty that I see in so many of them.

So as you know my work here is staying alive and therefore given the results explained below I thought it prudent to wait until I've got disease control and regression established from this latest little fiasco. I think I've already got all of the material covered anyway I was going more for the company than for the course.

My cancer markets CEA was 470 on 1 September and today I got the results and from yesterday my CEA was 700 on the surface this looks bad but the bright side and there is always a bright side. Is that the highly elevated marker is hopefully tumour die off that's resulting from the tace operation on Wednesday. The next few markers and the trend will be really critical. Or seen see if my existing tried and tested German protocols will manage the current explosion or if I need to invoke all of my standby protocols indicating resistance to all these earlier integrated therapies.

I've got my holistic routine supplements pills food lifestyle and medicine completely organised. I feel absolutely magnificent and even though I'm away from my family and friends in body I'm never away in spirit. It's strange what a father treasures on Father's Day I have to be your way through my beautiful children. But I draw your attention to the quality and not the quantity of communications that we all engage in and I'll just celebrate that it's the treasured secrets of the heart that a daughter shares with her father and no other that might be the most precious memories and confidences that one can attain. The irony that the mother in the bedroom next door knows less than the dying father halfway around this planet is not lost to me. So a Daughters love may indeed be the best and only present a father needs.

Tonight I had dinner with a stunningly beautiful young Polish lady. I am both captivated and enjoy capturing and collecting lovely women. Her smile and company and sparkling eyes were the best medicine I received in a long time. We shared some pizza and I have a cappuccino and they were also delicious. So I wonder why God brings onto my path these amazing experiences when I should be dead. I am not questioning his wisdom who am I to do that but I marvel at the unexpected nature of the delightful treasures he places upon my path.

So my new friend and I have been engaged in fascinating discussions about what is happiness and true happiness. What I feel comfortable to share is that true happiness may come from seeing the treasures on your path. It may be as simple as the smell of the pizza, that chatter ever busy classy Italian restaurant. It could be the most outstanding moment when you're waiting for the waiter at the door. And here I am this old cancer riddeen dead Australian with a stunningly beautiful young woman on my arm waiting for a table. I felt as pleased as punch when the entire restaurant could see that she was with me.

It seems strange that nobody understands me. I was telling the New York Times reporter the other night at an amazing waterfront party that the secret of my energy is to live this moment with all the focus and intensity I can muster. She obviously had too much to drink because she was already talking to me but she wanted to find out why I disappeared from the big press conference after asking the most penetrating and aggressive question to the Conservative presenters.

I just smiled at this lovely reporter and didn't answer her question. My smile means I'll answer another time may be dear. Everything is shared these days probably way too much. Probably too much on this blog. I seriously invited this reporter to Germany to show her the world's best immunotherapies and the absolutely fanatical lifestyle that goes with my success. You can tell she was unable to come as I was having dinner with a different lady tonight. But maybe one day I'll meet this New York Times reporter on the outer barrier reef photographing flashlight fish under a beautiful starry night so that when you're looking at the reef floating on the surface there is no difference between the stars above and the stars below. If you'd seen a fraction of the things I've seen in this life you have some understanding why im having such a hard time leaving this planet.

I've never been able to work out what came first the chicken or the egg. was it the bliss and happiness or the therapy success in my case. Did they both happen simultaneously. But another fascinating aspect about happiness arose in our discussions tonight and that is when you have it to cherish it and and to hang onto it as long as possible.

It's late there's so much to write so much to do videos to edit photos to post so much research for the research Department. At the same time the coffee is on the bench and my liver is exploding so first things first finish this day in my usual way you know what that means.

Good night and sweet dreams may God bless us all especially those who seek miracles

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