On the soap box on colonchat, I wonder if I will get banned, i think not, they are an open minded crowd I think my frustration is coming out, no point waiting for doctors and scientists, we need other patients with brains, balls and money. Then we all will have all the proof, I'll blog the first brave RAT when he turns up in Frankfurt with a smile.
So if you have been following my beoing blocked from the American cancer survivors network , often discussed here as CSN. Well I was driving home after a very big and eventful day when I realised being blocked is the equivalent of dieing. Often the most wonderful people on CSN like kerry with attitude, lisa42, crowe and so many more. Well now pete43lost_at_sea joins there ranks, put there by CSN management and authority. I thought I have always been polite and respectful of others and at the same time been true to myself.
My last posting on CSN Great news still alive. I miss those wonderful people, even the unkind ones, but now that chapter of my life is over and I can focus on my survival and helping those who want my help. Being blocked means they will never know about options that work and their treatments are brutal and futal, it breaks my heart, but time heals. I wish them all the best and a few know where I am, but all the newbies will be lead down the garden path like lambs to the slaughter. I have to stop making sheep analogies, thats what got me into trouble in the first place. not really. Was there anything so terrible in that post. I keep my personal opinions over here in my blog, that very few read, but if you do then thanks.
We all know what got me into trouble, it was living, despite impossible odds and everything in CSN cancer advice is tantamount to murder. Look at the science and the results of GCMAF, for so many it delivers and helps.
Its just the irony that here I am one the few survivors of extensive metastatised colorectal cancer using alternatives, the only one on CSN, Colonchat and Colonclub that I know of in the last 4 years.
Is my outspoken success and joy at being alive such a threat ? Well I think you can answer that.
So I have this insight, on the day of all days I took 1500mg xeloda and started hardcore IPT over 7 days. The markers will be run done in 10 days on Monday, unless Dr Siebenhuener wants more markers sooner. I explained yesterdays blog to Dr Gabrielle, she is also very experienced with some spectacular offerings. Next monday I start electro therapy on the liver, I love the idea of attacking the immune and tace resistant cells with another modality.
This is the essential element of my cancer survival strategy, hittiing the bastard from every concievable angle at the same time, or as close as possible.
From the Dr Florian Schilling, a naturopathic genius if God ever created one, leaves the qualified Doctors scrathing their heads saying "did you here what he said ?", my doctor is a great lecturer, I am blessed. See in the comment about LPS and also m2pk, I am so glad I have stuck to my ketogenic diet. Its always been a key part of the strategy and I will sacrifice a few kilograms for the sake if life if i must. m2pk to understand this enzyme
OK. I have the results complete now. Your LPS is still high, so I would recommend antibiotics for gram negative bacteria. LDH - Isoenzymes are OK, corresponds to mainly healthy cell - metabolism. M2PK its high, which indicates still anaerobic modus (Warburg) in the tumor cells, so ketogenic diet is still a major part of tumor growth control.
I am blessed to be getting treatment in Germany where the impossible happens often. Oncologists attribute these types of successes as miracles and the like. If you read this blog you know its just good science and medicine.
I was wondering about ethics and oncologists and how they can permit the constant death and not utter a word about these therapies. Its a tactic dishonest politicians use all the time, called plausable deniabilty. If they stay uninformed, they dont want to know about the details of my success. Not one email from any doctors, outside of my team from the entire planet and beyond. does that surprise you ?
It should, for in that fact shines the truth of why we continue to die, and the cancer establishment ( government, business, charities ) continues throw billions of dollars and millions of lives away. I dont have any answers, but the fact they are not even interested SAYS IT ALL and we die painful premature deaths that I believe could be deferred if not prevented.
I also realised the foly of adjuvant chemo for stage 3 colorectals today, I had it, all 12 rounds of folfox, I stucked it down like a troopper, but it did me no good. Maybe all that useless chemo did was stimulate my stems cells.
So ipt today was hard, opening glucose 104 down to 39, did oncothermia lungs first and then liver.
It was all over in 3 hours, I did my own oral DCA in the morning with the coffee enema. We just infused dmso and b17. I popped into prof vogl and picked up a cat scan dvd for prof rolle to review, but vogl says he will have trouble seeing anything.
