she i managed to get home alive from this challenging retreat, its saved my life, i recommend it! but i suggest you read every word and link on this blog to grasp the context shall we say. i found a few funny media enquiries in a spam folder, well whats funny is i ignore them still
this blog just my gratitude journal and some science i find interesting, id follow your heart and not my foot steps!!! unless they lead you to God and profound peace!!!!!!
doing chest presses
doing pulldowns
so its just son and i today, wifes missing in action.
we have have no clue but i have an invite for a nighttime date to goto a club to see prince, michael jackson and queen!
son and I cleanup graden and house a bit
we watch a movie the lost island son and I
he gets whatever his heart desires for lunch ( so do I )
i sleep most of the afternoon, he plays computer and skypes
a new friend in the bruno circling of healing calls to do healing session
another friend calls to celebrate his mums 91st
I snuck 2 choco chip cookies when we took our dog Moby the black sheep to the dog park for his Saturday evening romances, but its more prances!
our beloved moby likely riddled with cancer as his brother black sheep toby who died 6 months ago as his father me
well he loves the dog park, he is 11 and as bouncy as a pup unlike me
my son ran him and ran him, played with other dogs and their owners
i was on the phone answering urgent last minute questions about draft tax returns , missing bank statements and complex transactions all aimed at getting me back to Germany
The kindest bank lady emailed me all the missing statements within a 10 minute peroid, mind you i called the bank back and begged asecond time, seems never giving up continues to work!
yesterday the kindnest air india manager waived my $250 aud change fee due to my limited prognosis, i was supposed to fly tomorrow to germany but i stay to get fighting funds!!!!!
so so so, my energies better, the pains negligible at present THANKYOU GOD!!!!!!!
yesterday i started my 2nd 28 day cycle of my super advanced targetted drug never used or tested on colorectal thats working for me based on markers.
tonights midnight enema was effective at unloading lots of poop, yes i did the Our Father as every crap is a miracle to me!
the band was great, so was the wife!!!!!
so was the icecream cream and cake
i stole her heart years ago, tonight i stole some cake and sipped her strong coffee
i was her companion
she was my chauffeur
i scrubbed up well enough
we looked normal
i felt so young and healthy as i looked around the large crowded room
what do get for $10 a ticket, really alot!!!!!!
i am writing and burping attempting to degass before sleep as nausea at night is terrible
i have the craziest and most desperate ideas to raise serious money to get me back to germany, i can make money in australia , i cannot easily in germany when my focus switched to medicine
my dog moby licked and nudged me as my son laughed as we gardened, i sit and suggest, not much get done besides all the laughter
my daughters walking a 30 km track with scouts, sleeping on a chilly rainy night tonight
im so proud of the family wife, kids, dog and cats
another glorious day on earth
so my quest continues and my sage said follow the path to greatest peace!
i will leave you to consider that
i however must sleep
im torn between the spiritual healers that have killed so many of my friends who say mediate and pray and forget the medicine, forget the illness, dont focus, just say i want health
they say read our success stories, id rather read pubmed, id suggest they do!
i read the obituaries of my friends who trusted the spiritual healers
who do i listen too ?
the promises of kind and caring strangers or the silence of friends!!!!!
its not not i dont have faith, but gods granted me a special experience and I will be dammed if I dont follow my heart and at the same time let the healers preach to all and sundry
just for the faithful!!!!!
the taurolidine patent and the science of one of many options for the desperate!!!!!!
so another day passes and i dont!
may god grant each of us our hearts desire
my sons was a yummy chicken burger for lunch
my wish, well i think you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i jumped on the scales, im down to 70kg, i cannot stop the muscle loss
on the bright side im so light now that i cannot break the scales!
i sleep in nappies scared of destroying the bed! its really a very joyful life
my gut protests and i still burp
sweet dreams friends! and yes im a kras mutant, godbless the mutants!