So melanie is called princess everywhere , you should see her smile. Keith is given random gifts from strangers. theturks we have met have all been wonderful.
so we all learned heaps about gallipoli, given that mel is learning about war and history in school, this visit fits the kids education. I got a lovelly email from our dear friend helen seeing us on TV.
so we all learned heaps about gallipoli, given that mel is learning about war and history in school, this visit fits the kids education. I got a lovelly email from our dear friend helen seeing us on TV.
email to friends
Dear Lorraine, Helen, and friends,Its lovely to see you both and also to be well, and so far with gods grace and some hallwang magic all our health will continue.
Dear Helen,
Bob's rememberance sounds so fitting. Is can truly rest in peace. I am so glad i had the pleasure of getting to know you both.
The family arrived and enjoyed hallwang, duderstadt and legoland. now we are in turkey for anzac day, we got onto national tv today ( abc tv iview ) , as we laid a wreath for my father keith. I would not be dead for quids, but still have much to accomplish this life, but as far as days goes that one remembers in a life time well today fits the bill.
I feel such a strong debt to our forefathers, all these kids who died here at gallipoli. how to repay it ? well thats a something time will tell. but i suspect helping spread the word about holistic medicine and germany a good starting point.
Drop me a line if your going to hallwang anytime soon, i am heading back to sydney end of may for a month.
There are so many similarities between anzac and cancer, i will write about them soon. but now i have to sleep. tomorow is a big family day in the museums. istanbut is fantastic, we love it and it loves us.
I hope you all find enduring health.