And so another day fades
My story here. Please gofundme
I suffer beyond belief.
They ask how r you?
Without hesitation i say great wonderful despite my weakness and exhaustion, the constant nausea.
For despite the enormity of my challenge i feel my bliss i summon it relentlessly to cushion my agony. My smile never leaves this body while i have energy to focus my will.
I will heal
I tried some magic drops tonight and an enema. A very kind friend filled plunger with coffee and left my room.
I watch the other brave new friends confront immense challenges and i pray for them and my miracle.
I think of jesus healing love as i lay motionless barely alive as i waste away unable to really eat.
Yet im surrounded by courage and i wonder and wish healing for my friends.
Maybe god will grant me a peaceful sleep. I have a 7.30am massage from an angel.
She can gently shuffle bones.
The girls discussed breast cancer and i hide out of the circle on my bed listening to unbelievable suffering heart ache courage strength and wisdom.
I explained dc vaccines to one brave girl as this illness mercilessly attacks younger girls.
They ask me does this work.
I gaze into needy desperate eyes.
I simply say i owe my life to petria that my countless miracles i owe to gods love which i found in meditation.
The dolphins are magic! And so is each of us.
Pray for us all and gods love is real!
How else can i have the strength to do an enema.
I am very confident i will survive as my gut screams and groans.
Tomorrow night round 2 comtriq and vit c eta
I am the luckiest man alive for my gods with me. We share this magnificent life with its suffering and courage.
And i let my awe of this existence carry my soul on my dreams and may i wake with abundant energy to drive to my family.
Amen sweet dreams