Background: Anecdotal reports of tumour regression with histamine type 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) have lead to a series of trials with this class of drug as adjuvant therapy to try and improve outcomes in patients with resected colorectal cancers. There was a plausible scientific rationale suggesting merit in this strategy. This included improved immune surveillance (by way of increasing tumour infiltrating lymphocytes), inhibiting the direct proliferative effect of histamine as a growth factor for colorectal cancer and, in the case of cimetidine, inhibiting endothelial expression of E‐selectin (a cell adhesion molecule thought to be critical for metastatic spread).
endorphins tripled on ldn, happens between 2-4am.
t helper cells stayed high when on ldn. this is a really interesting blog, her transcript below aout ldn exceptional.
an interesting post, i have been away from csn for a while, but this is an interesting subject.
vit d and ms video, good explanation il10, il6+il17, cd4 cd25 treg and viral il10
the video mentioned raindrop therapy i hope to try this one day.
forsylvia, ask doctor kopic about this colibiogen, i am on it.
Background: Anecdotal reports of tumour regression with histamine type 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) have lead to a series of trials with this class of drug as adjuvant therapy to try and improve outcomes in patients with resected colorectal cancers. There was a plausible scientific rationale suggesting merit in this strategy. This included improved immune surveillance (by way of increasing tumour infiltrating lymphocytes), inhibiting the direct proliferative effect of histamine as a growth factor for colorectal cancer and, in the case of cimetidine, inhibiting endothelial expression of E‐selectin (a cell adhesion molecule thought to be critical for metastatic spread).
endorphins tripled on ldn, happens between 2-4am.
t helper cells stayed high when on ldn. this is a really interesting blog, her transcript below aout ldn exceptional.
Recent studies suggest that endorphins enhance the immune system, relieve pain, reduce stress, and retard the aging process. Scientists also have found that beta-endorphins can activate human NK (Natural Killer) cells and boost the immune system against diseases and kill cancer cells. The physiological result of the endorphin release mechanism is one of deep relaxation--respiration slows down, heart rate decreased, eyes dilate, blood is shunted from the extremities to the body's core--which improves digestion and venous flow to the internal organs. Lymphatic speeds up and this increased the excretion of waste and toxins from the body.
Besides behaving as a pain regulator, endorphins are also thought to be connected to physiological processes including euphoric feelings, appetite modulation, and the release of sex hormones. Endorphin research suggests that there is a link between emotions and a healthy immune system. So pleasant memories, exercise, sexual activity, laughter, and even pursuing dangerous activity are all ways we can increase our levels of endorphins and therefore help individuals benefit from their own natural chemicals.
During massage, large amounts of endorphins are released into the bloodstream. This explains the slightly groggy effect, lightheaded, sense of well-being. Famed Victorian physician Dr. Dowse, remarked in 1887: "The mind, which before massage is in a perturbed, restless, vacillating, and even despondent state, becomes calm, quiet, peaceful, and subdued after massage. In fact, the wearied and worried mind has been converted into a mind restful, placid, and refreshed. interesting post, i have been away from csn for a while, but this is an interesting subject.
vit d and ms video, good explanation il10, il6+il17, cd4 cd25 treg and viral il10
the video mentioned raindrop therapy i hope to try this one day.
forsylvia, ask doctor kopic about this colibiogen, i am on it.