In loving memory of Phil.
I woke up so fresh and rested. Breathing peacefully. The sun is pouring into the flat as I hope to share hope.
I am so alive and my God has granted me more beats despite the thrombosis and cancers. I slept so deeply for 12 hours recovering from tace on Wednesday. The coffee unused again. The organic vegetable soup still sitting on the stove waiting eagerly to be devoured. My maf 314 probiotic yogurts also sits on the bench top unused next to the next batch being made. All these simple healthy foods to nourish my immune system.
It's 10am I am late to visit my dearest Frankfurt friends . I get a call from my mother worried. Yes Germany is my permanent home if my work visa is approved. My job to assist other cancer patients a unique healing gift in itself.
I heat the soup and coffee. A quick soup and enema and off I go. The 2 hour thai massage last night did it's healing magic. I religiously stick to my healing habits with devotion.
The cancer is disappearing, retreating in the face of love. I am healing. I am confident. I have no fear. I have an abundance of hope I have to share or I will burst.
I have proven the skill and kindness and generosity of my doctors. I have proven the synergy of these therapies and holistic health. I gently invite you to share my miracle, my healing, my success. If you need healing I pray you find it.
I will survive. I will thrive. My prayer is that you do also. So I have asked for help publicly for donations so I don't distress my wife and kids further by divorce to access remaining funds. My cash fortune so wisely invested is exhausted. I am alive and so close to remission and using all the gifts I have to live.
It's simply time for me to share the miracle of my healing. Which of course reflects the power of God.
The gift of our humanity is so humbling when you experience nature's healing capacity at a cellular level personally. Those natural killer cells are very clever. Then the support of friends and the wider community is also essential.
We all have an immune system, protecting us, healing us, renewing us. To me it's the ultimate reflection of God's grandest gift to man except maybe the beauty of the human heart. My survival tip is to fully leverage the healing capacity of the human heart and the immune system and to fearlessly ask God for more life.
So when I get a massage or do qigong or meditate I tune into myself. My healing power. The great human tragedy is our failure to use the most powerful healing. It's so ironic that it's at our fingertips. But for many accessing that healing is as if the cure was on the planet mercury.
Like we get glimpses of mercury in the sky. Some of us get glimpses of our healing power. With every single heart beat I heal using the power of my immune system. Granted it's had some magnificent support.
Can you see the grass and the white and purple flowers and the orange stems.
The grass is humanity. Each blade a mother, a Father or a child. We are all child like at heart, I am. In reconnecting to my inner child essential to my healing. I am still that tall boy selling lollies. But now the lolly is hope wrapped with love. And the only cost for the lolly is faith.
The flowers with mixed white and purple flowers are my closest and dearest friends. The white represents holistic health and the purple conventional health. For some purple is best, for some white is best and for me well a variegated purple and white flower summarizes my treatments.
I am looking out at the grass in awe of not just the flowers beauty in the sun but of the untapped power of the human heart and our potential.
Think of 6 billion people with 100 trillion cells cooperating harmoniously. That is a lot of cells. Think for a second of humanities common beating heart.
We owe so much to the future and a debt of gratitude to the past. The opportunities before us indeed our greatest gift.
My wisdom is to take that gift with a smile.
It is possible with love and kindness to achieve what some believe is impossible. But the cancer world has already changed. More like the aftermath of an earthquake than the breaking of a wave.
My cure has been with me all the time. I needed magical medicines help to access my healing potential. Like the buzzing of the bee before me visits flowers. He is spreading pollen joyfully. Well I hope my success spreads and that joy follows. May God like the bee spread his healing. Maybe he already has and faith is the key.
Our lives are so precious, so joyous and oh so finite. May your day be really fantastic and each breathe and every heart beat bring you peace and contentment. That's my wish for humanity and myself.
I do want more if it's God's will. To experience his miraculous healing twice with previous recurrences so wonderful already. But to be tested again with my third recurrence the ultimate gift and opportunity to discovery what's really needed to heal the man of cancer. Or should I say the rat.
When I abandoned my humanity and my tight hold on existence. When I left my old life and family and friends behind i stepped out into an unknown future and i found my healing. Yes at a significant cost in every respect. But life demands we pay the price.
I really feel like the living dead with an altered parental view on mankind.
Yes, The dead can type. They can blog. They can share hope in a unique way that only those with a death sentence can.
But I am not dead and I say my hope is real. The power of the human spirit is clear as are the value of these therapies.
For those seeking healing i pray you find it and some peace along the way.
I wrote this over a few hours on my smart phone watching the men, women and child come and admire the flowers and stand on the grass. I layer on the grass. But was moved on as i broke the rules and my presence flattened some blades of grass. So i moved to a chair nearby in the sun and watched the grass and the flowers cast there spell over humanity.
I see a world of blessed brave super survivors like all the white and purple flowers in bloom. I intend no harm but the health regulators like the flower police try to sting us like angry bees