Lets save the cancer world together research paper by research paper and test by test. Some cutting edge papers. I should be asleep, but this is just too important!
The devil I referred to in yesterdays blog is one of the authors of this paper. I note some signficant clinical successes with colorectal cancer. If you are interested in the evolution of these cancer treatments just goto pubmed and search for HAMLET and CANCER.
This blog is largely supportive of GCMAF and the Clinic despite my lack of success with Goleic OA GcMAF and the companiesfailings, as with cancer time is friend and enemy. You decide, I am jsut sharing my experience, I feel its of particular relevance to anyone interested in an integrative immune response. Oh and the dietary therapy is crap, they tell you to go google low carb, aim at 65% protein and give you some crapped low carbnibblies. No guidance at all about fat, carb, protein ratios in common foods, no explanation about the science of ketosis and why the diets essential. I have written about these many times over the years. They did not measure my weight, or my friends at the beginning or end of the clinic visit. Just lots of little details that I think would add what I call clinical rigour to whats been claimed, but that might take effort and get in the way of sales.
Proteins highly represented in milk such as α-lactalbumin and lactoferrin bind Oleic Acid (OA) to form
complexes with selective anti-tumor activity. A protein present in milk, colostrum and blood, vitamin D
binding protein is the precursor of a potent Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) and in analogy with other OA-protein complexes, we proposed that OA-GcMAF could demonstrate a greater
immunotherapeutic activity than that of GcMAF alone. We describe a preliminary experience treating
patients with advanced cancers, often labelled as “incurable” with an integrative immunotherapy centred on OA-GcMAF. Patients with advanced cancer were treated at the Immuno Biotech Treatment Centre with OA-GcMAF-based integrative immunotherapy in combination with a very low carbohydrate, high protein diet, fermented milk products containing naturally produced GcMAF, vitamin D3 and low-dose acetylsalicylic acid. When the primary tumor or a metastasis could be measured by ultrasonographic techniques, we observed, on average, a decrease of tumor volume of approximately 25% in a week. We also observed a consistent increase in splenic blood flow that was interpreted in the context of generalised immune system activation and allowed to assess the degree of responsiveness of the individual patient. The results reported here are consistent with the results previously described in the experimental animal harbouring a human hepatocellular carcinoma as well as with the results reported for neoadjuvant chemotherapy. OA-protein complexes are bound to play a leading role in cancer therapy thanks to selectivity of antitumoral effects, absence of any side effects, safety and oral availability. We hypothesise that OA-GcMAF, combines the known anticancer
effects OA-protein complexes with the well established immune stimulating effects of GcMAF.
If you follow the blog, you will know about my lack of response at the GCMAF Clinic, calling it a clinic from my experience is a disservice to most cancer clinics, but alas they have a service and product that works. That if you on the edge of existence then you need to try before you die. I have seen it work in many, some close friends. I have also seen a few have no responses, unfortunately myself. I am seeking answers for the no response in my various investigations, I have some promising leads.
I could write a book about whats wrong with the clinic and how to improve it, and I probably will, but in the short term Prof Ruggiero is a genius and a Doctor with skill and integrity who I have no hesitation in recommending. The company however has much room for improvement, despite the short comings I have no regrets about attempting Goleic therapy. If you read yesterdays blogs about GCMAFFD, well it turns out I am supposed to be a good immune responder to GCMAF. So I suspect its my off labels or supplements, but its more likely a cross infection. I currentl;y have clostridia infection and LPS in my blood and am going to start antibiotics. Before you goto to the clinic, well I would do a full holistic work over, and clear up every aspect of your biology, so that you to can enjoy an uninhibited immune response and watch your tumours disappear. Thats the dream of all cancer patients. Then again what stage 4 has time for that, just go and hope before the clinic puts up its prices or is shut down.
The pricing is still cheaper than more expensive clinics that offer less, I tried them first, on my way back to my German therapies. The german therapies have worked incredibily well, and their was no response at the GCMAF clinic for me or my friend. I suspect the averages are a bit dodgy and dont include complete non responders, not even mentioned, gives the impressive there were not any. Hello I was one and so was my friend. thats 100% no tumour reduction out of the only two people I know. This type of paper is more written as a marketing piece than a serious piece of science. The foundations of GCMAF I fully support, its just the ethics of the company I have issues with and misrepresenting the numbers.
I was just the unlucky patient who turned up and deliberately tried to commit suicide on their coach, or so they implied, as if I wanted to be a non responder. After the week and they had the money, they said it was my supplements that stopped Goleic, they never even asked or were interested what those supplements were. Many areas for improvement in the clinic as I said, but if your desperate, just go! I am glad I tried and I have learnt so much from Prof Ruggiero, truly a mind enhancing experience. Greed is the root of all evil and it may bring Immunobiotech undone one day, GCMAF is to important to risk at this point in its development to one company. Thats why its so many players are entering this market. I wrote a few days ago about the probiotic yogurt, I have been on GCMAF probiotic yogurt for 18 months, just google bravo and order it. Alas more money in the devils pockets, but the yogurt works. Why you need to pay so much, for ingredients that cost less than a dollar to make. Well thats just opportunitistic greed that our world is based on, it seems scientists are like business men they need fast cars as well, they drive those cars while we die! I have handed the dispute to the credit card system and the banks and I am interested to see their decision. Am I fair and reasonable? I can accept the umpires decision? thegcmaffed blog, it a good read enjoy.
One day I will deliver equivalent formulas for a bravo style probiotic yogurt, alas until that day, its the best option that costs 600 euro for 3 months supply.
The road to clinical use of high-intensity focused ultrasound for liver cancer: technical and clinical consensus
Clinical use of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) under ultrasound or MR guidance as a non-invasive method for treating tumors is rapidly increasing. Tens of thousands of patients have been treated for uterine fibroid, benign prostate hyperplasia, bone metastases, or prostate cancer. Despite the methods' clinical potential, the liver is a particularly challenging organ for HIFU treatment due to the combined effect of respiratory-induced liver motion, partial blocking by the rib cage, and high perfusion/flow. Several technical and clinical solutions have been developed by various groups during the past 15 years to compensate for these problems. A review of current unmet clinical needs is given here, as well as a consensus from a panel of experts about technical and clinical requirements for upcoming pilot and pivotal studies in order to accelerate the development and adoption of focused ultrasound for the treatment of primary and secondary liver cancer.
Some nice support at colonchat
Germany excellence in science, medicine and innovation and legislation. Its the best chance we have got, I have got!
As soon as I am cancer free, I will earn the language.
he tiny U.S. biotech received a special "hospital exemption" in Germany, allowing Northwest to sell the injectable drug for five years even though it has not completed its late-stage trial of the immunotherapy.