i think this is especially true if you have cancer.
http://drlwilson.com/articles/Immunity.htm this summarises so much of what i have read and my ideas, its readable and makes sense to me.
infected ports are an issue in the german clinics, its something you have to stress to the clinics. itsacutally life threatening, my cea rose strongly after my most recent port infection. did it cuase the recurrence 2 ? wellnoone can say for sure, but i have my suspicions.
I wont give in to cancer, I wont give in to the conservatives. they are killing 1000s with thereignosrance everyday alas.
http://drlwilson.com/articles/Immunity.htm this summarises so much of what i have read and my ideas, its readable and makes sense to me.
infected ports are an issue in the german clinics, its something you have to stress to the clinics. itsacutally life threatening, my cea rose strongly after my most recent port infection. did it cuase the recurrence 2 ? wellnoone can say for sure, but i have my suspicions.
I wont give in to cancer, I wont give in to the conservatives. they are killing 1000s with thereignosrance everyday alas.