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Homework 02 Tcells, Immunotherapy reflections and ketogenic diet!

Only knowledge will save your life and absolute determination, confidence and a bit of luck!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B10BiJHPKeH8M2NQLVZDOUVza0E/edit?usp=sharing Absolutely commit this to memory, and note the changing percentage of tumour cells using oxphos versus fermentation. Dr Florian has assessed this for me, looking forward to the results. The worlds best cancer medicine all for free, from me to you. Please donate if you can afford it.

So lets understand my immune success in detail. The goal of my Immunotherapy, University for Cancer patients is to help you achieve success with immunotherapies. My goal is helping you succeed and to have the best immune response possible. I also hope to have continued success personally and live a wonderful life. In the process, giving some hope to those challenged by cancer. Especially if your particular challenge is metastatic in nature.

Your immune response is determined by your body's capacity to mount that response, please deeply think about what this really means. It's in your very best interest to be able to mount an effective targeted and highly specific response, especially if you love life and what to avoid a premature and painful end of life. So study very hard, like I am and prepare to be absolutely amazed at the amazing force that's been protecting you long before your birth and will rest only after you are at peace. To me focusing on health has always been immune health, it just took cancer to teach me that. The potential for lifestyle to boost immune function is documented and clearly accepted, maybe it explains my success, which may not be a fluke or an out of the blue miracle. My success, my life, my ability to even type these pages reflects one truth, our immune system can save us from cancer, but yes its hard and tricky and there are no absolutely no guarantees. Those promising guarantees are praying on the vulnerable. 

I say let knowledge be your shield from all the sharks praying on those with cancer. By the way I have disputed by clinic fees at the Immunobiotech GCMAF clinic with my bank, I am happy to let an independent 3rd party settle my claim for a refund due to no response with Goleic therapy at there clinic. I have already invested 1200 euro on Goleic over Xmas which completely failed, I have also invested the 3000 euro on clinic fees which completely failed as well as travel and accomodation fees. Switzlerland is an expensive and wonderful destination. I am doing my VDR test with red labs, only 80 euro tomorrow. I should have done this earlier, before I spent a cent on GCMAF and the new product Goleic. But its clearly in the manufacturesinterests not to encourage patients to test VDR, it represents 7% more sales to the non responders. My survival tip, is if you start GCMAF therapy and you dont get an immediate measurable response with intense therapy over the first few weeks, well do your VDR. Actually  before you order your GCMAF goleic I would do your baseline nagalase and your VDR and your brain hormone profiles, stools test, 24 hours urine chelation test, heavy metals, and micronutrient status. Yes the wholebox and dice of integrative tests. You see their are many barriers to angreat immune response, it takes commitment and attention to detail. But at least doing these tests while starting GCMAF therapy means you can have a baseline and start really getting to know your health. If you respond fantastic, if you fail to respond even in the first few weeks you can start taking further action and look for clues to the lack of response in your test results. Of course full bloods and liver and kidney funtion are also essential.

I personally think starting on the Bravo probiotic a sensible and worthwhile starting place, its the most cost effective and with the hamlet cancer benefits I suspect a sound investment for all would immunotherapy dreamers like me. So healing your gut, boosting your monocytes, providing nutrition are all benefits of bravo probiotic yogurt. I only recommend this because its clear clinical benefits in my opinion significantly outweigh the ethical issues of dealing with Immunobio tech that I have personally experienced. That said if and when I discover the root ingredients of an effective probiotic yogurt, I will provide them free on this blog. If anyone with expertese in Hamlet, yogurt cultures and probiotics wants to help save a world of cancer patients in need well comment on this page and lets work together. In the interim I am having twice daily maf 314 yorgurt. Having some right now.

Another wonderful friend resting in heaven and his amazing, brave wife is heart broken. There are no guarantees in this endeavor, we are all adults and must by necessity take responsibility for our own unique health decisions. 

