Liver met shrinkage due to oxaliplatin and goliec gcmaf
Very very big day.Tace with goliec.Ipt b17 dca oncothermia.Liver met noticeable shrinkage.Lung met stable.No pulmonary embolism.Driving back duderstadt 10th for more dc preparation.Really tired. Sweet...
View ArticleIn the poo cea 200 and eviction threatens at home
Its a great day to be alive. With increasing markers and other confounding issues.I slept very peacefully with a pink floating unicorn beside me and had breakfast with a 3 year old angel and her...
View Articledouble massage today
i got ozone and oncothermia at doc nesslehutsI had a couple of relaxing massages, the best was the 2 hour thai. i am so relaxed, this is whats needed to let the immune system function.sticking to my...
View Articleexcentric genius overwhelmed by my everpresent mortality and my papers title...
i am so glad i am such a tough survivor. i have so many challenges i just sat in the car today literally drowning in my own sorrows. from the flat tyre out in the country to not being able to find the...
View Articlethe tumours holiday is over and they must die not I!
heading off for a sauna in gottingensharing helpful info to the last beat! no point stopping now! colonchat...
View ArticleThank you god! Cancer Markers crashing
I am responding very very very very well to same old therapies. Cea now 125 down from 204 in 6 days. Ca119 303 down 470 in 6 days. The relief is palpable.My finest hour is still before me.From the...
View Articledont loose any weight! thank you asir and marco
blog from yesterday so yesterday i had NDV and oncothermia.I felt fever and tired, flu like signs of NDV. this is a good omeni had a quick chat with fred about treg and i have gone onto 500mg xeloda...
View ArticleSchool of the dead and miracle defined!
Some friends have enrolled! Its nice to have company.This is the school i belong to with a metastatic illness with a terminal prognosis.The only thing that is unique about me is that i believe i can...
View ArticleHow fast can I go?
I have just filled up with high powered diesel.It's a warm clear sunny day.The autobahn is before me and then Florian and the most advanced medicine on the planet.I woke this morning rested and fresh...
View ArticleShit happens and its still good to be alive and I will survive! Car Stolen!!!!
well thats what I thought for an hour yesterday morning, then I found out I left it parked in the taxi rank, I was so releaved, then I was releaved of 330 euro in fines and fees. No matter how I try to...
View ArticleRandomness of life and healing
i was driving to the cheapest hotel i could find, very tired after an intensive afternoon the first days therapies of b17, dca, artemisinin, alpha lipoic acid, enzymes, rectal ozone. i left 6am from...
View ArticleI am struggling and human and medicine that works and advice about clinics
I wrote this yesterday, before the fantastic news thats coming.I believe in holistic healing , that why I share whats going on personally to give an insite into what possibly causing stress in my...
View ArticleCEA 29 down from 204 in 10 days! Thankyou god and doctors and friends for...
The rate of tumour decrease is fighting, the potential of my immune response scary and overwhelming. I maybe tumour free sitting here, yes this is what i believe.My immune system is working like its...
View ArticleLaunch of the Immunotherapy University for cancer patients
Come on a journey of discovery with me about our biology with a focus on our immune system. But this blog is really about my biology and therapy choices and some opinion.Always remember we are studying...
View ArticleEffectively BANNED CSN, The cancer deaths will continue, thats the nature of...
On the even of what maybe my finest achievement of CEA<0.5 ( God I hope this comes true ) I am effectively banned from sharing my story. I cannot mention therapies or doctors or results, I will be...
View ArticleWhat will prof Vogel see ?
I arrived at arrived at the Amadeus hotel frankfurt next Dr siebenhuner with no booking. The waiter and doorman explained to reception iawas a vip. A little extra care makes all the difference I put...
View ArticleWhy am I number ONE ?
How do you repay doctors who put medical care above profit ? unending loyalty thats how.I will be based in frankfurt 2 weeks per month, the blogs not for sale, but I will feature the therapies that...
View ArticleIts time to get serious. All the balls in the air and I cannot juggle VDR and...
Key message complete tumour control in 2 weeks, from out of control growth to almost NED. Its time to sell the dream !!!Evidence of success todays markers resultsCancer markers commencing treatment...
View ArticleHomework for the students, Ginger and Survival
Started Using Ginger. Survival my strong point not spelling and grammar.I will save the cancer world from my little office in Dr Siebenheuner's clinic and my life of course.Ok, I sincerely apologize...
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