Key message complete tumour control in 2 weeks, from out of control growth to almost NED. Its time to sell the dream !!!
Evidence of success todays markers resultsCancer markers commencing treatment Duderstadt
Dearest friends,
Uni study, I watched lecture 19 complement system, the key point is liver function to support complement system, lack of aminos'ie good nutrition essential to support provision of complements.
The key to survival has always been my liver, but its only now the relationship between nutrition, immune function is being clarified. So my gut feeling about mild ketosis and not loosing any weight ie ample aminos is key to sustaining long term remission by reducing recurrent infections. These recurrent infections them promote inflamtion and the damm cancerous growth spiral starts. I have done that 3 times, so I know. So get into NED, and stay infection free and focus on Florian stem therapies. Is my survival plan for fixing recurrence 3. How do you achieve this MAP, see blog. Thankyou heinz.reinwald
This is an incredible journey, still great news, I got markers from tuesday afternoon.
See email to my doctors. I note with regret the lack of support from immunobiotech for further tace Goleic testing, alas the test rat has a very very tight budget. I had a dispute tonight with airbnb lardlord who demanded an extra 200 euro, we split the difference. who has the energy to fight. But every euro is precious. Thats why working every day at Dr Siebenhuener's is a privilege, he is genuinely interested in all my therapies and study and documenting all the therapies that have worked so well for me. I hope through this blog to generate a flow of patients into the clinics that have served me so well and which are keeping me alive.
If I can achieve this, I will keep myself alive, so my survival comes down to the blog and your faith in its authenticity. Remember one thing, everything I did was completely untested, I have built the relationships between these great doctors, they are starting to cooperate, the first few patients will get every once of support I can given them, and all for free. Well my part, if I get another few metastatic miracles well thats payment enough. However if anyone wants to donate, well I am not saying no. I have stopped all none essential tests, that I did before without thought previously looking for clues to my system and to explain my good responses. I need to approach the testing labs and ask for mercy or freebies.
In life we never never know ?, unless we ask ! I need to raise 6500euro for the next vaccine due in 3 weeks, I need 3500euro for the tace due in 4 weeks. Again I have not divorced wife and sold the family home or our other investment properties. I still think its fair that I have invested all of my available cash into my survival a truly massive amount is it 700K aud, it must be close. I am sharing all the results, pretty outstanding results. I think they will save many lives, and give lots of hope. I will divorce wife and sell the house to survive, if I must. If thats what survival requires, well thats what I will do. In the washup the kids and wife will have more than enough, but first I will try the generosity of the planet. This will be interesting.
Its not cheap playing in the immunotherapy revolution, and I have played my cards exceptionally well.
Your financial support is just like a real live online game of life and death, mine. This should be interesting .... I hope I can pull this off, the fundraising that is.
If you really have followed all this blog, you will get a sense that I know what I am doing and why. I have put to much effort to fail now, I am so close to remission, again. The success of these therapies is bloody amazing, and so much more than anything conventional has dreamed of. I have done it all as cheaply as possible. I dont think not even a cents been wasted really. Even my life saving experience at hallwang, showed the power of my immune response, and removab, but oh its a brutal and blunt immunotherapy, but really effective.
The elagance of p2x7 and dr Bardens science covered all over the blog, amazing to behold, the current vaccine combo of p2x7 and anti pd1 the absolute state of the art. these combinations will save millions, and very very soon. Watch my progress over the next few months, day by day you will know as soon as I do, before my vast medical team. precisley what happening, the weekly cancer markers, and soon the edim technology of apo10 AND tktl1, no patients are managing their biology this closely, I have dr siebenhueners undivided attention, every measurable cancer parameter is being checked, weekly and I am so blessed he is substantially covering my treatment at his clinic. I will work my ass off documenting my success and what we learn, if the patients come based on my efforts, well I will not get a cent. I will get my life, my remission and that enough. If my therapy mix works well for one, thats a start. So its an open invitation, come to germany, frankfurt and start healing Today.
