I arrived at arrived at the Amadeus hotel frankfurt next Dr siebenhuner with no booking. The waiter and doorman explained to reception iawas a vip. A little extra care makes all the difference
I put my gcmaf yogurts away and unpacked and had a super maf314 dessert with my extras . I made my coffee enema but i fell asleep before using it. The coffee is still waiting. I was exhausted last night.
I was also sad. Whenever i stay here i remember Ren and our meals together. He found the hotel. He fought so hard.
The drive 4 hour drive from plan egg munich was uneventful except for discussion with a very helpful insurance expert. I was so tired, i pulled over for a nap. That lasted hours.
Sleep is so healing , I must get more sleep. I often slept at florian while getting treatment .
The tiredness i suspect was due to Dr florian schillings therapies. I had MET energy therapy to stimulate mitochondria. As well as b17. Alpha lipoic. Artemisinin and pancreatic enzymes. All the other doctors and staff are so kind in this integrative practice. They are all on the ketogenic diet.
I was late for infusions. The energy to loaded the car with boxes of organic food. Yogurts. Bags. Well it just takes time and precious energy. But then I use the stairs and the exercise essential. I did 15 minutes in finish sauna twice over 2 days. It did not kill me with the thrombosis. Yes another small risk. But I need the heat effect on the immune system.
I left Florian. He was happy about key tones 2.9 it's been a great 5 days therapies. I redid my markers. As usual on arrival and exit. Those markers will tell the story of success and will relate to prof vogl observations today. What will his eagle i see.
This is written waiting in the reception room. I was 30 minutes late and lost poll position. I hope i can make it to Dr siebenhuners for ipt oncothermia this afternoon.
My wonderful Dr mikael ndorfors. Who i was skiing with on weekend raised the issues of too much chemo from these tace routines. But i want the radiologic evidence of NED. Of the proof of these therapies success.
Apparently i use proof liberally online. Well i am only stating my direct personal experience. Then my observations and my conclusions. And then i make sweeping generalisations, but my personal results is all the proof I need.
I just had pre tace consult . He suggested no metformin till Friday to allow contrast agents to be removed by the kidneys.
Please watch all the kidney function videos by mobeen on my uni page.
Right now prof vogl is studying my mri of liver. What does he see ? Will he say NED ?
Is this incurable deadly illnesses raine of terror is finished? It's a joy to see it first hand. I am delusional with health and success. Maybe with love and forgiveness and success I can convert the skeptics and my attackers.
But I will not hold my breathe. That would be suicide and the cancer world has enough death. What we need is more life much more.
I can easily effortless dedicate the rest of my life to brave survivors pursuing immunotherapies.
This written from the oncothermia bed I lay on its the only ethical choice, to openly share my therapies and celebrate my success. Which I soon pray will be all our successes.
I have found innovative therapy success the billion dollar question is am I the only one?
I am not waiting for apologies but if Mike wants to eat his words well it shows the man caliber. We are all human and mistakes come easily to me but then the lessons are precious. Maybe an apology from David Noakes. But again I do not hold my breathe.
Time and life judge us all. But the blinkers we where and our
I have a joyful life to live. I have earned it. I deserve it. In fact I relish it.
If you want to beat metastatic. Believe it's possible. As many times as it comes back I am waiting. My cancers problem is I am smarter and healthier each time. Alas my foe is also mutated and desires it's existence. Maybe I can survive in a truce, my chronic illness I can live with. If I have too. But maybe just maybe it don't have too.
Prof Marco ruggiero stressed look at pictures not markers. The picture is worth a 1000 words and maybe these pictures a 1000000 lives. Conventional cancer treatment will change overnight. The oncologist will study immunotherapy ie mobeen videos and all my friends will live. This is an exciting time to be alive. I feel so well and I see the fear and uncertainty all around me in the faces of patients in the waiting room.
Thats why another chunk of my savings goes today. It's proof of NED of these simple. Non toxic . Effective cancer treatments. I want markers and pictures and then I will start. I need more evidence PROOF for all my friends that my path leads out of the nightmare. This is my dream, if I don't make it through this take well its been fun.
I reflected on my time on CSN. I think I truly cannot comply with their terms and conditions. And in some ways they are reasonable and fair. I just cannot sit by and watch friends die when I have ways that work. That I believe work for others. That's why it's best for my opinions and story to exist on my blog. But for the record CSN don't celebrate unorthodox success they shut me out. Even the few posts a month is too much when it calls into question all they proclaim.
