I stumbled upon this quote
We are all of us from birth to death guests at a table which we did not spread. The sun, the earth, love, friends, our very breath are parts of this banquet... – Rebecca Harding Davis
And this blog
Yoga classes today were magnificent I was surprised how well my body managed most of the postures.
The seminar finished as quickly as it began and the yogis real message hidden in each of our experiences . So I've managed to do my complete infusion program in my little private room at tye ashram. I've also managed two enemas per day.
I didn't need an injection of more strength more courage and more wisdom but that's what I get from yoga and a wonderful healing energy of those around me.
I do not question how long my miracle will continue but I treasure each moment and each breath more than the last. Its a very pleasant way to exist.
What I am doing spiritually and medically is more than enough. the greatest gift I have is to be pain free and full of energy in the form of hope.
Professor v is available and wants to see me soon. I also want to see him and find out how fabulously well my treatments have worked. and if my sense of wellbeing is reflected in the images and pictures as well as the blood tests.
Else this may be a very short German trip this time.
I'm leaving the Ashram tomorrow back to the little village which is only 2 hours drive away I have dinner booked with a new friend and a piece of paper in my pocket with the phone number of a beautiful girl. that she handed to me as she was leaving the kundalini seminar. that is a treasured piece of paper not for the number written on the paper but for the delight this old dying man had in receiving it from such a stunningly beautiful young woman.
And you may wonder at my sanity I often question it myself and in particular the sanity of a kind-hearted young lady who gave me her phone number. I really don't question these miraculous events anymore just that I am alive and able to experience them is more than enough.
It's remarkably clear to me that there is an abundance of love in this world sometimes we just have to open our eyes and our hearts and there it is.
I hope your day was as wonderful as mine and I leave this sacred and beautiful ashram richer and happier than when I arrived.
Maybe the clarity and wonder that I feel my amazing life that I seek to share here is simply the result of standing on my head for far too long. maybe in the end that will be the best medicine for this metastatic illness.
You there with all i think i know from all conferences awards and experimental medical treatments. I especially feel the inadequacy of my contribution to humanity when I see those strong and brave around me dying so eloquently and peacefully we have no access to the medicines they keeping me alive and so well.
As I've often shared here it's not my responsibility to save the world all I can do is smile and enjoy my life. And that's exactly what I am going to do. I've got a friend mountain climbing in a few weeks another friend doing a g gonna camp on the beach another friend going to a top medical conference and then there is another conference on traditional Chinese medicine.
I cannot choose between all of those fine activities above so I've decided to try and do them all as long as they dont prejudice my medical treatments.
I wonder if this brave soul at the beginning of todays blog has had dendritic cell vaccines like I have been privileged to receive.
I pray one day we all get access to this amazing medicine and of course all of the supplementary medicines that go along with my enduring survival.
I don't think of how many days months or years I have left on the planet why I measure my existence in the quality of every breath and the awareness contained surrounding it.
So another warm sunny day with bird singing in the forest and my smiling face in this magnificent ashram. It's such a big ass room but it takes a lot of time to walk around between yoga classes and seminar and meals and my very very slow pace of walking means that my charming companions have to really slow down and we watch the world race on.
I float around in my Bliss filled bubble and one of my friends said why don't I give a lecture here and I thought to myself of all the things I could possibly would not be allowed to say
I have this God given gift to get into serious trouble as soon as I open my mouth so I better keep it closed Sealed with my smile that is the safest way for me to exist
I've only got the next 2 days of treatments organised and I will let God direct me as most of my doctors are away on holidays probably on stress relief for all the headaches that I called them and that's why I do not put too many medical details in this blog anymore because unfortunately some people in authority have got the capacity to read and act alas in all the wrong ways
You would think that our supposedly intelligent sophisticated societies that the dying would have access to simple life extending infusions.
Alas that is just a dream I hold in my heart and off to my dreams I go
Thanks for reading and sweet dreams world and if you prayed for me and my friends and all those in need .
Then some serious thanks and my prayers really for you and this world's happiness and mine as well.
Maybe civilized western man has just made one glaringly obvious fundamental error and that is the coffee should be going into our bottom not our mouths. Of course if you've got cancer doing an infusion of dca like I have done over these last days at the same time as a coffee enema is a very neat trick and if the authorities consider that to be medical advice then I'm in deep deep trouble as usual
The other amazing thing I'm sure is that I may be the first cancer patient to do is 75 grams of vitamin C and qercetin and then to do a 2 hour yoga class with very high plasma levels of these wonderful natural agents.
Maybe the amazingly Pleasant buzz I have been doing my head stand was the result of the Vitamin C quercetin alkalising agents marijuana oil methadone and these are the agents in infusions I'm allowed to mention maybe you can try that at home if you've got time and a feeling a little bit crazy and desperate like me
And when the doctor says wait stop you might hurt yourself I come back always with this wonderful answer that I've got this God damned terminal illness diagnosis how can these agents really hurt me any more than the illness is in the first place.
And well of course you know the side effects and the costs of enjoying my disposition to unauthorised experiments.
So if you have cancer please be very careful doing anything but I'm doing I have done my homework I have got my experience and I take the risks based on my experience my research and considering medical advice and the opinions of some of the best scientists on the planet.
I've said good night before but this is really good night