I feel great, I went to yoga vidya tonight and this weekend to the retreat , I will use the power of the mind to wipe out the last few troublesome cells . http://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/bad-meinberg.html
One of my oldest and dearest friends has some issues with depression, he knows I love him with all my heart. I am lucky I just have cancer, every day is extra joyful. I wished my dear friend a happy birthday and happiness. The mind and its traps are tragic, but in that tragedy I see hope. We all have our crosses to bear in this life. Tomorrow morning I am going to meditate with some very spiritual people at 7am at yoga vidya, then 8.30 am ipt and then off to the weekend retreat to focus the mind and soul on love and survival.
I really believe I am the metastatic cancer super hero, I have so many of these wonderful alternative and breakthrough therapies under control and at my disposal, if fact perfected, from ipt, to hyperthermia, to meditation, to enemas, to exercise. My lifestyle reflects the principles of holistic cancer treatment, to be able to do all these effortlessly is a blessing and its working still.
If you have cancer by all means read about these therapies, but my heart is at peace while the rest of the world reads about these magnificent therapies I am doing them, which is an honour and a privilege. And its not at all about the money, lots of rich people never have the insight to jump on a plane and try.
I am so glad I am alive, well and got on that plane all those months ago. The 3000mg dca daily is starting to cause some neuropathy, alas. I cannot make an omelette without breaking a fews eggs.
The current accomodation is a disaster, no internet, no window in the kitchen and the toilet and bathroom is off the kitchen which is disgusting. The landloards name is Peter, he is very friendly and has many properties, and alas reminds me of the old me, except my properties are clean and beautiful.
Regarding the fundraisng, I better start soon, but just for now the focus is on therapies, I really want to get on that plane on the 11th to see wife and kids, and be be cancer free.
I can organise some therapies in Sydney for a few weeks or months as is needed.
colonchat monoclonal antibodies and tcell responses in rats but if you read this blog, you know it works in humans, or in big rats that look look men. Still if you can really understand below, your pretty good.
Antibody therapies targeting intracellular molecules, such as mutated antigens and cancer–testis antigens in tumor cells, have not been extensively explored due to the potential difficulty of mAbs to access intracellular antigens. With cancer–testis antigens, such as NY-ESO-1 that is frequently expressed by various types of cancer cells but not in normal somatic cells except germ cells in the testis, there is a close correlation between spontaneous anti-NY-ESO-1 antibody responses in the serum and NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in patients with NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors.[73] In fact, NY-ESO-1 protein/IgG antibody immune complexes are efficiently cross-presented to the MHC class I pathway in a FcγR-dependent manner.[74] However, until very recently, it had not been addressed whether exogenous therapeutic antibodies targeting intracellular antigens could facilitate CD8+ T-cell antitumor immune responses by augmenting antigen presentation of the MHC class I pathway and inhibit tumor growth. We have explored this concept and found that mAb treatment against intracellular antigens resulted in efficient induction of CD8+ T cells recognizing this antigen. We termed this promising novel approach for cancer immunotherapy antibody-facilitated T-cell immunity (Figure 2).[75] To better study thisconcept, we established syngeneic tumor models in BALB/c mice using CT26 colon carcinoma cells and CMS5a sarcoma cells that were stably transfected with cancer–testis antigens such as NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4.[76] Tumor cells treated with a chemotherapeutic drug, such as 5-fluorouracil, accelerated release of intracellular antigens and injected antigen-specific mAbs distinctively accumulated at tumor sites. Combination treatment of chemotherapeutic drugs and anti-NY-
ESO-1 mAb in mice bearing NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors exhibited an augmented antitumor effect. This antitumor effect was associated with an Fc receptor-dependent DC maturation and enhanced NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell induction.[75]
Our data clearly proposes the feasibility for the combination of mAb-targeting intracellular tumor-associated antigens and chemotherapy. To allow this strategy to be explored in clinical settings, a human anti-NY-ESO-1 mAb 12D7 has been developed. This human mAb showed a similar antitumor efficacy against NY-ESO-1-positive tumor cells in a preclinical model[77] and a clinical trial with 12D7 mAb is now being planned.
So if you have been following my beoing blocked from the American cancer survivors network , often discussed here as CSN. Well I was driving home after a very big and eventful day when I realised being blocked is the equivalent of dieing. Often the most wonderful people on CSN like kerry with attitude, lisa42, crowe and so many more. Well now pete43lost_at_sea joins there ranks, put there by CSN management and authority. I thought I have always been polite and respectful of others and at the same time been true to myself.