With my thrombosis, the offer of my support is limited by my everpresent mortality. For the record everyday onchemo is a waste of opportunity, gentler, more targetted, more effective therapies await your salvation. If I am a fluke, I am sorry, no guarantees.
So the blog and this story is not for sale, but I will use it ruthlessly to save my life, if I can help save your life, well I will. Only the brave and bold need apply, these treatments are not for the frail or faint of heart, and you have to be comfortable driving over 200km hour. never ever say slow down, when we have cancer to beat. If your doing conventional well you have been playing into cancers evil hands, its really time to change the dynamics.
I always knew my money would run out one, day, I always knew I would like to leave my wife in peace in her life , with our business being managed. She has truly suffered enough from this illness, I am reticent to make her suffer more by divorce. So the fundraising happens now. I have not had one cent from the australian government. I have saved our dysfunctional health system a large fortune in conventional costs. what they offer is an all expenses paid palliative suffering ride to hell, I choose the german escape plan to a joyful life. Of course if I succeed the growth in German medical tourism will be unparalleled.
I can really see and end to this illness even in the next few weeks. I need a cashed up investor or supporter. If your broke, keep your money. I am not wanting to put anyone under any pressure, but if you are really interested in the rats survival then invest as you see fit.
To sell up, to upset the kids and wife, while I have my entrepenurial resources and skills would be tragic, I have too much energy and skill and experience now to not use it. I have been saving these until I needed to use them, I was sellinglollies when I was 5 years old, now I am selling hope and my survival depends on success in this endevour, just as much as my therapy success.
Maybe I will be running the worlds largest and most advanced immunotherapy clinic, sooner than later, it all just depends on results. thenagain I could die and this is all just a wonderful delusion, just the results are ALL real, my success PROVEN to my standards. If its enough for you, then get over and lets see if I am full of crap or a genius whose desperation to live has really stumbled upon a really effective mix of therapies.
If you come, I will blog it day by day like my success, humanity deserves the truth about these combo therapies. Enough dreaming, its late and I need sleep, our immune systems have cancer cells to find and eat. I have been oil pulling while this has been written. I have done my coffee enema and taken 3000mg dca. why note takedca while doing a coffee enema. for the record it aint killed me. My tip always look for synergy.
Screw this illness, its time has come and gone, I need NED and to go diving. Not an once of fear exists in my heart, I have the best doctors in the worlds for me and I am grateful.
I have a ticket booked home for the 11th april, I will make that flight NED or not at all.
I hope I can raise the money for the lung surgery, the implication out of all this is the dc vaccine cleared the liver mets yet again, but the lung mets are persistent but stable.
I have straight forward state of the art lung met surgery available dr rolle, which I plan to take depending on funding, but the cost is 18000 euro, 9k per lob of the lungs. Yes old technology awaits me at home, if funding ventures fail.
I will find a way, I always do. Maybe the 1000s of hours I have spent researching over the last 4 years or so will be worth something to someone.
Mark my words, I will survive, and if you have the same determination then these therapies may work for you.
Letter to the worlds best doctors, see one doctors reply!
