a wonderful dinner cruise with ellie tonight and a full day tour of istanbul tomorrow with family which is our last day. i want to get back hallwang and check the tktl1=480 and see how cancer markers are going and get the all clear for my retu
rn to oz for a month and then a tropical island for a month and some serious diving. i still have to win the bbcwild life photographer of the year.
i have no room for stuffups now, my life is just to fantastic to loose it now to this horrendous illness. i know my enemy well, and i have to keep an eye on it. effectivelyi am like a turkishsnipper in world war 1 at gallipoli. i have the high ground, i am not going to give it up with out a fight.
and like the toughturks, i am fighting for my territory, my life and ultimately for my families wellbeing, assuming i make a positive contribution.
My God Jesus is a historical reality, this ancient city has so much christian heritage. I prayed so much today. the simplest prayer " thankyou Jesus for this life, this breathe, AMEN" given my slightly chancy existence on this planet i am still obsessed with emparting as much of my values and message into the wife and kids brains and hearts as quickly as i can. ellie has to learn to live and not worry so much, where and how so got this accursed anxiety disorder god only knows. andi know he knows. i does wind me up, countless times i had to breathe and relax, our marriage is such hard work mostly.
rn to oz for a month and then a tropical island for a month and some serious diving. i still have to win the bbcwild life photographer of the year.
i have no room for stuffups now, my life is just to fantastic to loose it now to this horrendous illness. i know my enemy well, and i have to keep an eye on it. effectivelyi am like a turkishsnipper in world war 1 at gallipoli. i have the high ground, i am not going to give it up with out a fight.
and like the toughturks, i am fighting for my territory, my life and ultimately for my families wellbeing, assuming i make a positive contribution.
My God Jesus is a historical reality, this ancient city has so much christian heritage. I prayed so much today. the simplest prayer " thankyou Jesus for this life, this breathe, AMEN" given my slightly chancy existence on this planet i am still obsessed with emparting as much of my values and message into the wife and kids brains and hearts as quickly as i can. ellie has to learn to live and not worry so much, where and how so got this accursed anxiety disorder god only knows. andi know he knows. i does wind me up, countless times i had to breathe and relax, our marriage is such hard work mostly.
I sent these emails to friends
you know i care, i wish our god did not test us so much, but he does. often prayer is all we have. it helps in so many way.
the less accepting here taught me the most valuable lesson in life, get thick skin, be more diplomatic etcetc and focus my energy.
ifi have my dream i will help save many more than just my lucky butt.
i have faith we can all live and grow. alas my opinion is a very bitter pill, and iaint sugar coated it. you know my view on sugar these days.
goodluck and trust your
, if there is a way to health i pray you find it and soon.
remember yourself in your prayers my dear, everyone is getting a piece of you, keep something in reserve if you can.
i will se you monday, i get back then for more treatment myself, i will remember you in my prayers. you have the best medicine i know of now its in gods hands. of course we can do our best.
safe travels and smile and relax, whatever life we have is a gift to be enjoyed and today is a great day.
excess wealth, really
i really dont have time or energy to waste, and i also dont have time to hide behind healing and being selfish with my own survival when for a very small cost i can engage a broader audience in a discussion about effective pathways to immunotherapy and the fight for the immunotherapy revolution.
so this discussion on csn caught my eye, i hope my response was diplomatic but still to the point.
http://csn.cancer.org/node/257978#comment-1363563 the csn discussion
whats excess wealth
is it spending all my accessible money flying around the world going to conferences and alt therapies inc supplements? well yes i did, and glad.
i learnt alo about health and medicine on csn and the net, now my doctors treat me with respect because of my resources my money, my focus and knowledge. i have spent 20,000 on extra tests to document my recovery so others who want to learn, can do so, can follow if they so desire. my doctors are presenting recovery at top class medical conferences.
whats worked for me is beyond doubt! i have documented it in more detail than any blog on the net.
i got my life insurance paid out because i am supposed to be dead in 2 months.
i am ned using the best medicine i could find.
this whole discussion shows the tragedy of medical ignorance and arrogance. you can think about how this applies.
i have presented my way to healing and been criticised because i want to save many and help many.
lots of colrectals are getting my help and prayers, not many here nowdays. a few late stage 4 will come and need big miracles.
ted and ren will be helped. my clearest message is holistic healing is the foundation to recovery, not conventional.
and immunotherapy before chemo generally.
in life you get what you pay for. "free" conventional is very costly in terms of lives lost.
Non conventional is excellent value for money in my case, and many others.
the tragedy is cancer patients are fed half truthsinitially when diagnosed, for many its to late
when they realise they have been conned.
i wish everyone the best health, if you are interested in my experience pm me.
i have faith in the world class therapies i have had not those outside of germany.
i have no resources for debate and argument, just my healing and the healing of my friends.
a majority of the therapies i have tried are cheap or free. diet, rest, exercise, meditation, sunshine, fasting.
as my illness progressed i spent more and more to find a way to health beyond chemo ( which clearly kills your immune system and mosts best chance of survival ).
