Please GOFUNDME search save german rat.
The biggest thanks to my readers and a special tear if you donated as every donation large or small really touches my heart. I feel the tumours dissolving with each dollar. I do my best and pray. And the money raised so far covered flight here and 6 nights in the cheapest hostel in barcelona. The GCMAF suppositories were donated by a miraculous melanoma hero. One of my dearest friends.
Sit back and watch the ripples of love in this world of need where greed is easily replaced by love. Just like hope replacing fear.
From a wonderful friend
Ask not for an easy life...ask for the strength to face the elements, to weather the storms; to be the might for the right and the weak, to be the voice for those who cannot speak, to see one's dreams to fruition with dignity, integrity, and grace.
I'm in warm sunny Barcelona and going to the beach this morning I've had a fantastic breakfast with a new friend for some salmon and her company was magnificent.
I was inspired by the fish to do a headstand in some yoga in the sun I have realised I don't need an ashram I am the Ashram where ever we go we take the spirit of Yoga with us and of course Jesus I'll start writing the book after my swim but for now I need some vitamin D therapy
It should be a fantastic 5 days in Barcelona I've got lots of ideas for conference speeches but the main point in this quick blog is to advise I've made my GCMAF Yogurt and I'm asking for permission from Prof Ruggiero if I can give some starters to the sick and for those who were dying of cancer in Barcelona.
I might give them a little public lecture on how to use for Yogurt and yoga and diet to control cancer.
Looking at our problems and this world from a different perspective even if it's completely upside down like me in the photo is a useful thing to do from time to time and maybe all the time especially if you adopt the perspective of Christ's love then this world truly is a magnificent place.
There's lots to do lots to study but I have to heal I've done GCMAF and artemisinin intramuscular injection. I've done lots of laser light therapies lots of supplements and I'm going to have fun I've also done some yoga and a relaxing enema in the hostel which is quite a treat.
Despite my precarious situation I've decided that my goal of living to 150 is actually too short and it's probably should be more like 200 but I'll see what God decides.
What's the point of living if we don't have a very very big or wonderful dreams and goals why limit us by the limits of those around us that's what I hope to help people do remove the limits and the blocks to healing and to get on with a joyful life it's that simple
I'm looking at trying to team up with big Pharma because they represent a fantastic solution for a majority of cancer patients where what I offer is really only for a very select small group fanatically desperate survivors . I think big Pharma may actually be one of my biggest contributors down the track I've also realised that every dollar I save and every dollar I make or have donated in my mind is a human life that we can save and remember I don't measure success in whether you live an extra 10 or 20 years or one day I measure success that we are living happily it despite the fact we have an illness that conventional medicine says is terminal cancer.
If you want a complimentary gc-ms yoghurt starter and you're dying of cancer come to the graffiti hostel in Barcelona it's there for you waiting from tomorrow if I get approval to give it away.
The miracle will if any of the sick and dying who would be interested in the yoghurt actually see this blog post that will be another miracle how they find out that it's available I'm only here for 5 days and really that's only as long as the starters have activity so we just have to see then again someone in the hostel might take the yoghurt or throw it away but all those things I leave it to God I bought the milk I've made the yoghurt and now we will see what happens I need it myself anyway.
Oh and one of the photos was of the GC maths suppositories and Rerum in my hand what I really like about Rerum is fat it's heat stable and I can travel with it and use it to save my life. And for all of the purest and conservatives out there there's no proof about anything that I say I just have massive faith in it.
I do have a little mission and that's not to save a dying but that would be nice but that's very very hard but I'd like to teach the trying how to smile that's all.