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Really proud and pleased with Voice of America Interview


My  voice of America Interview, click here besides my interview, the three below are exceptional listening. I have discussed RGCC, and complementary therapies. I don't agree with all the opinions expressed. But they are really informative and educational and motivational and thought provoking.

  • 4/19/2013: Special Encore Presentation: Grace Gawler and Dr Ioannis Papasotiriou -Unlocking the mysteries of DNA in Cancer development and Treatment Listen Now
  • 4/12/2013: Navigating the Cancer Maze: Grace Gawler and Dr Ioannis Papasotiriou -Unlocking the mysteries of DNA in Cancer development and Treatment Listen Now
  • 4/5/2013: Special Encore Presentation: The role of Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care -Grace Gawler in conversation with MSKCC’s Dr Barrie Cassileth Listen Now
  • 3/29/2013: Navigating the Cancer Maze with Professor Thomas Vogl discussing innovative German treatmentsListen Now
  • 3/22/2013: Navigating the Cancer Maze: The role of Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care -Grace Gawler in conversation with MSKCC’s Dr Barrie Cassileth Listen Now
  • 3/15/2013: Navigating the Cancer Maze with stage 4 Lymphoma survivor and therapist Debby Franke OggListen Now
  • 3/8/2013: Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Cancer Maze: Why people Heal - Lessons learned from studies of Spontaneous RemissionsListen Now
  • 3/1/2013: Navigating the Prostate Cancer Maze: Facing the Tiger with Prof Suzanne Chambers Listen Now

My son is a key part of the motivational team that keeps me alive, he refuses to share his smarties "Dad its got sugar!" , So finding my way to beat metastatic inoperable colorectal cancer. Note his lego technix crane. We all visited legoland not far from Hallwang clinic. it was a great day. Days

I have been quiet tired, its possibly the travel, had a few good days rest and a few good nights sleep. Still no gym for a few weeks, but I know better than to exercise while not feeling well and the travelling was intense. I am due for an intense workout at the gym.

I finally got the o2 internet working in the apartment, hence this blog entry. I have listened to my voice of america interview a couple of times, I was really happy with the message that cane across and what I said. It was pretty much straight from the head, from the heart.

I am so grateful to Grace Gawler for helping me navigate the cancer maze and the then telling my story, I really want to help all my friends suffering for this challenging illness. A little hope goes along way. It starts with a smile and read my media release blog if you want the details. The hallwang medical report is the most concise summary.

Its good for my soul to tell my story, I also have another story to tell, and that of many other friends following in my path. they are faih and hope and true courage come to mind. I am praying for all my colorectal friends at hallwang in particular. today I have made a fresh batch of gcmaf that I will be giving to my friends at the clinic. as its not a medical product, just food I can provide it to my stage 4 friends with a hope and prayer. I wonder with anticipation how all my friends will go. Recovery from  inoperable stage 4 is a grand adventure, struggle is just to negative. sois challenge really. I subscribe to taking a very positive view of what life dishes up to us.

So many of my friends are on there own grand adventures. Now look noone would signup for this grand adventure conscously, but in some ways with our lifestyles in our toxic world we invite the challenge many of have. Remember i have lost my extra 60 kilgrams. Every extra kilogram or pound is asking for ill health, now the God or the universe generally gives us what we deserve or ask for. Not always of course, but in terms of cancer risk factors, so many I have met have met have had multiple risk factors and now we are fighting for our lives.

If you heard the voice of america radio program then I have included some of my blogs here that tell some of my story and my medical records and references below.

So we met with doctor Kopic yesterday, the kids bloods are fine, except vit d very low. they are starting on 400iu D2 daily and will retest in three months. My wifes mamogram and ultrasound were clear and the cysts are not dangerous, but are a warning. My health is still excellent, we are doing the
some markers and basic infusions today. And then we are off to baden baden.

So many friends with colorectal are at the clinic now, my influence, my public sharing is finally helping. this is my greatest achievement, beyond my own health at the moment. I am giving a few words of encouragement and lots of hugs and smiles.  I am also praying all of these patients, they are really brave, taking the path least trodden. They deserve success and healing beyond all the others. they are not sheep, they are lions. We need more lions if we are going to find a cure for colorectal cancer. No offense, whats wrong with a bit of competition between the researchers and the patients. After all us patients can do real time, real life human trials.

To be honest the patients have already won, we have found a curative path in Germany, where none existed before. Its ignored by conventional medicine. But when I have 1000 documented successes will they ignore us? I use I deliberately as the mix of german therapies and obsessive  So the real question is not if, but when will conventional listen ? We have to keep these therapies accessible to all, they cannot be exploited by big pharma, big goverment or big anything. Maybe big people, I like that phrase, the power of 10000000s of cancer patients wanting to live, and live well, better than the crumbs being offered us at present by our government.

Yes our government is accountable, but alas we are more accountable, as most of the healing has to come from within us. But government and doctors can step back, handback responsibilty to patients and encourage us, not impede our healing. Which is the status quo at present.

So another glorious day, I hope its a good one for us all. If its not , well, I would look at your attritude. I have many dead friends who would swap with you, if you cannot find something positive in the gift of life.

Sharing my success in the colorectal online world! I pray it continues.


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