My last posting on CSN Great news still alive. I miss those wonderful people, even the unkind ones, but now that chapter of my life is over and I can focus on my survival and helping those who want my help. Being blocked means they will never know about options that work and their treatments are brutal and futal, it breaks my heart, but time heals. I wish them all the best and a few know where I am, but all the newbies will be lead down the garden path like lambs to the slaughter. I have to stop making sheep analogies, thats what got me into trouble in the first place. not really. Was there anything so terrible in that post. I keep my personal opinions over here in my blog, that very few read, but if you do then thanks.
We all know what got me into trouble, it was living, despite impossible odds and everything in CSN cancer advice is tantamount to murder. Look at the science and the results of GCMAF, for so many it delivers and helps.
Its just the irony that here I am one the few survivors of extensive metastatised colorectal cancer using alternatives, the only one on CSN, Colonchat and Colonclub that I know of in the last 4 years.
Is my outspoken success and joy at being alive such a threat ? Well I think you can answer that.
So I have this insight, on the day of all days I took 1500mg xeloda and started hardcore IPT over 7 days. The markers will be run done in 10 days on Monday, unless Dr Siebenhuener wants more markers sooner. I explained yesterdays blog to Dr Gabrielle, she is also very experienced with some spectacular offerings. Next monday I start electro therapy on the liver, I love the idea of attacking the immune and tace resistant cells with another modality.
This is the essential element of my cancer survival strategy, hittiing the bastard from every concievable angle at the same time, or as close as possible.
From the Dr Florian Schilling, a naturopathic genius if God ever created one, leaves the qualified Doctors scrathing their heads saying "did you here what he said ?", my doctor is a great lecturer, I am blessed. See in the comment about LPS and also m2pk, I am so glad I have stuck to my ketogenic diet. Its always been a key part of the strategy and I will sacrifice a few kilograms for the sake if life if i must. m2pk to understand this enzyme
OK. I have the results complete now. Your LPS is still high, so I would recommend antibiotics for gram negative bacteria. LDH - Isoenzymes are OK, corresponds to mainly healthy cell - metabolism. M2PK its high, which indicates still anaerobic modus (Warburg) in the tumor cells, so ketogenic diet is still a major part of tumor growth control.
I am blessed to be getting treatment in Germany where the impossible happens often. Oncologists attribute these types of successes as miracles and the like. If you read this blog you know its just good science and medicine.
I was wondering about ethics and oncologists and how they can permit the constant death and not utter a word about these therapies. Its a tactic dishonest politicians use all the time, called plausable deniabilty. If they stay uninformed, they dont want to know about the details of my success. Not one email from any doctors, outside of my team from the entire planet and beyond. does that surprise you ?
It should, for in that fact shines the truth of why we continue to die, and the cancer establishment ( government, business, charities ) continues throw billions of dollars and millions of lives away. I dont have any answers, but the fact they are not even interested SAYS IT ALL and we die painful premature deaths that I believe could be deferred if not prevented.
I also realised the foly of adjuvant chemo for stage 3 colorectals today, I had it, all 12 rounds of folfox, I stucked it down like a troopper, but it did me no good. Maybe all that useless chemo did was stimulate my stems cells.
So ipt today was hard, opening glucose 104 down to 39, did oncothermia lungs first and then liver.
It was all over in 3 hours, I did my own oral DCA in the morning with the coffee enema. We just infused dmso and b17. I popped into prof vogl and picked up a cat scan dvd for prof rolle to review, but vogl says he will have trouble seeing anything.
I feel great, I went to yoga vidya tonight and this weekend to the retreat , I will use the power of the mind to wipe out the last few troublesome cells . http://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/bad-meinberg.html
One of my oldest and dearest friends has some issues with depression, he knows I love him with all my heart. I am lucky I just have cancer, every day is extra joyful. I wished my dear friend a happy birthday and happiness. The mind and its traps are tragic, but in that tragedy I see hope. We all have our crosses to bear in this life. Tomorrow morning I am going to meditate with some very spiritual people at 7am at yoga vidya, then 8.30 am ipt and then off to the weekend retreat to focus the mind and soul on love and survival.
I really believe I am the metastatic cancer super hero, I have so many of these wonderful alternative and breakthrough therapies under control and at my disposal, if fact perfected, from ipt, to hyperthermia, to meditation, to enemas, to exercise. My lifestyle reflects the principles of holistic cancer treatment, to be able to do all these effortlessly is a blessing and its working still.
If you have cancer by all means read about these therapies, but my heart is at peace while the rest of the world reads about these magnificent therapies I am doing them, which is an honour and a privilege. And its not at all about the money, lots of rich people never have the insight to jump on a plane and try.
