It's been a strange day wonderful in many ways just like my life . I'm a guest this weekend of the biggest yoga Ashram outside of India. I believe the course material on kundalini yoga is quite interesting.
I was kind of happy that I was able to keep up with the yoga classes today and that in some respects a lot of my strength has returned in the last 10 months since it was destroyed buy another medical accident which was of my design and I take full responsibility for.
Lunch was fabulous in the sun with a kind young yoga teacher discussing religious philosophy after this lunch i raced back to my private room where I had my infusion set up and did my nabic, quercetin and Vitamin C. I did an enema during the vit c. As necessity. Sometimes the optimum infusion is swapped for convenience.
Im sure the Ashram bosses would have disturbed meditating sessions if they new what I'm doing in there place for the sake of survival. Ill keep them unaware of the miracle thats happening within the yoga fortress. A private room with ensuite makes enemas and infusions doable. When camping its very challenging.
The yoga gurus said standard answer was your too attached to life Let It Go stop these treatments and just die.
Unbelievable but that was their answer and I get many similar answers from conventional patients and their families. for it would probably be easier if I wasn't surviving because it might raise similar question could they do more themselves but I Skip all these arguments and comments from people. I don't have the energy.
It's so strange that I have a sense of how precious my time and energy is.
A few of my doctors used the miracle word today again. Its very nice to hear.
Its a glorious peaceful early saturday night at the ashram.
I took a monk to thai dinner. our charming companion was also my lunch date. Vegetarian thai and its was delicious. The conversation out of this world certainly highly spiritual and privileged. Dinner with the guru and he shared stories and wisdom. Our gurus are living treasures, its shameful the lack of respect these men of god are given in our godless world. Why love, chastity and charity describe the yogi monk as well as Christian priests.
This monks passion for teaching inspirational.
If you think 100 euros course buys these yoga secrets. Think again.
It was a privilege to enjoy a monks company. All these people seeking answer's to the yoga secret.
The hepamertz liver infusion finishing. Soon dca infusiom and sleep.
Another Day
WHAT can i say.
Ill just pray for one more day
The highlight was the way sunlighr glissened in her eyes. The quality of my old and new friends is why I'm so grateful to god.
Another kind lady firmly held my ankles as i did a headstand. My strength and skill returns day by day. But my balance is almost destroyed.
Another dca infusion and enema and im ready for sleep. Drip drip drip tick tock tick toch.
The seconds of my life fly by ever so slow here in myself created paradise. Ive stopped asking why the worlds not doing these excellent therapies. I cannot afford to care my existence still in a super fragile state. Yes great results yet again.but at what cost and what profound implications.
I am simply grateful that i am.
Of course I'm pumping in some toxic natural substances that are destroying my nerves. slowly my feet are like dead clumps of meat but on the bright side I'm pain free and the many tumours is a dying and I having a great weekend and i view nerve damage as Collateral Damage. I know rebuilding the nerve damage Essential and completely doable like the cancer.
Everyone aays what i am doing is impossible. My ongoing smile says it all.
Its kinda wrong using the power of yoga to heal my tortured body and dysfunctional feet when very same time I'm pumping in more poison 2 hopefully save my life.
Kind of difficult tradeoffs but I have to make them and I do so with a smile because I'm very very lucky to be alive to even make these choices and you have access to this medicine that most don't have the money or the courage or the time.
Sweet dreams world another glorious day at the frontline of dangerous cancer therapies and deadly hot yoga women.
For me alone this makes more sense then palliative chemo. I do enjoy many hugs and smiles. Its funny to see all these sweet old girls ( over 30 ) smiling at me like a cake in a german bakery. I think the lean muscle look is in. Id still probably shock them if i ripped up the shirt and showed them cancer scars and accessed chemo ports. Ill let then enjoy there cake. So a tshirt hides the scars but maybe my brilliant smile only exists because of the suffering around and within me. Its complex.
Oh and the side effects of the checkpoint antibodies have settled down for that I am very very grateful as it's entirely possible to destroy an organ or body part very quickly. We got dosage perfect for this regime.
Its so many years ago i inadvertly discovered this wonderful power within me, within us all. Alas using it to survive and thrive not exactly politally correct. But what in my survival is politically correct in this world of knowledge and opinion.
I liked the article above, i may smile as i run up the next mountain or jump the next cliff.
The stage 4 dieing fast club have a unique chance to learn these yoga skills, alas noone teaches these essential skills to cancer patients. Maybe one day i will.
I have more pushups situps and sunsalutes to do.
The last enema done, the infusions complete and sleep calls.
One day soon I'll find a clinical trial looking at the accelerated blood flow throug the liver increased efficacy of dca vitamin C etc etc etc etc etc
I don't really have time or opportunity to muck around with these therapies anymore some of my liver arteries and veins are being compromised by the tumor growth so the lack of blood flow can be incredibly disabling so the rationale behind these very intense Therapies. is to maximize the supply nutrients and cytotoxic factors to the liver to shut down the tumor growth to heal the scar tissue and a basically regain complete control of my leather and put the disease back in the box it belongs.
Of course if you've been reading my blog you know this is possible this must be the 15th time I've arrived in Germany in an absolute disaster in terms of cancer growth.
Time will tell. Its Crystal clear but I do feel it's essential to put my best foot forward NOW when this might be the last show you get to attend.