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day one endeavor cimt

The real reason to have hope!!! Esssential reading for cancer patients. Immunotherapy first. thats my slogan. and the ketogenic diet second. These therapies are subject to change and medical advice.


After the conference I got massage, a manacure and pedicure, explored the city and had a healthy thai duck salad with no carbs. Its good to be alive.

day one endeavor cimt
its 12.44am, I just finished emailsfor people coming to germany, so here goes todays summary of this amazing conference.
I pushed my way in, gave the I'm cured speech, aint immunotherapy great, and have hooked up with conference organisers.
in principle they want patient groups to provide regulatory pressure interntionally. medical scientific innovstion is held back by red tape and GREED.
my success is still rare in this forum of 600 researchers and scientists . 
I clearly understand the breakthrough dont translate to drugs to help us, its more money than science and medicine is somehow not helping.
The science is compelling, i have so much hope, I could write a book on todays stuff alone. in summary germany and israel ( good for tony ) are the leaders due to government  startup funding initiativs and legal and uni cultures.
just my opinions, talked to researchers on GCMAF, COX2, PEG2, ADENOVIRUS, lipid membranes and simply europe best immunotherapists.
talked to fund managers and venture capitalists about raising funds, to invest in startups. what about stage4 investing in cancer biotech startups. I reckon thats a winner of an idea. if we got the money, well we cannot take it with us, why not invest it companies trying to defeat the illness that took you out. this could work, but its just an idea at this point.
No big studies, no big successes yet, but I just skimmed the 600 abstracts trying to workout what I will attend and focus my learning on.
Mainz is a beautiful city, these guys and girls are passionate about saving us, the conference is so organised.
I asked this amazing startup ceo and chief scientist to a colorectal TCTL antibody, she did not say no.
The big question I am asking is ?
Are all the life style interventions I have been going about really beneficial ? thats tomorrows question.
All the therapies I have used GCMAf, Newcastle virus disease, etcetc are being studies at universities around europe, it gives me faith. Besides my success, the therapies have solid scince behind them, alas no clinical trials. the reason 15 million funding needed for stage 2, they dont have the money and that from patentable technology. something like gcmaf, metformin, ldn, celebrex has none and buckleys of ever being trialed, well the odds are against it. 
Yes I will ask about ketogenic diet as well ?
These researchers are so specialised, they can tell you the shape of a protein, but they would not know tace from hipec. One immunotherapist was integued by my result with removab. she is the second doctor outside hallwang who even knows of it.
so, more tomorrow, its just my opinion, but one speaker said "the cure is 10 years away", so said sorry but I am cured, the cure is in the chair. the focus is generic cures, antibodies that are better than chemo. the focus is not personalised medicine like hallang from what I can gather.
read the abstracts, the program guide, just imagine 600 top researchers and scientists and venture capitalists, not so many doctors. this is cutting edge science.
again another top doctors comment stuck, "immunotherapy does not work with large tumour burdens". hello we already know that, but thats from the top. so if you wont to try immunotherapies, do what i have always said, try immunotherapies first and then if unsuccesfulchemo if you have access to it.
I have lost a few colorectal friends here in the last week, sometimes the magic does not happen in the black forest, its just black and sad. 
thanks for the kind comments. I hope this little report brings some hope, thats its main purpose.
ps got a question about the best GBM vaccine therapy to ask tomorrow
pps big warning about blood clot risk for cancer patinents in general and particularly when flying. this risk is increased if youron cox2 inhibitor like celebrex. which some here are on, check the contra indications with your doctor, especially any heart issues. the researcher was adamant about that.
PPPS its ok to shot the messenger, he is tougher than you think, I hope you enjoyed this all over the place summary.

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