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Fathers Day - Inspiration and Heart Break and Peace in the Black Forest

This girl can belly dance, we had front row seats on the River cruise of the "golden horn" in Istanbul I included it, as inspiration for fathers on fathers day. The german fathers today was last thursday and the aussie one is this September. Two in a year, what a bonus. Yes living joyfully is key to healing in my books.

So another clinc friend has passed from Colorectal, an older gentleman, I use the word gentleman  deliberately. He loved his beautiful wife, who for her part loved and cared for him. In her caring she livened up the clinic and gave joy to so many others. This wonderful older couple, the sausage king and queen of America, well they fought bravely together, side by side. I only met him once or twice, he was so sick in his room,  but his wife and I shared so many meals together in the dinning room. I think meal time was her time, for herself. May he rest in peace at last and may the sausage queen smile and cry and have solace in the knowledge that so many others were inspired by there journey. Her new journey is really only just beginning. If you see the movie Aunty Maime, well, Nancy is the real life version.

I got an email from Julian, an amazing father I met at the GCMAF conference, he and his wife has really given there all to help there son with autism. Its worked to a large extent. Its no co-incidence we met at the GCMAF conference a few weeks back. trying like hell with no guarantees, is a common thread. This dad is the father of the year if ever there was one. I am selfish, I have been blessed with my own health, Julian however has sacrificed so much for his son. When I think of autism, I think of GCMAF and hope. So many good successes. Everyone should try GCMAF. Parents blessed with healthy poorly behaved children should count there blessings, and look at there own example.

My son Keith has been challenging of late, when words fail, the eye contact works almost every time, then alas the smack if used infrequently. I am blessed to have healthy children, my cancer, well yes its my problem.

Cancer for me or autism for the kids. I am grateful for my life, I guess that includes the cancer, if any is left. I am also not obsessed with getting rid of the cancer, I am obsessed with living a life with meaning, of course being cancer free is a nice bonus, but I will leave that up to God.

My inspirational friend Ted is leaving, I  pray the Hallwang magic helps him, like its helped me. My other colorectal friend Ren is having a blood transfusion, ouch!, not sure on this, I will ask at CMIT about the pluss and minuses. Of course I trust Kopic clinical management in all things, but an enquiring mind is essential to survival.

Another day, thank you my God, please help all my friends fighting so bravely. and me as well.

The art of survival for me is trying to live well with style, but in a light and effortless kind of way with a good measure of joy. If you read this, be well, smile and thank god, its a wonderful life and I enjoy sharing what life I have.

If you don't have peace, well don't stop looking. I am sure its just around the corner. If you stop seeking true peace you might as well be dead! That will happen soon enough for us all. Another sentence, another breathe, thankyou my God.

Can we make our world a better place today and into the future. Of course we can! with a little help from our friends, ( I think the big fellow is listening )

I went for a sombre listening walk as a friend discussed her mothers serious health problems at the clinic, all I could do was listen and admire her courage. For a child to love a parent with such compassion is magnificent as it is tragic that soon they maybe parted. Again and again i see and hear if ony I got here sooner, if this , or if that. The decisions we make are life and death day by day.

Some people are coming to Hallwang through my story, this blog. The fact they get all the help humanly possible, is one thing. If they have to pass I hope it is peace for them and their loved ones. I am seeing this is not always easy. Its amazing what a walk in the black forest can do for healing a heavy heart.

At the time of our dearest ones passing, I suggest I want my loved ones to be at their most joyful, as I want to see smiles when I die, not tears. Life is for living and celebrating. Its strange but sometimes grief robs us of the last few moments of a loved ones existence. I guess its had to be present when your heart is breaking. Everywhere I look around the clinic I see the beauty of the human spirit confronting our mortality in all its different forms. Yes I still, have my rose coloured glasses on, I won't be taking them off anytime soon, i pray.

As mounty python says "always look on the bright side of life" this is so true especially when confronting death.

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