The death toll is tragic and continues to skyrocket. I sleep joyfully each night. I have a very clear conscience. I love my new home Germany.
I have not met or read about another survivor with my focus and experience with what's really the most cutting edge therapies.
Is my dream that these therapies that have and are saving my life will help others sooner rather than later so wrong.
My message is get extreme and hang on . Maybe we don't have to die from metastatic cancer.
Maybe our fantastic immune system can beat metastatic. So whenever I hear from conventional doctors about metastatic illness and death. I deliberately change that to fantastic and life. I don't argue the point with skeptics at all anymore. I just smile and breathe and think to myself I am alive. I am well. I am blessed. I am grateful and I will not give up on me or you.
I reflected how scared and brainwashed the cancer masses. Even in my continued triumphs over this illness they refuse to listen.
With my greatest success immediately before me the attackers mercilously attack me. It's tragic and ironic that if the energy they devoted to attacking me was spent learning. May I recommend mobeen immunotherapy lectures for a start.
So prof vogl asks "what have you done?" I tell him b17, dca, ipt, Artemisinin , oncothermia, il2, xeloda, zometa , MET energy medicine and ski therapy.
I ask what he sees ?
I wonder how the lung mets have responded ? Do I need Dr rolled or has tace and vaccine finally removed them. This could be the clearest victory for NK cells.
I was hoping for, expecting this answer. But a picture is worth a 1000 words.
My therapy mix equals disease control and life.
My success reflects my judgment , my views my decisions and all the calculated risks. Of course none of this would be possible without all the doctors, Naturopath, therapists and friends who have prayed for my healing.
So in 3 weeks, I am almost tumor free.
The nature of my journey. My survival has meant I am attacked on CSN and even those attacks are against there terms and conditions. I have also been attacked by Immunobiotech who I previously counted as an ally in my battles.
I am not permitted to go into details but for the record I had no response in my weeks treatment at Gcmaf clinic. I requested a refund which was refused. The emails and specifics heart breaking and amusing. I still recommend the Gcmaf clinic. Are they perfect ? No . Can they do better ? Yes. Do I regret going ? Absolutely NO. Prof Ruggiero is a gifted doctor and scientist. However my therapy mix has been described as science fiction by all the key players at Immunobiotech.
Anyone following my blog will know I spoke at their conferences. I always stressed Gcmaf in combinations.
Many friends have tried gcmaf and a few have had benefits. But that's not the picture portrayed on their website. I think the gcmaf science is solid and I am grateful it's being comnercialised.
As I investigate my failure to respond to Gcmaf. I will update discoveries in my blog.
This blog has been sharing my journey to help other cancer patients.
But I see much conflict and greed when the coming battles for immunotherapy based cancer treatments and the billions of dollars up for grabs.
We are fighting for our lives and the only place I was asked to sign a non disclosure agreement was the gcmaf clinic. And that was at arrival at the clinic. Not when I booked. And then I never even was given a copy of the non disclosure.
I think special ethics and care are needed when dealing with cancer patients. Apparently most patients there do well. I suspect this is likely but i have not confirmed this. I know of a few gcmaf failures.
That said i am grateful for my response and the direct injection of goleic into the liver could have been a key factor in my response.
So i am well. Alone in recovery. All the other patients have carers. I am content b to be well and alone. And i note my attackers in patient communities and now immunotherapy suppliers with amusement and compassion.
It's just tragic the costs are oh so high. I am well and my attackers may end up in hell. There destination I leave to God. My destination is Dr siebenhuner for ipt with 15 in insulin dca b17 do so and extras. And double oncothermia to liver and lungs.
This mornings tace was to lungs and lymph nodes and glucose post tace was 130 much below 240 two weeks ago. But that targeted liver mets and had goleic direct injected to liver mets.
The difference glucose i suspect revealing of what's happening in the microtumour environment.
Microtumour sounds fantastic. Ie they really are microtumour. Not visible to scans anymore. NED AGAIN I PRAY. I NEED VOGL REPORT and pictures.
And for the record if a few misguided cancer cell cannot kill me then what chance do my attackers have of shutting me down.
As far as I am concerned everyday I live is the best day in the iimmunotherapy revolution.
Each breathe is all the proof I need.