I honestly don't know phil, i have just said, what i tried may work. it may help if you stairring palliative chemo in the face like i was and many here do every fortnight.
i just have my opinion and experience and present it. my hope is that whats worked for me keeps on working. i have faith in the keep on trying therapies approach.
if its not working move on, dont get stuck in a steady down spiral of chemo. dont preclude immunotherapy.
i am human, just like you and all those here doing conventional. mydna is 99.x% the same as yours. the argument what works for one may not work for all
i am so glad god was not an english teacher or i would be in trouble. more trouble than i already am.
what my doctor respected i suspect was the spend whatever it takes to get me well. i quickly formed the opinion they were honest and reputable. i had a good vibe and said go for it, save my cancer ridden ass. i always suggested more tests, more therapies. can we do this, can we do that. wellits been done so far.
alasphil, i am calling it the way i see it. i have left all those doing chemo in peace. i chime in here very infrequently and this post caught my eye as it seemed directed at my experience.
if these style of therapies, that have helped me, have the potential to help others, i feel duty bound to proclaim it loud and clear. I was on voice of america this morning. i am trying to be diplomatic and considerate. butits hard when you are an elephant in the china shop.
its past midnight in istanbul, i got to sleep.
i sincerely wish everyone here the best health possible and i have clearly presented my therapies and experience.
"removab" works for most colorectals from what i have been told, to what extent, thats up to god and each of us and the state of our immune system.
the battle for our existence every and any tool at our disposal is a potential weapon against cancer, nothing wrong with the brute force approach. in that context what ans said above about "blown a ton". wellthats his opinion, its not mine, i think i very wisely invested every cent.
as far as i know it, i have had the most dramatic turnaround out of all the doctors i have met at the medical conferences.
its ironic that i am more inspiring for the alternative doctors seeking ways to make immunotherapy more effective, than most of my fellow cancer patients. I guess we have
a health system that delivers the terminal message very clearly to stage 4.
nowi think about it, its definitely not my way, its definitely not chemos way, lets just say somewhere in between, we each may have a way through this illness, that we have to find. This is based on personalised medicine and that we are all so different including our tumours.
if someone wants to "sell the farm" or whatever trying i will be the first to encourage them,
if someone wants to "try the ketogenic diet" i will also encourage them,
if someone wants to "try chemo" i will also encourage them and pray it works, ( but then we are asking for a miracle )
from my experience gods given us an immune system that can work and function, even when its been folfoxed ( like mine ) and it still could eat my tumours.
for those trying conventional first , and i was one.
just keep on trying therapies and learning until you find something that works for you.
maybe the fact i am a mutant like lisa42 and many others here and many of my other colorectal friends. thati went extreme very very quickly into the stage 4 battle as developing multidrug resistance was something i had to avoid. sochemo is defintely precluded. te rest is history and removab, tace and dendritic cell vaccine still offers the best set of therapies for stage 4 colorectals.
we have all come to far not to call a spade a spade. ifiam too out spoke then i am sorry, skip my opinions and do whatever you want. if you are interested read my blog, or listen to me on voice of america, the health channel. i am trying to be more diplomatic.
I sincerely hope and pray that i am right and most here are all wrong about your assessments of my therapies and my message. As whatever "my way" is its a valid set of sound medical therapies that at least has curative potential for stage 4 colorectal. ifi don't advocat it, who will ?
A prayer for me, for Ren, for Ted and a few other colorectals would not go astray. we will all know soon enough if "my way" is worthwhile. I will point out that none of those going to hallwang are doing "gcmaf probiotic yogurt" or have sufficiently detoxed to the extent i did. ihave once suggested here that it might be prudent to try most of the things i tried in the first 10 weeks of hallwang. then the only variable will be genetics, epigentics, health state on going in ( that includes detox status )
my laptop battery is dieing and i must go
ps for the record john23 i tried tcm seriously for about 2 years and i may have helped but did not cure me, i moved on, your presenting tcm as a curative therapy is misleading of many. i know of no late stage colorectals who have been saved exclusively by tcm. mytcmpractioneer is arguably australias best. i pm'd my herbal mix to you for comment when things started to get bad. just for the record i tried tcm almost everyday of the 10 months my cea was climbing from5.9 to 81. it kept rising desipte drinking that god aweful tea three times a day. i feel as the only other tcm consume active on csn my exact experience would serve as a clear warning about tcm. ifits not working after a few months move on, if not faster. i am glad my life insurance paid out, that i went to the worlds most innovative medical care based on immunotherapy. maybe all my tcm helped keep me well enough for the immunotherapies to work. but it did not work on its own, thats my experience and warning to all new commers.
so AA and most here, well I feel like i have been continually ridiculed here ( hundreds of times at least, if not thousands ) and ignored by many of the old chemos here. thats fine, when they had the chance to put the knives, they went for it. I am human, I bleed like everyone, leaving the hurtful subgroup here to its own devices my clearest way of surviving. My survival instincts are well developed.
maybethats a side effect of long term chemo. To be balanced i have also had plenty of support from many here, even the ridicule has been positive, i made it positive. I had developed the thick skin and often had to research my therapies to defend them from constant attack ( actually before your time here ).
notto many negative complaints about the sheep analogy. i thought it was such a powerful and effective analogy. alas it back fired, then again at least i tried in a clumsy way to explain why chemo and immunotherapy are largely mutually exclusive to my knowledge and experience.
lets look at my posts as a big experiment in human survival. I have presented a potential way for inoperable stage 4, where none besides chemo for life existed, however long life maybe.
