Dear friends
I've been in hospital 3 days now. It is very hard for me and as i suspected with the first chill I had an infected chemotherapy port not that I use it for chemotherapy.
The constant access of my port to work every day sometimes twice a day to deliver life-saving natural medicines has infection risk as it's main downfall. But on the bright side these medicines continue to work for me while I have the money to finance them.
Hot and then chills. Delirious very Delirious the most Delirious in my life. These hallucinations or Dreams are the most Vivid of my life and feel never ending.
What's likely in my effort to save money infected myself. It's such a strange irony that I felt so strong and fantastic during last weekend's intensive yoga . I am grateful that at least I headed back 2 hours drive to my hometown of rheine before getting sick very very fast.
My temperature spiking between 41 and 39 degrees so it's been a very unpleasant few days I started writing this post 3 hours ago and fell asleep. I was just waking up when the doctor came in they have decided to take out the chemotherapy port asap. I'm still looking at another 4 days in hospital and two weeks before I can get a new port.
So the good news at the end I cancer markers my the lowest it's been in probably about 5 weeks the therapies are still going to work I'm sure but it's a long long road back to a CEA of 17.