first of all congratulations for our common miracle
currently the lung absolut stable and the liver smaller so remission ahead
best greetings
thomasAm 06.03.2014 15:55, schrieb Peter Trayhurn:Dear Doctors,Your feedback and comments welcome either directly or to this group of esteemed colleagues.Thank and congratulations to you all for your care and interest in the past, present and future. Yesterday Prof Vogl did chemo perfusion to lymph nodes near liver and lungs, this also permitted radiological confirmation reduction tumour burden which was indicated by significant reductions over 3 weeks of intense therapies. So CEA was 204 now 20 and CA199 was 470 now 191 and CRP was 01 and now 2.1. The CRP increase is expected with the combined therapies,see below.WEEK ONE daily Goleic infusions via nebuliser and nightly suppositoriesWEEK TWO Tace with Goleic, IPT Oncothermia sameday, then IL2, ozone, zometa, ndvWEEK THREE Oncothermia NDV Ozone, NK focus anti PD1 DC Vaccination, then daily infusions DCA, b17, Artemisinin, enzyme therapy.WEEK FOUR DCA, b17, Artemisinin, enzyme therapy. TACE without Goleic but with IPT end of heavy therapies.WEEK FIVE AND SIX Watching and admiring, focus on daily oncothermia, twice weekly ozone, once weekly IPT ( I have the option to add in Zeloda on IPT days )Can you confirm the liver met was reduced from 11.5mm to 8mm which by volume is about 66% to my estimates.Did you see any other signs of disease ? Another liver met was 25mm appears to have been dissolved, was Goleic injected near that met ?.Can you review last nights CAT scan. Did you notice a similar improvement in the lung mets, from memory you treated the right lung met with the Goleic acid. This will be of interest specifically to Prof Rolle where I have lung surgery should tace and vaccine not resolve the lung mets.It would be interesting to see if the lung mets resolved at a different rate given the specific application of Goleic acid and specifically any difference between the 7mm met in the left lobe and the 3 mm met in the right lobe. This would be of interest to Prof Ruggiero who I am very grateful provided support for GOLEIC injection to the liver, and then for Prof Vogl for performing the injection in combination with chemo perfusion.I will be at doctor Siebenhuener's for ongoing basis, initially 3 weeks doing oncothermia daily to liver and lung, and ozone twice weekly, and ipt once per week. While I write my blog and book about why I am still alive due to your combined treatments.I am grateful for any and all assistance you have provided and continue to provide medically and financially. Its a constant challenge to fund my continuing treatments and living expenses. I have spent my life insurance and retirement savings getting to this point and am indeed close to remission, yet again. I have an excellent quality and quantity of life. I have applied for German residency for one year and a work permit and I am keen to assist other patients achieve similar results with metastatic cancer. I hope to gain additional employment and fund ongoing medical and living expenses through book sales.Regards,Peter Trayhurn
Skype peter.leo.trayhurn
Australia +61280114771
Germany local +4974438043398
Germany mobile +4917680378430
So the NED plan is daily oncothermia to lung and liver while DC vaccine does its magic and the latest tace also does its magic. Look back for the tace oncothermia hypoxia discussion for the key synergies. everything is just hypothesis on my part. But my success is oh so clear, and far ahead of conventional offerings. You will need 200K euro to give these therapies a good run over 6 months.
Ozone two to three times a week, and then IPT once per week, maybe with xeloda, I am waiting on Dr's input. Maybe some gentle infusions also.
Maybe some GCMAF supplier will have mercy on me, and send me some. Until then I make my maf 314, known as bravo probiotic. Even though I have unresolved dispute with immunobiotech I still recommend GCMAF to the world. I still will not let a dispute that put my life in jeapardy risk yours.
The big VDR and genetics issue, that GCMAF Clinic could not even be bothered to look at, just great care! not! It must be my REALLY BIG BOX of supplements. What hardcore stage 4 cancer does not have supplements and off labels. There guarantee is an absolute lie!
I am so disappointed in Immunobiotech pathic response to my NO GOLEIC RESPONSE that I will never mention them again until they apologise and do whats honourable. They really picked the wrong patient to screw! Just for the record, I am well aware how deadly cancer is, I have lost so many friends, that I am slightly sensitive when greed and ignorance risk my life! and those who are less aware are at risk.
So if any doctor or researcher can look at these results and offer me a comment regarding whether they explain my lack of GCMAF response I would be grateful. I need to research this a bit more.
My genetic analysis
Genes in focus doco to interpret above test thanks rona post about my success. While the worlds scientists gently jerk off and we die, I have found away out of this nightmare, but its a little bit expensive, but actually far less than conventional. Oh and I get to pay tax for the rest of my life. And no coffin is good for the environment. These therapies are a win win proposal, I really just want to go diving and avoid a painful death, oh and a few hugs from the family would be excellent.