Gcmaf conference ends, amazing hope, I can make it!
The kids and wife enjoyed it as much as I did. I met prof ruggerio, he is the real deal. I have more knowledge, faith and friends after the conference. More faith in the worlds best medicine a good...
View ArticleThe Anzac tradition continues, family enroute Gallipoli cove
It's a strange odessy for us all. My family and the Aussie family. We are the only family so far in 3 buses on tour, I am proud to be with so many young aussies, mine espesially. The fallen never saw...
View ArticleOn national TV Gallipoli Dawn Service, family loves Turkey and Turkey loves us!
So melanie is called princess everywhere , you should see her smile. Keith is given random gifts from strangers. theturks we have met have all been wonderful.so we all learned heaps about gallipoli,...
View Articlei am a turkish snipper, and excess wealth really ?
a wonderful dinner cruise with ellie tonight and a full day tour of istanbul tomorrow with family which is our last day. i want to get back hallwang and check the tktl1=480 and see how cancer markers...
View ArticleGoodbye Istanbul, Hello Hallwang and voice of America interview
Up 4am, flying home Germany for more cancer care. Ellie and I enjoying enjoyed a wonderful dinner at a waterfront restaurant with amazing prawns and fish with views of mosques, palaces and ferries and...
View ArticleReally proud and pleased with Voice of America Interview
My voice of America Interview, click here besides my interview, the three below are exceptional listening. I have discussed RGCC, and complementary therapies. I don't agree with all the opinions...
View ArticleInspiration is a hot potatoe!
So many kind friends, some new and some old say i am an inspiration. Well I hope that they realise that they inspire me just as much as I do them.Everyday I am meeting couragous cancer patients,...
View ArticleStranded in Paradise or the Families staying with me in Germany will Flight...
So I expected the family to leavea on the 10th of May, Ellie checked her tickets and oops, its says she was supposed to leave the 29th April. Now Japanese airlines worked out after charging me $750 in...
View ArticleGoodbye family, Hello CMIT
I did my tumour markers the other day, still waiting for the results. The families departure is getting my mind off them. I am living a very peaceful wonderful life. We are so close as a family, its...
View ArticlePushups barefoot park
My nerve damaged feet loved the 90 minutes walking over dirt, mud, freezing streams, stones, glass, wood chips. Even a day later my feet feel normal. Which is a small miracle.Everyone visiting hallwang...
View ArticlePreparing for CMIT and the super fast BMW and the Crystal Leopard
I got a good deal on an upgrade to a BMW, I like enterprise car rental. I flew home to hallwang while the family flew off to tokyo and then sydney. The kids and Ellie could not stop hugging and kissing...
View Articlemore CMIT study, chronic stress lowers 1 - 4 after stress sees highest cancer...
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0048306/Background: Anecdotal reports of tumour regression with histamine type 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) have lead to a series of trials with this class...
View ArticleFathers Day - Inspiration and Heart Break and Peace in the Black Forest
This girl can belly dance, we had front row seats on the River cruise of the "golden horn" in Istanbul I included it, as inspiration for fathers on fathers day. The german fathers today was last...
View Articlevit d again, sex, hormones and the immune system, still studying for CMIT,...
So I got the internet working in the apartment at last, I have posted about CIMT on CSN, colonclub and colonchat. It will be interesting to see how much interest.mercolavit d again, for Rona and Vera...
View Articleday one endeavor cimt
The real reason to have hope!!! Esssential reading for cancer patients. Immunotherapy first. thats my slogan. and the ketogenic diet second. These therapies are subject to change and medical...
View Articleday one science program cimt
Observations of a patient observer. Or maybe a doctor or maybe a PHD researcher.day one science program cimtNewthanksphil and everyone for reading.so my head hurts, a very intense and confronting day.I...
View ArticleCIMT I dream of delivering this speech of thanks to cimt 2013 - cimtpete
I dream of delivering this message to the attendees. Maybe the fact I wrote my speech after day 1, means I will be invited to deliver it before the end. We can dream of inspiration, we can dream of...
View Articleday 2 cimt 2013, its raining in Mainz, not rain but tears CEA 23 recurrence...
day two cimt 2013, its raining in Mainz, not rain but tearsNewits 7pm, i am sitting in the lounge before the social dinner crying pulling myself together. I am watching 500 scientists and doctors...
View ArticleRecurrence 2 strategy, Ted is a hero, personalisedtranslationaloncology is...
Shared in the colorectal universeJesus, thank you for another day and my life with this illness, please help me to help others and hopefully save a few lives including my own. Please look after Ren,...
View ArticleMore about my personalised translational oncology website
http://csn.cancer.org/node/259103#comment-1370913 the csn discussion from yesterday about translational medicine. stimulating public interest, i am so effective. 2 comments one on csn and one on...
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