Im taking off to music and adventure and Ill forget therapies and enjoy the break.
Im writing my book smart rat. As in trying to address conference here with my findings.
I had a great talk with boss Dr N the worlds best immunotherapist.
Its clear the most likely explanation is that tumour explosion due to therapy induction.
Now if a die i know why.
Im trying to develop patent concepts as now we know. If i get these 20 tumours destroyed i might head back for the Australian biotechnology
The gofundme has been fantstic.
The peace and bliss is real.
These share on my go fund me burst my heart.
I'm honoured to call this guy "friend" and affectionately known as the lab rat....he is an absolute inspiration to me, has an amazing passion for life and at the forfront of cancer treatment in Germany at the moment. Get behind him and donate to a great cause where you know your money will go directly to saving a life not to promised research that may be years off benefiting anyone. God has your back Peter Trayhurn and you have our love, support and prayers. Go ahead click here....make a difference Today!