I learnt one essential lesson from my dear friends courageous attempt at his immune therapy miracle, do it early, you need lots of money and I would suggest therapies every single day and every hour of that day. My friend had the most love and support you could ever imagine, so even that wonderful gift is not enough on its own, even with great medicines. Sometimes our God wants our company and he calls us no matter what. I still believe love and support are essential to healing, but don't guarantee success, alas. I really wished they did. The cancer cells don't stop trying to kill you, if you stop focussing they will likely succeed. These are just my opinions, which I am sharing, but all half measures are futile until you get into remission, into complete super no evidence of disease, where I will use EDIM technology to assess macrophage contents, until every metastatic trace of cancer is gone, I will not stop or rest. I have come so far to slow down now, but I need your help.

If you follow the blog, you will see the 2 months over Xmas where I tested Goleic acid to stimulate my macrophages was a dangerous and reckless experiment, the only ones who benefited was Immunobiotech from the money, and my tumors of course. I also learned an extremely valuable lesson which I am sharing. The most fundamental rule of surviving cancer, stop your tumours growing using any and all available therapies, preferably gentle alternatives but hardcore conventional options maybe be used if essential.

I still have faith in GCMAF therapy in principle, and Immunobiotech provide a product that works for many just not me, if its your first attempt at immunotherapies GCMAF is worth investigating, but shop around for your supply and a good doctor with experience. 

After the first few weeks of no response to Goleic in December, my doctors and I should have been demanding answers and suggestions, mind you I did and no help was provided. The VDR test is essential and also an immune profile, these are simple tests whose results have given a clue to my immune status. Not doing these tests is negligent in the extreme, just like most oncologists ignorance of whats really required to beat metastatic cancer. I loved my 2 months with my kids, and the scuba diving, but I grew my tumours as if I wanted to die. I live and learn from my mistakes, and so do you!

That was one of the most dangerous risks I took, the risk of doing nothing, of growing tumours that will kill as certainly as day follows night. I make absolutely no apologies for my focused and obsessive suggestions regarding metastatic success. Sitting in your arm chair wishing these tumours away just dont work, you need to do it all, every single day. 

For the record another friend is finally being converted to the ketogenic diet, not by my insistence, but lack of success and desperation which is only available to the living. of course science. I got a copy from my friend of the Tarlavin ketogenic diet guide, I read it eagerly. I wonder if my GCMAF probiotic yogurt has the lactate in it, that's similar to what tarlivan advise for ketogenic. So I am grateful for my ketogenic hardcore diet. I note one friend who has had immunotherapy success and is a strict ketogenic friend. I only have one close friend following this diet. I have championed it, but add a word of caution to not loose weight and to grow muscle and maintain essential vitamins and minerals. The diet is effortless after a while and I am alive. Now I strongly suspect my commitment to the diet is directly tired to my amazing immunotherapy success. My brain knows I want to live because of my discipline and drive. The diet the ultimate reflection of nuturing myself, which reflects the nutrients and enegery I deliver to my health cells ie fats and oils. Just drank 40 ml mct oil, the diet is easy if you do your homework.

Today I have been most supplements sincetace on wednesday, which targetted liver lymph nodes and lung mets. I felt particularly queezy, very unusual and have had diarrhea ( mild ) even until sunday morning. So I am sure the chemo agents are working and causing colateral damage. The GUT and immune function and liver are being protected by maf 314 probiotic yogurt, hepa metz and coffee enemas. Note the 30% cell death of targetted chemo agents in yesterdays paper.

Note that my strategy is to use targetted chemo very selectively, to cause as much cell death as soon as possible in the microtumour environment. These dieing cells, the resulting inflamation then generate the chemotactic signals to draw in my targetted dc vaccine cells that have hopefully been multiplying in adjoining lymph nodes.

I have been pretty certain of some APC presentation, I have had a lump at the injection site for a about a week, its 11 days post DC vaccination and now noticable lump. I hope you find these real life observations of interest, I do. I have also been particularly flue, with a congested nose and sinuses that could be psot NDV or it could just be a cold.