I have been amazed at the response to my therapy success, I clearly see how different I am in choosing my therapies. Many of my new friends have congratulated me on my wisdom, in choosing therapies that work, and for documenting my path so thoroughly. I put all that effort in when i only had a dream of success. I have a hand full of friends who really appreciate my story and i guess the message i feel it tells. I have many here I have upset, and I leave you guys alone now in peace to your own research.
I do wonder about reinventing the wheel, but thatseveryones own decision. my wheel is well documented.
I guess you call me "unkind" when i was trying to be "kind" , maybe i was too blunt, but anyway I made my points as clearly as I could, they have been washed away like "foot steps in the sand after high tide" , no one here will tell newbies, my story, my set of therapies. so they start on chemo, before trying immunotherapies, a huge mistake according to my research and experience. their survival alas is in their hands.
the sugar and heroin, well its still my opinion. look my kids still have more fanta than i like, i don't have any sugar or fruit ZERO, but thats because i have a serious cancer recurrence risk and I want to shut down the cancer cells energy source, and the growth promoter insulin, etcetc , etc. all this provided in the mskceo lecture that so few watched.
How do I warn people of what I have learned, I guess just my blog now, sorry but i cared enough to put my beliefs clearly on the table, and what did I learn. the mob behaviour, someone who voices a different opinion gets attacked from every conceivable angle, from spelling , to spending and everything in between.
my greatest consolation was that the science of what my life depends on was not even touched. Not one credible critic of the msk lectures, the ketogenic diet or mercola. I thank god for that. it clearly shows the level of debate in this forum. I guess if you cannot dent the argument, attack the speaker.
my folly was to try and get support here for my attempt at the ketogenic diet and maybe just maybe find someone else willing to do it with me. its lonely being a ketogenic colorectal. not one other colorectal ketogenic friend so far to share progress and failures with. just me on my own, thats fine, thats the way life is.
So time will tell, who was unkind. For the record, I am contrarian not for the sake of it, but that was the only way I could find a way to live. I was as conventional as most at the beginning except for juicing and weight loss and exercise, which started day 1 almost.
if the ultra low carb and or ketogenic diet is the gold standard for treatment in a few years, i wonder how my attackers will feel.
So I am gambling my life on my unique set of therapy choices, i have been lucky. some say, well I wish everyone the best luck. Maybe I have made my own luck, if I have I hope you can also be lucky with whatever your treatment is.
PS if you have any interest in the ketogenic diet or removab, dendritic cell vaccine or any of my alternative therapies send me a pm
PPS if i am attacked in public i feel I should defend myself, I would prefer not to be mentioned here again, unless someone has some positive and kind comments.
I really do take offense to " virtually every other cancer patient in the world " , and that I have been unkind to them. I can just as equally make that statement about all my attackers.
PPPS try and put yourself in my shoes, 12 month death sentence, then you get NED using the newest therapies and diet and lifestyle. I have suggested fellow patients at least research the therapies if they are interested. that so few were interested i found amazing! i still do. If I stop being attacked in public here, I will stop defending myself. Mind you even this entire thread is an attack in a way, i choose to ignore it until my name was mentioned.
I am sorry your husband is so ill. I have already apologised for the sheep comments.
I have shared how I am spending my life insurance payout, is that the excess wealth you are referring to ? regardless we are all entitled to pursue whatever therapies we believe in and share them here and I think also what we have learned. I only speak for myself, and suggest that if someone with a palliative diagnosis wants to consider "non conventional" therapies then that their right and they should be supported, not discouraged as often happens here for some reason. See "i love thomas thread"
"It is not the personal decisions that someone makes with their money or their treatments that I find disturbing ... it is the discussion of one's excess wealth that has seemed sometimes insensitive when many on this board are struggling not only with their cancer diagnosis and treatments ... but, with serious financial concerns. Also, there was the insinuation that those who would not sell the farm for alternative treatments were not seriously interested in their health or well-being."
I only advocate "selling the farm" for potentially effective uproven therapies in a palliative context, alas, that a majority of stage 4 colorectals.
You desire to keep the board a safe place needs to be balanced with promoting the best achievable health using appropriate therapies. whats disrespectful about telling my story and the chemo precludes immunotherapy ?
I will continue to try and promote effective therapies based on the latest science that are accessible that I have personal experience with. If someone seeks to dissaude patients from accessing life saving therapies, well then, I'm your guy. - Pete