Another magical warm sunny day
In loving memory of Phil.I woke up so fresh and rested. Breathing peacefully. The sun is pouring into the flat as I hope to share hope. I am so alive and my God has granted me more beats despite the...
View ArticleHomework 02 Tcells, Immunotherapy reflections and ketogenic diet!
Only knowledge will save your life and absolute determination, confidence and a bit of luck! Absolutely commit this to...
View ArticleBrain hormone profiles and pd1 secrets and mouse cho high protein diets did anyone note the 65% protein and the survival and of course celebrex for rats. how apt.the basis of...
View ArticleRecord keytone bodies today 5.2 and glucose 4.4 I am in the tumour cell...
This blog is the sum total of some wonderful friends who are passionate about survival and know lots about cancer. For the record I would not be here without all my friends love and support...
View Articlemy nobel prize and colostrum from the heavens and bravo probiotic yogurt
Rick from Zestforlife who supplies colostrum has been very kind and I want to thank him, his freshly frozen liquid colostrum I recommend to all my friends with cancer. I am using some of his colostrum...
View ArticleChocolate is life!
I only have about 30 of these very small and tasty swiss chocolates left, can you see the little square piece. It's the thought that counts, not the size of the chocolate. It reminds me of a time along...
View ArticleThe dream is just beginning and tears of joy for my super heroes! The worlds...
If my readers without cancer could see the courage of my closest friends with cancer that are alive, amazingly we are all a heartbeat away from death anyway, especially me with this stupid thrombosis....
View ArticleIts just like dying! Homework Mabs example
On the soap box on colonchat, I wonder if I will get banned, i think not, they are an open minded crowd I think my frustration is coming out, no point waiting for doctors and scientists, we need other...
View ArticleWould you like something "Extra" ?
So my dream trip to the ashram will have to be next weekend, I could not get out of my current accommodation and I cannot afford to waste 2 nights. The internet is turned off by the landlord at random...
View ArticleSynergy is the key! How do I define it ? and earth breaking research paper on...
The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.Sorry in advance, still more...
View ArticleThe beautiful emptiness!
Itssunday and I had my leftover french onion soup for breakfast, I did some reading, had my morning enema and meditation. I then visited my wonderful friends, enjoyed another tasty organic roast lunch...
View ArticleThe flying sardine and the saint and the duality of the revolution
Its taken me 5 minutes to work out how to spell Karma, then I found these laws, they suit me The laws of Karma and this one also Karma with a bit more detail My attempt to survive this cancer and my...
View ArticleThe GCMAF Clinic my experience in February, Why pull any punches! The whole...
Lets save the cancer world together research paper by research paper and test by test. Some cutting edge papers. I should be asleep, but this is just too important!Colonchat discussion about new GCMAF...
View ArticleHomework 03 hepa merz and the complement immune system and b cells
I am looking for synergies. I am looking for reasons why my off label and supplements help my immune response.Yoga vidyaenglish teacher training I am looking forward to seeing if the power of yoga...
View ArticleFocus on thyroid cancer and tumour immunity and God
Focus and study everyday is my mantra, I wish many are doing the immunotherapy university, but alas only a few. I am really dreaming and getting ready to enter life long remission based around managing...
View ArticleAlmost there! Digging into HAMLET and milk proteins, great now BAMLET what...
Maybe the secret of Bravo.The Alpha-Lactalbumin/Oleic Acid Complex and Its Cytotoxic ActivityIt has been theorized that HAMLET could be naturally formed in the digestive system ofbreast-fed children,...
View ArticleCEA 12 Bursting with joy in silent ashram
12 is a magic number, Dr Siebenhuener gazed into my eyes with a big warm smile. He was happy as hell, I am his miracle as well. the integrative miracle continues. About 4 weeks ago CEA 204, so the...
View ArticleYoga vidya very healing
I am on a roll and thanking god for and with each breathe .so today 4 hours yoga, 4 hours meditation and song and prayer. I feel invincible and suspect the power of the mind is infinite and all true...
View ArticleWhats my secret ?
This duet was inspiring at yoga vidya, there music fills the farmhouseAnother batch of maf 314, google hamlet proteins if your interestedDinner beef broth soup after being a weekend vegan at yoga...
View ArticleOm has no meaning! and kindness
The real meaning of OM, from someone I wise in yogas ways.Om has no meaning!That is not a joke.Om, is the primordial sound of the universe, the name for God or Brahman who cannot be quantified or...
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