I am so glad I am alive, well and got on that plane all those months ago. The 3000mg dca daily is starting to cause some neuropathy, alas. I cannot make an omelette without breaking a fews eggs.
The current accomodation is a disaster, no internet, no window in the kitchen and the toilet and bathroom is off the kitchen which is disgusting. The landloards name is Peter, he is very friendly and has many properties, and alas reminds me of the old me, except my properties are clean and beautiful.
Regarding the fundraisng, I better start soon, but just for now the focus is on therapies, I really want to get on that plane on the 11th to see wife and kids, and be be cancer free.
I can organise some therapies in Sydney for a few weeks or months as is needed.
Homework for Immunotherapy University
Really understand the research below, and lets consider local avastin and tace to the liver! To understand this you need to have completed many of Mobeen lectures. Its tragic but the smart and risk takers have the best chance of survival in my books. Come to Frankfurt.
colonchat monoclonal antibodies and tcell responses in rats but if you read this blog, you know it works in humans, or in big rats that look look men. Still if you can really understand below, your pretty good.
Antibody therapies targeting intracellular molecules, such as mutated antigens and cancer–testis antigens in tumor cells, have not been extensively explored due to the potential difficulty of mAbs to access intracellular antigens. With cancer–testis antigens, such as NY-ESO-1 that is frequently expressed by various types of cancer cells but not in normal somatic cells except germ cells in the testis, there is a close correlation between spontaneous anti-NY-ESO-1 antibody responses in the serum and NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in patients with NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors.[73] In fact, NY-ESO-1 protein/IgG antibody immune complexes are efficiently cross-presented to the MHC class I pathway in a FcγR-dependent manner.[74] However, until very recently, it had not been addressed whether exogenous therapeutic antibodies targeting intracellular antigens could facilitate CD8+ T-cell antitumor immune responses by augmenting antigen presentation of the MHC class I pathway and inhibit tumor growth. We have explored this concept and found that mAb treatment against intracellular antigens resulted in efficient induction of CD8+ T cells recognizing this antigen. We termed this promising novel approach for cancer immunotherapy antibody-facilitated T-cell immunity (Figure 2).[75] To better study thisconcept, we established syngeneic tumor models in BALB/c mice using CT26 colon carcinoma cells and CMS5a sarcoma cells that were stably transfected with cancer–testis antigens such as NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4.[76] Tumor cells treated with a chemotherapeutic drug, such as 5-fluorouracil, accelerated release of intracellular antigens and injected antigen-specific mAbs distinctively accumulated at tumor sites. Combination treatment of chemotherapeutic drugs and anti-NY-
ESO-1 mAb in mice bearing NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors exhibited an augmented antitumor effect. This antitumor effect was associated with an Fc receptor-dependent DC maturation and enhanced NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell induction.[75]
Our data clearly proposes the feasibility for the combination of mAb-targeting intracellular tumor-associated antigens and chemotherapy. To allow this strategy to be explored in clinical settings, a human anti-NY-ESO-1 mAb 12D7 has been developed. This human mAb showed a similar antitumor efficacy against NY-ESO-1-positive tumor cells in a preclinical model[77] and a clinical trial with 12D7 mAb is now being planned.
Status Update to Doctors
Dear Doctors,
All comments welcome to group or to me personally. thanks for your care, i feel very well.
Latest CEA stable and crp falling indicates peak in effector cycle and increase in treg, we have started 7 days of intense IPT with xeloda and combo ECT therapy inline with best immunotherapy practices.
Will advise results in a week and as always am very grateful for your care.
The CEA stability despite recent Tace and vaccine suggests a population of tumour cells that not responding to recent therapies, so novel therapies being tried ie IPT and ECT initially. Prof vogl suggested rfa.
Dr schilling has found ongoing LPS and I am doing antibiotics to resolve, these disable macrophages. He also confirms m2pk is high indicating current ketogenic diet and record high levels of ketosis should frustrate tumour growth and reduce metastatic and mutagenic potential per Dr Thomas Seyfriend research papers.
Everything is possible and I will do all your ideas, I just have one body, so one at a time please!
This example of antibody induced Tcell response is I suspect one of the factors in my good responses. The scientist test on mice, and you already have invivo examples of success.
About mabs and erbitux. You might consider adding to your bag of tricks if you dont already.
I think its the same principle as to why local avastin works, about the same principle I suspect, the world is catching up!
Takuro Noguchi, Gerd Ritter, Hiroyoshi Nishikawa
Immunotherapy. 2013;5(5):533-545.