So please watch and really focus on mobeen lectures 6 and 7. We are focusing on Tcell.

Then goto and review this excellent site http://www.tcells.org/beginners/easy_steps/3.shtml

Question to research Q2.1 What gets activated Tcell into the microtumour environment ? Now assume the tcells are not niave, they have been activated by my dendritic cells in the lymph nodes next to my liver by highly specify antigens ie p2x7

Tcell expansion can causes lymph nodes to expand, this can cause pain.

treg dampen the activity of
Fas fas ligan dampend immune reponse, to mount and dismount an immune reponse.
Th17 pro inflamatory, they encourage neutrophils, relevant to auto immune issues.

Now memory tcells are just special classifications of thelpers or ctl, they can last dormant for up to 20 years. Going forward it seems clear that existing vaccine technology has no memory effect, now Removab has claimed 7 months memory effect, which I need to understand.

Why removab's memory effect is only 7 months claimed or stated by hallwang. I am just really interested in comparing the different natures of my responses to the different immunotherapies I have tried. Ie Removab almost died and NED after 10 weeks, heavy targetted response. Note this is the only immunotherapy that made my lung mets disappear. Note I have antibodies for removab

Now I have used the gentler, more specific targeted dendtric cell vaccines that have also caused CEA spikes and given me disease control in liver but I have always had stable but persistent lung mets for the last 14 months. Hence my inclination to surgically remove these small but persistent lung mets.

http://www.tcells.org/scientific/downloads/Mel_Press_v1.pdf for kenji and all interested in visualising precisely what our tcells have to find. of course directly relevant to melanoma.

http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/articles/fighting-cancer-8763.html more hope, why its good to understand tcell receptors advantages over antibodies. i should ask dr barden to answer this question.

http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/articles/killer-cells-and-diabetes-7994.html about tcell and type 1diabetes, the key point is infection generates activation and proliferation of autoreactive tcells.
Our aim is to catch the disease early before too many insulin-producing cells have been damaged."
This unusual binding is thought to allow the T-cell to survive the culling process designed to rid the body of autoreactive T-cells.
The structure of the killer T-cell receptor bound to the insulin peptide shows that the interaction is highly focused on just a small part of the molecule.
In a further study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry the same Cardiff and King’s team has shown that this focused binding mode allows this T-cell receptor to respond to over 1.3 million other peptides of different molecular shape.
This ability to bind peptides with a multitude of different shapes may provide a clue as to how autoimmune diseases are initiated. It is possible that this T-cell was raised to fight an infection via one of the other 1.3 million peptides it can recognise but then inadvertently also recognised insulin once it had been put on ‘red alert’ by this infection.

Just for fun Tcell expansion


Problems with Ginger

I fixed these problems by getting ginger premium, I figured my readers are worth the investment and of course that the fund raising succeeds. I have setup the speeling and grammer for UK

A blast from the past - Thomas Tallberg! You dont really have time to try it all like me, just learn from my mistakes and take the fast track to survival, all for free.

http://csn.cancer.org/node/245287 A blast from the past, I tried so hard to help my friends on CSN and failed miserably, but I did my absolute best. I shared my story honestly, not that often and was banned. I never gave anyone any advice and I never attacked anyone. But they all attacked little old defenseless Pete, the day they banned maybe the saddest day in CSNs history, it will be if I live and I go onto to save thousands, if not millions. Dreams are free, I just wish this medicine was!

Coming next - brain hormones, all the good oil on anti PD1 and more homework if you are up for it. The obsession stops in the grave for the brave or underwater scuba diving for the lucky.

If you have sensed the frenzy to blog and share, well yes, I am making hay while I can, I have no guarantees, neither do you. So I will share all the insights as they arise, just in case I fall of the perch or some conventional hitman gets me. Surely the conspiracy theories are all rubbish, except I was banned from CSN, and I am the only alternative success they have had in the 4 years I have been a member of the community.

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