So I got the internet working in the apartment at last, I have posted about CIMT on CSN, colonclub and colonchat. It will be interesting to see how much interest.
mercolavit d again, for Rona and Vera many of my friends worry about recurrence, at least this science gives me peace of mind to know i am doing that can be done.
A great post on colonchat about fake medical studies. My comment a bit inflammatory.
I will try and get some answers at this conference ?
Immunotherapy first, chemo second.
The immunotherapy revolution has begun, but most most colorectals don't know or are to uneducated to challenge their oncologist. thats the way life is on the 13th may 2013.
I wish it were not so!
Colorectal cancer, the metastatic kind is a seriously terminal illness. I have seen two colorectal friends pass away in the last two days here. These therapies in germany can save your life, but you have to use them early in the illness, not at the last minute. so if you are interested in breakthrough german medicine, psot your questions here.
why patients take chances with conventional when it offers so little hope baffles me!
1. My questions gamma delta vs primed, vs unprimed and using rgccctc as the priming agent!
2. What level of tumour mass to start immunotherapies
3. Local avastin with chemo embolisation to down regulate treg
4. Ketogenic diet and immunotherapy strategies what level of ketones
5. Does high levels of Vit D stimulate Treg cells which is negative ? what is the optimum level, are the berlin tests an adequate guide to these therapies
6. Clearly seen benefits of metformin ? what sides
7. Clearly seen benefits of cimetidine ? what sides
8. The role of holistic therapies in immunotherapy success ? so far I aint met anyone with my result, so at present Holistic to me is essential
9. The role of GMCAF and DC therapies and removab
10. How much hyperthermia local vs full 39 or 43 oncothermia or other ? how often
if you want to understadn these questions, use google, read my blog, these are all therapies I am using.
at present I am NED! and I am doing my best to stay that way!
thats enough for now.
only zero carb, zero frutose green juices now, the sugar in carrot and beet kicks me out of ketosis.
i used to juice alot, ask me in three months what I think of the ketogenic diet
I know noone who has been cured by juicing, many of my holistic friends ( passed tried juicing )
yes it may help some a little, early on , I juiced 5 times a day, when I was a beginner at cancer!
measure your blood glucose before and after a juice with high frutcose content.
tumours like all forms of sugar.
it goes like this
raised glucose, raised insulin, raised igf1.
its the signal for the tumours to grow and spread per the doctors and scientists I trust at the moment. back on CSN for the conference, somes got to show the merits of breakthrough medicine. aspirin cimt
mercolavit d again, for Rona and Vera many of my friends worry about recurrence, at least this science gives me peace of mind to know i am doing that can be done.
A great post on colonchat about fake medical studies. My comment a bit inflammatory.
I will try and get some answers at this conference ?
Immunotherapy first, chemo second.
The immunotherapy revolution has begun, but most most colorectals don't know or are to uneducated to challenge their oncologist. thats the way life is on the 13th may 2013.
I wish it were not so!
Colorectal cancer, the metastatic kind is a seriously terminal illness. I have seen two colorectal friends pass away in the last two days here. These therapies in germany can save your life, but you have to use them early in the illness, not at the last minute. so if you are interested in breakthrough german medicine, psot your questions here.
why patients take chances with conventional when it offers so little hope baffles me!
1. My questions gamma delta vs primed, vs unprimed and using rgccctc as the priming agent!
2. What level of tumour mass to start immunotherapies
3. Local avastin with chemo embolisation to down regulate treg
4. Ketogenic diet and immunotherapy strategies what level of ketones
5. Does high levels of Vit D stimulate Treg cells which is negative ? what is the optimum level, are the berlin tests an adequate guide to these therapies
6. Clearly seen benefits of metformin ? what sides
7. Clearly seen benefits of cimetidine ? what sides
8. The role of holistic therapies in immunotherapy success ? so far I aint met anyone with my result, so at present Holistic to me is essential
9. The role of GMCAF and DC therapies and removab
10. How much hyperthermia local vs full 39 or 43 oncothermia or other ? how often
if you want to understadn these questions, use google, read my blog, these are all therapies I am using.
at present I am NED! and I am doing my best to stay that way!
thats enough for now.
only zero carb, zero frutose green juices now, the sugar in carrot and beet kicks me out of ketosis.
i used to juice alot, ask me in three months what I think of the ketogenic diet
I know noone who has been cured by juicing, many of my holistic friends ( passed tried juicing )
yes it may help some a little, early on , I juiced 5 times a day, when I was a beginner at cancer!
measure your blood glucose before and after a juice with high frutcose content.
tumours like all forms of sugar.
it goes like this
raised glucose, raised insulin, raised igf1.
its the signal for the tumours to grow and spread per the doctors and scientists I trust at the moment. back on CSN for the conference, somes got to show the merits of breakthrough medicine. aspirin cimt