Antibody therapies targeting intracellular molecules, such as mutated antigens and cancer–testis antigens in tumor cells, have not been extensively explored due to the potential difficulty of mAbs to access intracellular antigens. With cancer–testis antigens, such as NY-ESO-1 that is frequently expressed by various types of cancer cells but not in normal somatic cells except germ cells in the testis, there is a close correlation between spontaneous anti-NY-ESO-1 antibody responses in the serum and NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in patients with NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors.[73] In fact, NY-ESO-1 protein/IgG antibody immune complexes are efficiently cross-presented to the MHC class I pathway in a FcγR-dependent manner.[74] However, until very recently, it had not been addressed whether exogenous therapeutic antibodies targeting intracellular antigens could facilitate CD8+ T-cell antitumor immune responses by augmenting antigen presentation of the MHC class I pathway and inhibit tumor growth. We have explored this concept and found that mAb treatment against intracellular antigens resulted in efficient induction of CD8+ T cells recognizing this antigen. We termed this promising novel approach for cancer immunotherapy antibody-facilitated T-cell immunity (Figure 2).[75] To better study thisconcept, we established syngeneic tumor models in BALB/c mice using CT26 colon carcinoma cells and CMS5a sarcoma cells that were stably transfected with cancer–testis antigens such as NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4.[76] Tumor cells treated with a chemotherapeutic drug, such as 5-fluorouracil, accelerated release of intracellular antigens and injected antigen-specific mAbs distinctively accumulated at tumor sites. Combination treatment of chemotherapeutic drugs and anti-NY-
ESO-1 mAb in mice bearing NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors exhibited an augmented antitumor effect. This antitumor effect was associated with an Fc receptor-dependent DC maturation and enhanced NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell induction.[75]
Our data clearly proposes the feasibility for the combination of mAb-targeting intracellular tumor-associated antigens and chemotherapy. To allow this strategy to be explored in clinical settings, a human anti-NY-ESO-1 mAb 12D7 has been developed. This human mAb showed a similar antitumor efficacy against NY-ESO-1-positive tumor cells in a preclinical model[77] and a clinical trial with 12D7 mAb is now being planned.
Immunotherapy. 2013;5(5):533-545.
Antibody therapies targeting intracellular molecules, such as mutated antigens and cancer–testis antigens in tumor cells, have not been extensively explored due to the potential difficulty of mAbs to access intracellular antigens. With cancer–testis antigens, such as NY-ESO-1 that is frequently expressed by various types of cancer cells but not in normal somatic cells except germ cells in the testis, there is a close correlation between spontaneous anti-NY-ESO-1 antibody responses in the serum and NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in patients with NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors.[73] In fact, NY-ESO-1 protein/IgG antibody immune complexes are efficiently cross-presented to the MHC class I pathway in a FcγR-dependent manner.[74] However, until very recently, it had not been addressed whether exogenous therapeutic antibodies targeting intracellular antigens could facilitate CD8+ T-cell antitumor immune responses by augmenting antigen presentation of the MHC class I pathway and inhibit tumor growth. We have explored this concept and found that mAb treatment against intracellular antigens resulted in efficient induction of CD8+ T cells recognizing this antigen. We termed this promising novel approach for cancer immunotherapy antibody-facilitated T-cell immunity (Figure 2).[75] To better study thisconcept, we established syngeneic tumor models in BALB/c mice using CT26 colon carcinoma cells and CMS5a sarcoma cells that were stably transfected with cancer–testis antigens such as NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4.[76] Tumor cells treated with a chemotherapeutic drug, such as 5-fluorouracil, accelerated release of intracellular antigens and injected antigen-specific mAbs distinctively accumulated at tumor sites. Combination treatment of chemotherapeutic drugs and anti-NY-
ESO-1 mAb in mice bearing NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors exhibited an augmented antitumor effect. This antitumor effect was associated with an Fc receptor-dependent DC maturation and enhanced NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T-cell induction.[75]
Our data clearly proposes the feasibility for the combination of mAb-targeting intracellular tumor-associated antigens and chemotherapy. To allow this strategy to be explored in clinical settings, a human anti-NY-ESO-1 mAb 12D7 has been developed. This human mAb showed a similar antitumor efficacy against NY-ESO-1-positive tumor cells in a preclinical model[77] and a clinical trial with 12D7 mAb is now being planned.
Skype peter.leo.trayhurn
Australia +61 280 114 771
Peter Trayhurn
Skype peter.leo.trayhurn
Australia +61 280 114 771
USA +1 229 518 1184